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Dr. Daniel V. Schroeder


Ph.D. Stanford University
B.A. Carleton College


Contact Information

Email: dschroeder@weber.edu
Phone: 801-626-6048
Office Location: 
Tracy Hall Science Center (TY)
Room 322


Teaching Philosophy & Focus

I enjoy teaching physics courses at all levels, from Elementary Astronomy through Quantum Mechanics.

Courses Taught

ASTR 1040 - Elementary Astronomy
HNRS 1500 - Perspectives in the Physical Sciences
PHYS 2010 - College Physics I
PHYS 2210 — Physics for Scientists and Engineers I
PHYS 2220 - Physics for Scientists and Engineers II
PHYS 2300 - Scientific Computing for Physical Systems
PHYS 2710 - Introductory Modern Physics
PHYS 3180 - Thermal Physics
PHYS 3300 - Advanced Computational Physics
PHYS 3500 - Analytical Mechanics
PHYS 3510 - Electromagnetic Theory
PHYS 3540 - Mechanical and Electromagnetic Waves
PHYS 4610 - Quantum Mechanics

Research Areas of Interest

My background is in elementary particle physics and accelerator physics, but nowadays I am better known as a textbook author and for various editorial roles at the American Journal of Physics.

I have worked with undergraduate students on a variety of projects in quantum mechanics, thermal physics, relativity, and other areas of theoretical physics. Most of these projects have included computational work, and some have involved the creation of interactive web applications for public outreach.

Sites to Share

For more information, please visit .

Let's Connect!



Office hours

Monday - Thursday
8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Mailing address

Department of Physics
1415 Edvalson St., Dept. 2508
Ogden, UT 84408-2508

Building location

Tracy Hall Science Center (TY)
Room 302, Mail Code 2508