Exercise & Sport Science


  • Mission Statement

    The ENS department mission statement found online (/ens/about.html): The Department of Exercise and Nutrition Sciences (ENS) supports and enhances the mission of the University through learning, access, and community partnerships in exercise and nutrition sciences. We provide effective instruction, exploratory research, and engaged service to prepare exercise, fitness, and nutrition professionals for the workforce and graduate studies and to promote optimal health, human performance, and overall well-being.

    The Exercise and Sport Science Program mission statement:  The mission of the Exercise and Sport Science Program is to prepare students with the knowledge, skills, and abilities to enhance human lives through physical activity.

    The Exercise and Sport Science major is a flexible and interdisciplinary program of studies within the Department of Exercise and Nutrition Sciences (ENS) in the Jerry and Vickie Moyes College of Education. The program integrates every discipline within the Department in preparing undergraduate students to develop, implement, and manage fitness, nutrition, leisure, and sports programs for diverse populations. We strive to inspire students to pursue the goals of providing activities that improve health-related quality of life and optimize the well-being of targeted populations. The changing landscape of health and health care in the 21st century will necessitate a new paradigm requiring Americans to seek knowledgeable professionals to empower them to actively improve their own health. The demand for well-trained individuals in the recreation, sport, and wellness industries continues to create employment opportunities for management careers in college and professional organizations, corporate wellness programs, fitness and sport clubs, resort and tourism agencies, a variety of municipal and outdoor service programs, sporting goods industry, and sport information outlets. In addition, fitness professionals offer expertise about translating the benefits of physical activity, nutrition, and recreational pursuits into effective policy solutions for both government and private sector. The ESS educational program provides students with knowledge and develops administrative skills in human performance, resource management, measurement and evaluation, as well as specific vocational preparation in fitness, nutrition, leisure, and sports careers.

This information is part of the cyclical program review process. Details such as mission statements, learning outcomes, etc., are updated as part of the biennial assessment reporting process, an integral component of program review.