Chris Zarek
Development Partner, Cowboy Partners
Thursday, March 21, 2024 at 10:10 a.m. | The Journey to Low and Zero Emissions Housing in Utah: Perspectives from Industry Leaders
Chris Zarek is a development partner at Cowboy Partners in Salt Lake City, Utah. Throughout a multidisciplinary career, Chris has been involved in the design, development, planning and construction of a wide range of projects across three continents, including work in mixed-use, residential, retail, hospitality, healthcare, institutional, industrial, lab and R+D, and urban design sectors. Chris’ projects have included mixed-use, multifamily projects and neighborhoods encompassing a broad range of scale, type, location and service: from 50 to 500 dwellings, townhomes to high-rise, urban, suburban and rural, luxury to affordable and even permanent supportive housing. Many of Chris’ projects include some aspects of historic rehabilitation, urban infill, or open space placemaking. Chris received a B.A. in Archaeology, Anthropology and Sociology from Washington and Lee University in Virginia, a Master of Architecture degree at the University of Utah, as well as a Master of Business Administration from the University of Utah.