Overtime Approval and Override for Events Worked by FM Employees

Procedure Number: P04
Issue Date: February 29, 2012
Last Revision Date: February 27, 2012

Overtime Approval and Override for Facilities Management

This document provides the circumstances under which Facilities Management employees will
receive compensation for working at University events.

PPM 3-4a On-call Status, Staff Personnel
PPM 3-2a Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)
PPM 3-3 Evaluations of Classified Staff Positions
FM Policy 102 Employee Stand-by and Call Back Operations
FM Procedure P05 Time Tracking Management Procedures for Facilities Management

Compensatory Time: Leave time given in lieu of overtime pay, awarded until 90 hours are
Computerized maintenance management system (CMMS): Database that Facilities Management
uses as a work management system.
Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA): A Federal act that allows for compensatory or overtime to be
awarded for time worked in excess of a 40-hour work week.
Leave Tracker: A database that 91¶ÌÊÓƵ uses as a time management system.
Non-exempt Employees: Classified and hourly employees 
Overtime: Any time worked that exceeds the hour allotment given to classified or hourly

Responsible Party:
Facilities Management personnel

Facilities Management will compensate non-exempt employees who may require the use of
overtime, according to Utah State law and University policy. Unless otherwise requested, any
time worked in excess of a 40-hour work week will be reported as compensatory time.
Any overtime requests will have written approval from the Associate Vice President for
Facilities & Campus Planning before any overtime work is done. Any emergency situations will
be reported to the Associate Vice President of Facilities & Campus Planning and also require
The following procedure will aid Facilities Management employees in appropriately reporting
compensatory time and overtime for the work week.

A. Reporting Compensatory Time and Overtime
1. All time worked will be entered weekly into the CMMS. CMMS entered time will be
attached to the appropriate work requests.
2. Time entered in the CMMS will feed into FLSA Time Worked and the employee will
verify their time.
3. Submit their time to FLSA Time Worked on a weekly basis.
4. Once the approval for an overtime request is received the employee may go ahead
with the work.
5. An employee will fill a 40 hour work week before compensatory time can be applied
or overtime can be requested.
6. Time is submitted daily in CMMS and submitted and approved weekly in FLSA
Time Worked. The manager/superintendent will review, approve and submit all
timecards by the 5th of each month.
7. Managers/superintendents will have the employees submit their time by midnight on
Fridays. If timecard submissions are late, the check issued the following Friday will
not reflect compensatory time or overtime pay.
8. Checks will also be delayed if the week is not submitted in FLSA Time Worked by
the employee and approved in FLSA Time Worked by the manager.

B. Requesting Overtime
1. The employee will request and receive approval for overtime before work is
2. The FM employee will submit an email request to their manager/superintendent to
work overtime for a specific occasion (e.g. sports event, University event or
3. The manager/superintendent will send the requestor’s email to the Associate Vice
President for Facilities and Campus Planning and the Director for Facilities Business
4. Associate Vice President for Facilities and Campus Planning will approve or decline
the request and reply to the supervisor.
5. The manager/superintendent will inform the employee of approval or denial of the
overtime request.
6. The employee will be subject to disciplinary action for inappropriately reported time.
7. Any exceptions will be requested from and reported to the employee’s supervisor and
the Associate Vice President for Facilities and Campus Planning and the Director of
Facilities Business Services.
8. Final approval of overtime or converting compensatory time to overtime will be done
by the Associate Vice President for Facilities and Campus Planning and the Director
of Facilities Business Services.