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Studying Applied Environmental Geosciences at Weber State

Weber State’s applied environmental geosciences major prepares students interested in the study of the Earth for careers in environmental science or applied geoscience.

Applied Environmental Geosciences Highlights

Weber State’s chapter of Sigma Gamma Epsilon, the national honor/pre-professional society for academically successful geosciences students, won a national service award in 2017.

Beyond the Classroom

As an applied environmental geosciences major, you can gain practical experience through internships. You can also qualify to conduct your own original research with financial backing from Weber State’s Office of Undergraduate Research.

Join Weber State’s Geology Club to meet your peers, network with professionals and spend fall break in Yellowstone.


Mike Fowles

Class of 2018

“Traveling to, exploring, investigating and learning about some of the most beautiful geological features throughout Utah and neighboring states is an added bonus to this program.”

What You’ll LEARN at Weber

Applied environmental geosciences graduates go on to entry-level positions in the broad areas of environmental sciences and applied geosciences. The growing need for environmental protection, sustainable resource development and responsible land management is projected to increase demand for geoscientists in the future.

You’ll also be prepared for graduate programs in geosciences and related fields.

What You CAN DO After Weber

You'll learn concepts and workforce skills related to the physical and biological aspects of planet Earth, such as:

  • Environmental protection
  • Natural hazards
  • Energy, mineral and water resources

If you have questions, contact a 91¶ÌÊÓƵ Career Advisor.

Faculty Perspective


We are entirely focused on undergraduate education, and we value and emphasize field experiences, undergraduate research and internships. Unlike many geoscience departments, we offer courses in geographic information systems (GIS), which develop workforce skills that are in high demand across many employment sectors.

Rick Ford