Luke Fernandez


Dr. Luke Fernandez

Associate Professor in School of Computing

EH 374





Ph.D., Political Science, Cornell University

M.A., Political Science, Cornell University

B.A in Political Science, Amherst College

Current field of Study

I work at the intersection of computing, the social sciences, and the humanities. On the one hand this means that I develop digital tools that help humanists and social scientists teach more effectively. On the other hand it means that I use the framework of the humanities and the social sciences to shed light on the culture of computing and how computing, in turn, is shaping American culture.



  • Luke Fernandez and Susan J. Matt, 
    • Related Writing and Interviews: Washington Post Op-Eds "" and ""; Salon, ; Excerpts at , . Interviews at  , Internet History Podcast: ;  WICN Radio: 
    • Reviews: y, . The Psychologist .  Entrepreneur Magazine's 


IEEE International Symposium on Ethics in Science, Technology and Engineering 

Frontiers in Computer Science 


Sojourners Magazine: 


Los Angeles Review of Books Blog 


Lapham's Quarterly: 

"Before MOOCs: Colleges of the Air" Chronicle of Higher Education, April 23 2013, with Susan Matt

"Concentrating Class: Learning in the Age of Digital Distractions" Educause Review, Dec 10th, 2012, with Scott Rogers and Susan Matt

iPhones Each Day Keep the Instructor OK; Mobility and Place in American Academic Life, Academic Commons, June 2010

Apple's AcademiX 2009--the Closing and Opening Of University Minds, Academic Commons, April 2009

The Impact of the Open Source Portfolio on Learning and Assessment (with Daren Cambridge et al), Journal of Online Technology, December 2008

Moodle and Social Constructionism: Looking for the Individual in the Community, Academic Commons, July 2008

Frankenstein in the University, Campus Technology, May 2008

"An Antidote for the Faculty-IT Divide" Educause Quarterly, vol. 31, no. 1 (January–March 2008)

"I Upload Audio, Therefore I Teach" Chronicle Review, Chronicle of Higher Education, January 2007

"Are Collaboration and Learning Environments (CLEs) Tools or Countries?", Campus Technology, June 2007

"Code and Composition" Association for Computing Machinery's Ubiquity Magazine , Issue 19 (May 15, 2007 - May 21, 2007):

"Sleepwalking in the University: Combating Educational Somnambulism in the Information Age;" Educause Quarterly, Peer Review, Fall 2006

"The Technical is not Political (and other myths)" Chronicle Review, Chronicle of Higher Education, June 2005

"Change Management on Campus: Revolution and Counter-revolution" Educause Quarterly, Issue Number 3, 2005

"Coordinating a Distance Learning Software Rollout with the Needs and Visions of a Mature Test Organization; Political and Technical Lessons Learned." Online Assessment and Measurement, Volume II: Case studies from higher education, K-12 and Corporate, (Idea Group, Inc, 2005)

Personal Web Site