ARCC Proposal Submission


IMPORTANT: The deadline for ARCC and Dee grants for the Spring 2025 semester is March 31, 2025. All proposals must include an IT specialist's signature, and IT requires that you submit your proposal to them no later than 3 weeks (by March 10, 2025) before the deadline.


Please Note:  All signatures must be obtained prior to the funding deadline.  This implies that your college's ARCC representative, your department chair, your dean (if applicable), and your college committee must all have time to consider the proposal.  In addition, all proposals will need an IT specialist signature, and it is required that you leave time - 3 weeks - before the deadline for that (March 11th for this semester).  It is important that the college committees establish internal deadlines that will give them time to rank their college's proposals.  You must also provide evidence supporting your requested budget in the form of quotes, pricing information, etc.  If you have any questions, please contact your college ARCC representative or the ARCC Chair.

Proposal Form:

How is your Grant scored?  . 

Please convert the proposal to PDF format before sending it to

Here is a tutorial video on how to fill and submit the ARCC proposal form.

For instructions on how to obtain and install Adobe Acrobat Pro, please refer to