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Public Information Examples

Although there are no restrictions on disclosure to protect public data (because the data are provided for broad viewing access), sufficient protection must be applied to prevent unauthorized modification of such data.

The following are examples of information that is available to the public.

Employee Information

  • Name
  • Salary
  • Job titles
  • Job description
  • Work location
  • Work phone number
  • Honors and awards received
  • Payroll time sheets
  • University e-mail Address

Student Directory Information

The following information is public, unless the student has requested non-disclosure (suppress).

  • Name
  • Address
  • Telephone number
  • Dates of enrollment/attendance
  • Enrollment status (full/part time, not enrolled)
  • Major program of study
  • Academic awards and honors
  • Degree(s) received


  • Financial data on public sponsored projects
  • Course offerings
  • Invoices and purchase orders
  • Budgets