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Online Scams

Scams target people of all ages, income levels, cultures, and backgrounds. There is no one type of person that is more likely to be a victim of a scam than another. We are all vulnerable to a scam. Protect yourself by knowing what you are dealing with and be alert to scams. Do not open suspicious texts, pop-up windows, or emails. If you are unsure, don't click! Always, keep your personal details secure and review your privacy & security settings to ensure you are safe. Always reset passwords and choose them wisely. Keep all your mobile and computer device up to date and current with anti-malware and anti-virus protection. Be extremely cautious if anyone request your personal details or if they ask you for money. If you shop online, be careful and use reputable sites. Look for secure website information before handing over your credit card information.

More information on how you can protect yourself can be found at the FTC website. Visit the FTC website at:

10 Tips to Avoid Fraud

  1. Spot imposters.
  2. Do online searches.
  3. Don’t believe your caller ID.
  4. Don’t pay upfront for a promise.
  5. Consider how you pay.
  6. Talk to someone.
  7. Hang up on robocalls.
  8. Be skeptical about free trial offers.
  9. Don’t deposit a check and wire money back.
  10. Sign up for free scam alerts from the FTC at . Get the latest tips and advice about scams sent right to your personal inbox.

Each year, telemarketing scammers target millions of people with offers for credit, "free" prizes and more to get them to wire money or give up their account information. Know the warning signs of .