Evaluation Team Visit and Schedule



  1. Program Review Evaluation Team should meet with the following individuals and/or groups:
    1. Dean
    2. Chair
    3. Faculty (contract and adjunct)
    4. Students
    5. Program Support (staff, librarian, advisor, career services, support department chairs, etc.)
    6. Community Liaisons (advisory groups)
  2. Program Review Evaluation Team should also tour the program facilities.

Sample Schedule



Opening Meeting with Dean, Chair and Faculty
Establish the tone for the visit
Introductions of the team members
Overview of schedule

8:30-9:00 Team meets with Dean
9:00-10:00 Team meets with Chair
10:00-10:30 Team tours facility
10:30-Noon Faculty Interviews
12:00-1:00 Lunch (team members with students and community members
1:00-2:00 Program Support (staff, librarian, advisor, career services, support department chairs, etc.
2:00-3:00 Faculty and Student interviews
3:00-4:30 Team work session
4:30-5:30 Closing Meeting (Team and Chair)
General findings
Report process/schedule