Lost, Stolen & Unreturned Keys

If your keys are lost or stolen...

1. Complete the Lost and Stolen Key form.


Complete this  to get us all the information. This form will be routed to FM and campus police.

2. Keep looking for your key.


If you find your lost key, bring it back to us. Any fees incurred for lost/stolen keys will be refunded when your keys are returned.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why are there fees for lost keys?

When a key is lost or stolen, it presents a loss of security to the university’s key and access system that must be addressed. Lost key fees are collected to help offset the costs incurred in re-establishing the security and integrity of this system through a variety of measures, such as rekeying locks.

How much are the fees?

In the event of a lost, stolen or unreturned key, your key deposit is forfeited and a new, $25 deposit will be required if new or replacement keys are requested. Fees for each key lost vary, ranging from $25 to $500 depending on the type of key. See PPM 5-44 for specific details.

Do I have any other options?

If you feel that the circumstances regarding your loss of Facilities Management issued keys were due to circumstances beyond your control, you may appeal the fee amount to the Lost Key Committee for consideration. Complete this form to request an appeal.