Non-Honors students with a 3.0 GPA are invited to email for an override to register for an Honors course.
A student may repeat a course number for up to 6 credits if the course name, course syllabus, and faculty/instructor teaching the course is different.
Fall 2019
Introduction to College Writing: Pride & Prejudice: White Nationalism and Hate Speech on College Campuses
College campuses have seen a rise in White Nationalist recruitment specifically targeted at college students on campus. What makes this environment a target? This class will take a close look at what drives White Nationalist groups, assess the threat, and attempt to address the questions of how colleges can combat these issues while maintaining academic freedom for professors and students.
11:30 - 12:20 PM MWF
Elizabeth Hall 219
Brandon Dominguez (English)
HNRS + ENG Credit
Introduction to Honors: Construction of Knowledge
HNRS 1110
This course examines how knowledge is produced, what it is used for, and what it means. Specifically, the course examines ways of knowing and questioning through science and literature. These ways sometimes correspond to each other and sometimes diverge. We will map the various intersections and differences to arrive at a greater understanding and appreciation for the ways that different disciplines construct knowledge.
9:00 - 10:15 AM TTH
Library 325
Christy Call (English)
Sue Harley (Botany)
HNRS + HU Credit
Perspectives in the Life Sciences: Tangled Banks and Tangled Trees: Exploring the History of Life
HNRS 1510
The first single-celled organisms evolved on Earth at least 3.5 billion years ago. From its remote and simple origins, life has proliferated into the dazzling and diverse array of the more than two million species with which we now share the planet. We will explore the pattern and process of life’s diversification and consider the surprising insights about the history of life that modern biology provides.
11:30 - 12:20 PM MWF
Library 325
John Mull (Zoology)
HNRS + LS Credit
Perspectives in the Creative Arts: Arts Bridge: Murals
HNRS 1530
ArtsBridge: Murals offers students an experiential learning opportunity to create and implement a service-learning project (mural)—designed through the lens of an art form—with community organizations.
4:30 - 7:10 PM W
91¶ÌÊÓƵ Community Education Center, 2605 Monroe Blvd. *OFF CAMPUS
Tamara Goldbogen (DOVAD & Education)
Erinne Roundy (Arts)
HNRS + CA Credit
Perspectives in the Humanities: Prescriptions for Empathy
HNRS 1540
The course uses literature about healthcare and medicine to talk about the importance of and definition for empathy in culture and personal relationships.
5:30 - 8:10 PM M
Elizabeth Hall 403
Sally Shigley (English)
HNRS + HU Credit
Exploring Key Concepts in the Disciplines: Physical Science Chemistry of Art
HNRS 2030
This course is a special investigation of the relationship between chemistry and visual art. Students will learn about different art media from a chemical perspective and a visual arts perspective. This discussion will build to a higher level of learning where students will investigate how chemistry and art approach a broader concept. Finally, students will explore how to represent the connections between chemistry and art in project-based “artifacts”, through visual, oral, and written forms of communication.
11:00 - 12:20 PM MW
Tracy Hall 366 & Kimbal Visual Arts 307
Dianna Huxhold (Visual Arts)
Brandon Burnett (Chemistry)
HNRS + PS Credit
Exploring Key Concepts in the Disciplines: Social Sciences Reshaping Humanity: The Fate of Intelligence, Feelings, and Autonomy in the Digital Age
HNRS 2050
Marshall McLuhan is reputed to have once observed: "We shape our tools and thereafter our tools shape us." In this course, we examine the fraught relationship humans have with technology -- specifically digital technology. How are we shaping digital media and in turn is it reshaping us? We will examine how this question has been answered by social scientists, fiction writers, and film-makers. Topics include the plausibility of technological determinism, autonomy, human limits, and the transformation of feelings and cognition.
10:30 - 11:45 AM TTH
Elizabeth Hall 221
Luke Fernandez (EAST)
HNRS + SS Credit
Making Sense of the News: Reading and Discussing the New York Times
HNRS 2920
This workshop provides an opportunity for students to gather and discuss the news as covered in two different news sources: the New York Times, currently available to all members of the 91¶ÌÊÓƵ community via a digital subscription (15 copies are delivered daily to the Honors Center during the week)
1:30 - 2:30 PM TH
Library 324
Sally Shigley (English)
Leah Murray (Political Science & Philosophy)
R.E.A.L Projects: Real Experiences Applied Learning
HNRS 2920
Real Experience Applied Learning Projects (R.E.A.L. Projects): Employers are looking more at experiential learning to determine the best candidates for today's jobs. "R.E.A.L. Projects" gives students real-world experience, working as part of an interdisciplinary team on a real project for an employer. The course will teach project management, communication, and leadership skills, helping to set you apart from other potential candidates in the job market.
12:30 - 3:10 PM T
Student Services Center 233
Robert Ameling (Internships)
Honors Colloquium: Diagnosing Disease: Perspectives from the Past and Present
HNRS 3900
The World Health Organization has the goal to improve equity in health, reduce health risks, promote healthy lifestyles and settings, and respond to the underlying determinants of health. Exploring historical and social science methodologies with modern medical diagnostic approaches will provide a chance to think critically about diseases including syphilis, smallpox, HIV, and modern nutritional diseases.
2:30 - 3:45 PM TTH
Library 325
Scott Moore (Medical Lab Sciences)
Matthew Romaniello (History)
Honors Colloquium: From Brain to Behavior and Everything in Between: Exploring Genetics and Criminal Offending
HNRS 3900
Biosocial criminology examines the biological basis of criminal behavior and the role of both environmental and biological influences on this behavior. There is mounting evidence that human behaviors are influenced by genetic factors, and this information should be considered when addressing criminal behaviors and treatment. This course will address areas within biosocial criminology, including: Behavior/Molecular Genetics, Criminal traits and neurological/physiological underpinnings (i.e. antisocial behavior, low IQ, low self-control, etc.), Genetic/Environment interplay, the polygraph and other physiological techniques used in the courtroom, Application of research (i.e. how Courts deal with biosocial research and culpability), Evolutionary psychology, and Environmental neurotoxins that affect behavior. The goal of this course is to educate the students on the current research of biosocial criminology, help the students develop their own perspectives on these issues, and to encourage students to apply their knowledge to their community.
10:30 - 11:20 AM MWF
Lindquist Hall 206
Molly Sween (Criminal Justice)
Todd Hillhouse (Psychology)
Leadership and Shared Influence
HNRS 4920
Leadership and Shared Influence Can shared influence make a leader more influential? Examine the levers leaders use to collaborate, create high-quality connections, and persuade others. Explore the research on emotion, empathy, identity, and compassion while taking a closer look at resilience, grit, motivation, and flow. Apply leadership theories to explain and predict crucible moments of world leaders while reflecting on and sharing your own struggles and triumphs. Learn to present anecdotal evidence with a purpose and deliver empirical evidence with a punch as you engage in classroom debates.
1:30 - 4:10 PM T
Wattis Building 111
Bryant Thompson (Business Administration)
The Literature of Mountaineering
HNRS 4920
The Literature of Mountaineering If adventure [exploration] has a final and all-embracing motive, it is surely this: we go out because it is our nature to go out, to climb mountains, and to paddle rivers, to fly to the planets and plunge into the depths of the oceans. . . . When man ceases to do these things, he is no longer a man. -- Wilfrid Noyce
According the great American psychologist, William James, humans are born with an innate desire to seek adventure. For much of human history this desire has been satiated by war and if not by war, by exploration with the express purpose of increasing national boundaries and land holdings, not to mention national treasuries. It was not until the mid-nineteenth century that humans came to exploration for aesthetic reasons. Modern mountaineering is a clear cut example of exploration for its own sake--its own reward. We will read and discuss a number of essays that deal with exploration as an aesthetic activity, yet we will also look at many adventures that were wholly nationalistic in nature and yet out of these, comes some of the most touching and well-written accounts of human endurance, sacrifice, and survival. It is the purpose of literature to stir the soul.
1:30 - 2:45 PM TTH
Elizabeth Hall 205
Mike Vause (English)
Soundtrack of the Revolution
HNRS 4920
Soundtrack of the Revolution will explore the role that music, across multiple genres, has played in shaping society and challenging establishments throughout history. Specifically, students will consider how music has been used as a platform to empower women, people of color, LGBT+ individuals, the working class, and others who have been marginalized or oppressed by political forces and governments around the world.
1:00 - 2:20 PM TTH
Library 325
Kathleen Cadman (Nursing)
Carey Campbell (Music)