ARCC Budget History (1986-2010)

Jacobson, Jacobs; January 9, 2000

The following table shows the money spent through ARCC allocations toward the implementation of the 91¶ÌÊÓƵ Academic Computing and Information Technology Plan over the last 12 years.

In thousands of dollars.

    Income Source
 Year  Expenditures  ARCC Budget  Student Fees  Other
 86-87  816  200  165  0
 87-88  165  200  235  0
 88-89  260  200  221  0
 89-90  65  140  0  0
 90-91  192  140  0  64
 91-92  334  140  0  150
 92-93  360  140  0  185
 93-94  250  140  55  56
 94-95-96*  385  270  85  30
 96-97  185  128  60  10
 97-98  312  128  103  80
 98-99  428  128  200  100
 99-00  342  128  204  10
 00-01  128  128  0  0
 01-02  128  128  0  0
 02-03  143  128  0  15
 03-04  143  128  0  15
 04-05  143  128  0  15
05-06 128 128 0 0
06-07 128 128 0 0
07-08 158 128 0 30
08-09 116 116           0 0
09-10 116 116 0 0
 Total  5426 2826  1328  730

*(2 years combined)

Base budget changes: A base of $200,000 was allocated in 1986. $60,000 was permanently allocated for student lab management. Institutional budget cuts have reduced the amount to the current $128,000

Irregular yearly expenditures: Initially, President's Council allowed the committee to borrow against future revenues, so the first year's expenditures greatly exceeded income. Actual costs tend to be lower than budgets, so ARCC has budget surpluses which are then allocated in subsequent years. Surpluses are variable. In 1989 the committee purposely put aside money for equipment replacement. This program was dropped the next year.

Other Income: outside money has come from institutional contingency allocations made by President's Council, matching funds provided through individual college budgets, Urgent Student Support funds, Higher Education Technology Initiative money in the last two years, and from other miscellaneous sources.  In 2002-2003, ARCC became responsible as the guardians of the Dee Family Technology Awards - the funds falling under "other".