Governance and Organizational Structure of General Education

General Education is a University-wide responsibility, for which there are three bodies providing oversight.

  1. The Provost’s Office provides support generally, and specifically to the Director of General Education for managing the program, including the assessment of Gen Ed Learning Outcomes (GELOs).
  2. The Faculty Senate oversees and approves any changes to Area Learning Outcomes (ALOs) and GELOs. ALOs are University interpreted outcomes for the Core and Breadth areas that are outlined in Regent's Policy ( and ). Much of the oversight work is initially performed by the standing Faculty Senate committee, General Education Improvement and Assessment Committee (GEIAC). The Gen Ed Council, comprised of the Director of General Education, GEIAC Chair, Faculty Senate Executive Liaison to GEIAC, Academic Director of High School Dual Enrollment, Executive Director of OIE, and Associate Provost, meets regularly to ensure smooth coordination between the roles and responsibilities of the Director and GEIAC.
  3. Department faculty define the Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) of their Gen Ed course(s) and align them to ALOs and GELOs. Beyond Weber State, General Education is coordinated statewide via the Utah Board of Higher Education and the Board of Regents' Statewide General Education taskforce.