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Honors Courses

If you receive a cohort error when registering for an Honors course, email honors@weber.edu for an override to register for an Honors course.
Please include the CRN and your W number.

A student may repeat a course number for up to 6 credits if the course name, course syllabus, and faculty/instructor teaching the course is different.

Email professors by clicking on their names

If you have any questions or concerns about registration or the course, please contact Mar Muster at marmuster@weber.edu

Spring 2021

Intermediate College Writing

HNRS ENGL 2010 Intermediate College Writing / LIBS 1704 Information Navigator

In the context of pursuing Honors-level researched argument writing, this course puts to use what might broadly be called "depth analysis," helping students conceive of and apply structures that complicate the smooth surface of reality and look to elucidate the (cultural, economic, political, etc.) machinations beneath. This course is specially designed to empower students to make meaningful, sophisticated arguments with an eye to ethical research and persuasive force.

10:30-11:20 AM MWF
Jason Barrett-Fox (English)

HNRS + ENG + LIBS Credit

Your Microbial You

HNRS 1510: Perspectives in Life Sciences

You have probably heard that the human body contains a vast diversity of microorganisms. Estimates suggest that a human adult carries between two and six pounds of microorganisms in and on their bodies. These organisms play a role in our development, health, and even our evolution as a species. However, the interactions between microorganisms and their human hosts are poorly understood. In this course, we will consider what is known, and unknown, about the human microbiome. We will ask questions like: Should I take a probiotic? How do antibiotics change my microbiome and what are the consequences? How might an understanding of the microbiome change human medicine in the future?

Virtual Hybrid
8:30-9:20 AM MWF
Michele Culumber (Microbiology)

HNRS + LS Credit

Introduction to Wicked Problems

HNRS 1520: Perspectives in the Social Sciences

This course will introduce students to knowledge and skills to address wicked problems. Wicked problems are societal problems that are difficult, if not impossible to solve because the problem is interconnected with other problems and transdisciplinary in nature. Various wicked problems will be discussed in the course. Wicked problems will be examined through sociocultural, economic, sustainability, and political frameworks and potential solutions will be addressed. Students will be guided through their own exploration of a Wicked Problem of their choice.

Face to Face
Lindquist Hall (LH) 202
9:30am-12:10pm W
Melina Alexander (Teacher Education)
with guest instructor Kathryn MacKay (History)

HNRS + SS Credit

Science Communication

HNRS 1540: Perspectives in Humanities

How do you know when the news about scientific topics including health and new discoveries is reliable? Can you trust the news to give you credible and unbiased information? Explore the process of becoming a more discerning consumer of scientific news. Learn the red flags of misinformation and disinformation such as bias and source credibility. Analyze the communication theories that impact audience reception. Translate complex scientific concepts for a general audience.

9:00-10:15am TTh
Nicola Corbin (Communication)
Maria Groves (Geography)

HNRS + HU Credit

The Meaning of Life

HNRS 2120(A) HU Great Ideas of the West/Modern Era

Ever wondered about the meaning of life? So have a lot of other people! Explore and examine with us the various answers that Western philosophers, thinkers, writers and historians have proffered to this timeless question since the Scientific Revolution right through today.

 9:00-10:15AM TTH
Marc Nelson
Katie Nelson (History)

HNRS + HU Credit

Islamic Renaissance

HNRS 2130(A) HU/DV Great Ideas of the East

The evolution and practice of the Islamic sciences, during the Islamic renaissance or Islamic Golden Ages, from origins until the fall of the Islamic civilization.

12:30-1:20PM MWF
Abdulnasser Kaadan (History)

HNRS + HU + DV Credit

Just Cancer?: The disease in cells and society

HNRS 2040 LS: Exploring Key Concepts in the Disciplines-Life Sciences

Over 600,000 Americans will die from Cancer this year. Its pervasiveness impacts everyone, causing some to term the disease, “the great equalizer.” But does the disease impact all Americans equally? Who bears the greatest cancer burden? Learn about cancer’s development, progression, and treatment, and consider how our society perpetuates inequities associated with this disease.

11:30AM- 12:20PM MWF
Lindquist Hall (LH) 206
Barb Trask (Zoology)
Carla Trentelman (Sociology)

 HNRS + LS Credit

Seminar on the Coronavirus

HNRS 2920: Short Courses, Workshops, Institutes, and Special Programs

What do we know about this virus? What have learned about treatments, how is it spread, why is a vaccine so important? Will this pandemic end? Will COVID-19 be gone forever? Will it come back?

1:30-2:20PM F
Matt Domek (Microbiology)

1 Credit

Narratives and Numbers

HNRS 3900: Honors Colloquium

The experience of living in the world today can feel strange. Everyone is at odds. Every issue is contentious. We routinely take classes to understand important concepts within our major, but how do we make sense of the world we live in? How do we make sense of Facebook posts and news stories? This class will not only bridge the academic world with the real world, but will integrate stories with statistics. The numbers show us trends and trajectories across time. The narratives humanize the data. When the two are integrated, our understanding of critical issues is broadened and deepened.  

Virtual Hybrid
12:00-1:15PM TTH
Christy Call (English)
Heather Chapman (Office of Institutional Effectiveness)

Stories and Histories of the Borderlands

HNRS 3900: Honors Colloquium (Eccles)

We will explore the borderlands through historical and literary lenses. We will study the history of the borderlands, the policies and practices that created our contemporary border, and the terms and concepts associated with the border. Alongside this historical study, we will read the literature of the borderlands--accounts of those who cross the border, those who live by the border, those who work on the border, and those whose lives are defined by the border. We will allow our understanding of borderlands to open up as we explore border spaces in Utah or elsewhere in the United States. We will ask questions about borders, what they are and what they are not, how they shape each and every one of us.  

1:30-2:45PM TTH
Courtney Craggett (English)
Jeff Richey (History)  

History of the Future

HNRS 4900 Honors Colloquium

Science fiction writers and futurists have predicted the future in many ways. When were they right? When were they wrong? Why were they right? Why were they wrong? Can we predict the future with any success?

12:00-1:15PM TTH
Eric Swedin (History)
Dave Ferro (EAST)


HNRS 4920 Honors Colloquium

Are you interested in podcasting? Do you want to produce a podcast? In this course you will explore the components of podcast production including: interviewing, story development, script writing, interview techniques, remote and digital audio recording, editing of sound, mixing and final production for streaming. Throughout the semester, students will produce a multiple episode 30-45 min podcast around the selected theme chosen for the semester.

FTF Hybrid
Library (LI) 76
10:30-11:45AM TTH
Andrea Baltazar (Communication)
with guest instructor Melina Alexander (Teacher Education)

Antiracism: An Exploration of American History, Systems, Culture

HNRS 4900 Honors Colloquium

Dismantling individual, societal, and systemic racism takes active antiracist understanding and actions. Explore our nation's history, systems, and culture through the lens of racism and antiracism, in order to better understand the context of the present, and find ways to work for a more equitable, just, and antiracist future.

Virtual Hybrid
4:30-5:45PM TTH
Kathleen Cadman (Nursing)

R.E.A.L Projects

HNRS 4920: Short Courses, Workshops, Institutes, and Special Program

Real Experience Applied Learning Projects (R.E.A.L. Projects): Employers are looking more at experiential learning to determine the best candidates for today's jobs. "R.E.A.L. Projects" gives students real-world experience, working as part of an interdisciplinary team on a real project for an employer. The course will teach project management, communication, and leadership skills, helping to set you apart from other potential candidates in the job market.

Virtual Hybrid
3:00-4:15PM TTH
(Career Services)
Katie Swainston (Career Services)