Electronics Engineering Technology

(PLEASE NOTE: ABET accreditation for this program will end on December 31st of 2024.  This program will no longer be accepting new students and will be terminated after existing students complete.  Please see this [notice].)

We are terminating the Electronic Engineering Technology A.A.S and B.S. programs.  We will endeavor to get you all through the program by offering classes you need or, potentially in some cases, options in lieu of those classes.  We will be accepting no new students into the program and tapering off course offerings as you move through the program in light of that. The number of students in this program has shrunk to the point where it is no longer possible to run effectively.  Additionally, industry advisors have indicated to us that other majors - manufacturing, electrical engineering, and computer science - as well as offerings at other schools - such as the Aviation program at Salt Lake Community College and the electrician programs at Davis Technical College and Ogden-Weber Technical College - fill the bill for their needs. Your academic advisor can help you navigate this change.  As I said, we will do our best to get you to completion.  If you can complete in the next three years (December 31, 2024) then you will have graduated from an ABET-accredited program.  After that, the program will fall out of accreditation.  Again, I’m sorry for this news but it is necessary for the current fiscal climate.  Please contact your College of Engineering, Applied Science & Technology advisor with any questions -- David Ferro, Dean.

