Syllabus Checklist for Quantitative Literacy Courses

This checklist will help instructors of 91¶ÌÊÓƵ General Education courses with Quantitative Literacy (QL) and QL/CC attributes to design a course syllabus that includes critical information about the General Education program.


Key Course Information

 Name of Course, with Gen Ed attributes specified (i.e., QL, QL & CC)
 Name of faculty member, meeting place and meeting time if F2F
 Contact info: office location, student hours, phone, email, faculty website link
 List of required texts   
 Provide the catalog course description
 Clearly outline the scope and focus of the class with course objectives
 Check with your department/program chair and the Center for Excellence in Teaching & Learning for additional information and policies to be included in your syllabus, including:

 Attendance policies
 Plagiarism, academic honesty, and AI policies
 ADA policies & statement
 Core beliefs statement
 Professionalism and Respect statement
 Inclusivity statement
 FERPA Rights
 Student Responsibilities
 Recording policies

Big Question and Signature Assignment:

 State the “Big Question” (BQ) of your Gen Ed course.
 Describe the Signature Assignment (SA) for your Gen Ed course. Examples can be found in the eWeber portal app titled, Signature Assignment samples.
Include and modify this language to inform students of the BQ and SA in your Gen Ed course.

This course is part of the 91¶ÌÊÓƵ General Education program. GE courses introduce students to academic disciplines through important “big questions” (BQ). At their core, “big questions” provide students the opportunity to integrate and apply their knowledge of the discipline to address a significant, personal, social, or professional issue. GE courses also introduce students to underlying foundational knowledge and intellectual tools that run through all academic areas and are part of the ongoing preparation to address real world problems.

All 91¶ÌÊÓƵ General Education courses have “signature assignments” (SA) that require you to integrate and apply course content to address a big question with, for instance, critical or creative thinking, problem solving, or analysis. Signature assignments 1) will address a specific audience, 2) will tackle personal, social, or a professional question or issue, and 3) will integrate and apply course content through the use of 4) intellectual tools. You are enrolled in the 91¶ÌÊÓƵ General Education course _______________ which is designed to tackle the following big question (BQ)____________________________ through the signature assignment (SA)____________________________. Please see ______ for more detailed information about the signature assignment for this course.

 Name your SA in the Canvas Gradebook as “Signature Assignment”

The words “Signature Assignment” must be in the assignment title - not merely in the description of the SA, or on the syllabus. The actual assignment title should be something like “Signature Assignment,” “Final Paper (Signature Assignment)” or “Signature Assignment: Final Paper”. The General Education program cannot assess courses unless the Signature Assignment is labelled as such in the Canvas assignment title.

Quantitative Literacy (QL) Area Learning Outcomes (LOs)

 List the five Quantitative Literacy Learning Outcomes (LOs):

Upon successful completion of the General Education Quantitative Literacy requirement, students will be able to:

  1. Communicate: Use correct terminology and proper notation to explain quantitative or mathematical relationships (equations, graphs, diagrams, tables, data) and to support an argument, assertion, or purpose using quantitative or mathematical evidence; 
  2. Mathematization: Convert quantitative or mathematical information into appropriae mathematical representations and/or models, such as equations, graphs, diagrams, or tables, including making and evaluating important assumptions as needed;
  3. Calculation: Use algebraic skills and techniques to solve problems, including the ability to identify and correct errors in calculations and understanding the role and proper use of technology in assisting with calculations;
  4. Analysis: Draw appropriate conclusions through quantitative or mathematical analysis of data or models, including understanding and evaluating important assumptions in order to recognize the limits of the analysis; and
  5. Application/Creation: Solve concrete and abstract problems across multiple disciplines.

 Write the relevant Quantitative Literacy (QL) LO(s) next to the aligned course assignment(s).

Cultural Competence (CC) Area Learning Outcomes (LOs)

 List the three CC Learning Outcomes (LOs):

Upon successful completion of the General Education Cultural Competence requirement, students will be able to

  1. Evaluate their own perspective as one among many
  2. Analyze the ways in which biases or values influence and/or have influenced the structures, policies, practices, norms, or perspectives often assumed to be neutral.
  3. Apply diverse perspectives to complex subjects in the face of multiple or conflicting positions, in accordance with their sense of personal and civic responsiblility.

 Write the relevant CC LO(s) next to the aligned course assignment(s).