Contractor parking and sidewalk access permits

Policy ID Number: FM 501
As Of: 10/24/2011

This policy and procedure provides a means of controlling parking space usage, sidewalk access,
and key issuance to contractors performing work for 91¶ÌÊÓƵ (91¶ÌÊÓƵ) projects
managed by Facilities Management. When contractors require the use of parking areas for
University-related work, the University is deprived of parking spaces and thus, parking services
revenue. This policy and procedure will aid Facilities Management in controlling costs and
minimizing the impacts on parking as a result of work performed on campus by contractors.

Contractor: Contracted personnel or entities including but not limited to: construction companies,
consultants and vendors who work on University-related projects managed by Facilities

PPM 5-25e Solicitation of Bids, Proposals and the Award of Procurement Contracts
PPM 5-34a Vehicle Traffic on Campus Sidewalks
PPM 5-34 Vehicle Registration and Parking
PPM 5-44 Lock and Key Policy
PPM 5-46 Campus Walkway Safety

All persons using campus parking areas must display the appropriate permit or be subject to fines
and penalties. All parking passes issued to contractors working on University projects managed
by Facilities Management must be approved by a Facilities Management Project Manager or
Any contractor that requires access to buildings or other University areas will obtain and return
keys in accordance with PPM 5-44 Lock and Key Policy. 
A separate permit is required to traverse campus sidewalks with a motor vehicle and must be
obtained before access to campus sidewalks is allowed. Facilities Management will hereafter be
referred to as FM.

For the convenience of the contractor, parking passes will be issued from either the Parking
Services Office or the Facilities Management Business Office (FM Business Office). Contractors
must have authorization from their Facilities Management Project Manager (FM Project
Manager) to obtain passes from either location. If additional passes are required, the contractor
must work with their FM Project Manager to obtain them.

A. Inclusions in Solicitation and Contract Documents

1. Contractors will be notified by the FM Project Manager if key deposits and/or
purchase of parking passes are required for projects.
2. The contract documents will include information as to whether or not the contractor
will purchase their own parking passes.
3. Contractors will make provisions for paying key deposits at the FM Business Office
if keys are required for the project.
4. FM Project Managers will address any other issues concerning keys, parking or
access to sidewalks which may require special consideration.

B. Parking Permit and Key Applications

1. A “Contractor Access” packet is available on the 91¶ÌÊÓƵ Facilities
Management webpage or at the FM Business Office. The packet includes all the
forms required to request keys and parking passes from 91¶ÌÊÓƵ. The
“Contractor Access” packet consists of the following items:
Instruction Page
Key Request Form
Contractor’s Obligation Form (for keys)
Contractor Parking Permit Application Form
2. The “Contractor Access” packet is available to and required from all sub-contractors
who will be working on University-related projects managed by FM.
3. The contractors will complete the forms and obtain appropriate signatures.
4. All forms included in the “Contractor Access” packet will be completed and turned in
to the FM Business Office two (2) business days prior to the start of any project.
5. The completed Key Request Form and Contractor’s Obligation Form will be received
by the FM Business Office and forwarded to the Key shop.
6. The FM Business Office will receive the signed, completed Parking Permit
Application form and forward it to Parking Services. Parking Services will ensure the
“Contractor Parking Permit Application” form is completed with the following
a. The beginning date of the project
b. The completion date of the project
c. The location of the project
d. The name of the company who will perform the work
e. The FM Project Manager assigned to the project
f. The number of permits requested
g. The account number to bill for parking permits/spaces occupied, if it is being
funded by a 91¶ÌÊÓƵ department
7. Parking Services will receive the application and notify the FM Business Office in
writing, of approval (via email to or fax (801) 626-7488) to issue a
parking permit. The FM Business Office will issue the parking permit along with
keys after the key request has been filled. Key requests are normally filled within two
(2) working days.
8. The FM Business Office will notify contractors when keys and parking permits are
ready for pick-up.

C. Sidewalk Access
Unless sidewalks are closed to pedestrian traffic and marked as construction zones,
contractors or other entities must have a sidewalk permit to traverse campus sidewalks in
motor vehicles. The contractor will consult with the FM Project Manager to determine if
sidewalk access is required. If access is needed, the contractor must be made aware of PPM
5-46 Campus Walkway Safety. A summary of the Campus Walkway Safety policy and the
process for obtaining access to campus sidewalks are as follows:
1. A letter of authorization signed by the Associate Vice President for Facilities
Management and Campus Planning (or a director within Facilities Management if the
Associate Vice President is unavailable) is required to obtain a sidewalk permit and
bollard key. The bollard key can be obtained from the FM Business Office.
2. The sidewalk access permit will be obtained from the Parking Services Office.
3. Vehicles which are not emergency vehicles (e.g. fire, police, medical) or 91¶ÌÊÓƵ snow
removal vehicles must be clearly marked with their department or company name using
stickers, magnetic decals, paper signs etc. and must appropriately display the sidewalk
access permit.
4. No vehicles are allowed on the sidewalks from 6:45 AM to 1:30 PM, except for
emergency and snow removal vehicles.
5. Vehicles cannot block fire lanes, sidewalks or building entrances. FM Project Managers
or Parking Services will make drivers aware of the main fire lanes and corridors on
campus. A map will be included with the letter of authorization for a sidewalk access
6. Drivers will NOT drive or park on the grass or turf. They must remain on hard surfaces.
7. The speed limit on sidewalks is 5 MPH.
8. While on sidewalks, the vehicle will have hazard lights in operation. 
9. Any fines incurred from citations or violations to this policy will be the responsibility of
the driver or owner of the vehicle. FM will not be responsible for payment of citations.

To obtain a sidewalk access permit the contractor will complete the following process:
a. The contractor will obtain a letter of authorization and a bollard key from the
FM Business Office. The letter of authorization must be signed by the
Associate Vice President for Facilities Management and Campus Planning
(AVP) or a director within Facilities Management if the AVP is not available.
b. The contractor will take the letter of authorization to the Parking Services
Office (Annex 5) to obtain a sidewalk access permit.
c. The contractor will return the bollard key to the FM Business Office by 5:00
p.m. on the same day. The FM Business Office will maintain a log of who
checked out bollard keys.
All bollard keys will be accounted for and tracked by the FM Business Office to avoid
unauthorized access to University areas.
If a contractor requires use of a bollard key for access to University sidewalk areas, they
will fill out the “Bollard Key Request” form, pay a $100.00 deposit, consent to take full
responsibility for the key and be compliant with the University Walkway Policy. After
returning bollard keys to Facilities Management, the requesting entity will be refunded
the $100.00 deposit according to the process outlined in Section D of this document. If a
key is lost, stolen or damaged, the deposit will be forfeited and other fines and fees may

D. Issuing and Returning Contractor Passes and Keys

After the parking pass and key requests are submitted and the items requested are available at
the FM Business Office, the following will take place:
1. After the contractor has been notified that requests for keys and/or parking passes
have been filled, the contractor will visit the FM Business Office to pick up keys
and/or parking passes.
2. The parking pass will be issued with the correct expiration date and parking area
written on the pass. Extensions and any issuance of new parking passes must be
approved by the assigned FM Project Manager.
3. Key deposit(s) will be paid before key issuance.
4. The contractor will be made aware that the refund of key deposits will be in the form
of a check from the University Accounting Services office. After returning University
keys, a check request form will be sent from the FM Business Office to Accounting
Services. Accounting Services will process the request and mail the check to the 
contractor no sooner than two (2) business days after the check request was
5. Key paperwork will be approved before key issuance and the FM Business Office
will verify that approval signatures are in place. The contractor will sign for the
receipt of keys.
6. The contractor will be reminded of parking restrictions and key obligations (e.g. no
parking in campus service vehicle, reserved, emergency or handicapped stalls, lost
key fines/fees etc.).
7. The FM Business Office will issue the requested items.
8. After the completion of the project, contractor parking passes will expire and be
9. All keys will be returned to the FM Business Office.