Visit the Planetarium 


To Make a Reservation:

Please send us an email at , and the assistant director will assist you in setting up a reservation. Include the size and age range of your group, what dates and times you are looking to visit, what topics you are interested in, and any accommodations you may need.

The Planetarium is not open for drop-in visits. Reservations are required. 

School Field Trips:

The planetarium is a university classroom and is closed to the public most of the time. You can visit during our free public events, but reservations are required for all other dates and times. Note that the Ott Planetarium is a volunteer organization, and we will reply to you as quickly as possible, but it may take a few days.

The planetarium is available for field trips. We can accommodate groups of up to 60 students for a cost of $60/hour for school visits. Please contact us with questions and reservation requests  to . 

For the Public:

The Planetarium is now open to the public, and sometimes we are open in connection with another event on campus, such as the Physics Open House, or Science Saturday. These are listed under the Calendar tab. We also offer private reservations for parties, corporate events, and meetings, including special requests for weekends. Please send an email to for more information.

The Public Observatory is now open! We offer private reservations for observing for parties, events, and meetings, including special requests for weekends. Be aware that this is OUTDOOR observing, and so it is sometimes necessary to cancel due to clouds or other weather.  During the winter, everyone in your group should have gloves, hats and coats! Please send an email to for more information.

We have star parties about once a month during fall and spring semester at the Observatory, with times TBD at Tracy Hall, and finishing up between 10:00 pm and 11:00 pm. Check the Calendar tab to find out the dates of upcoming star parties.  Please check out our to confirm start time and location in case of inclement weather. 

Scouting Programs at the Planetarium** 

The planetarium is working to re-certify our badge programs. Contact for specific information regarding this process. 



                      **Reservations are required for all Scouting programs.