MORE Mentors

What does MORE stand for?

Mentors for Outreach and Retention in Education.


Who are the MORE Mentors?

MORE Mentors are experienced students trained by the university to support you as a student, specifically in the Moyes College of Education. 


What do MORE Mentors do?

MORE Mentors are dedicated to providing current and future college students with advice, motivation and connections to campus resources.
In addition to providing advice, MORE Mentors ask questions to help you determine your next steps and stay focused on your biggest goals and priorities.

What does mentoring look like?

  • Monthly 1-on-1 meetings (~30 minutes)
  • Flexible scheduling 
  • Small group meetings
  • Virtual or in-person



Upcoming Events

TBD Events

Contact Information

Swenson Building Room 404

Office Hours

Want a MORE Mentor?

Interested in becoming a MORE Mentor?