Bicycle Use on Campus


 No. 5-47    Rev.          Date: 03-15-11 



This policy is established to govern bicycle use on any campus of 91¶ÌÊÓƵ.  This policy updates and supercedes previous policy regarding bicycle use on campus, but does not amend any previous policy regarding any other vehicle use on campus, including skateboards, roller skates, scooters, or other motorized or non-motorized transportation devices. 



PPM 5-46, Campus Walkway Safety

PPM 5-34a, Vehicle Traffic on Campus Sidewalks

Utah State Code 41-6-106-10

Utah State Code 41-6a-215

Utah State Code 41-6a-1105

Utah State Code 41-6a-706.5



Bicycle:  a wheeled vehicle with two wheels and is moved by foot pedals.



  1. Bicycle use to and from any campus of 91¶ÌÊÓƵ is encouraged to relieve parking congestion, improve wellness and physical fitness, and reduce pollutant emissions
  2. Bicycle use in the interior of any campus is regulated and controlled to protect pedestrian safety.  The interior concrete walkways are primarily for pedestrian movement with bicycle access allowed as a secondary, subordinate use only where adequate safety can be maintained.  Pedestrian traffic always has the right of way over bicycle traffic.
  3. Designated bicycle routes are established on selected concrete walkways to allow cross campus bicycle traffic.  The designated bicycle routes are shown on campus maps and will be determined and appropriately marked and signed by Facilities Management.
  4. Unless bicyclists are riding in designated routes on concrete sidewalks, bicyclists are required to dismount and walk their bicycles.  Dismount zones will be appropriately marked.
  5. Bicycle parking areas are established at the perimeter of the academic core areas.  Bicycle parking will be limited in the interior of the academic core areas.  Bicyclists are encouraged to park bicycles when arriving on campus and then walk within the interior campus environs.
  6. Bicycles must be parked in established parking areas and cannot be parked or chained to other campus appurtenances such as lamp posts, signs, hand rails, etc.  Bicycles will be removed and detained by the police department if improperly parked.  A $25 administrative fee will be imposed to the owner of the bicycle.  If an impounded or detained bicycle is not claimed within 90 days, it will be sold at auction.
  7. Bicyclists are encouraged to use all asphalt paving and roadways.  When using roadways, bicyclists must adhere to all motor vehicle traffic regulations.  Bicyclists are subject to moving vehicle violations by campus police for infractions of motor vehicle traffic regulations.
  8. Bicycle use on grass, turf or other unpaved surfaces, except for established mountain bike trails, is prohibited.
  9. Bicycles should be registered at the Police Department or at Parking Services to aid in recovery if they are lost or stolen.  The University assumes no obligation or liability for lost or stolen bicycles.
  10. Bicyclists must comply with Utah State Law which requires that:  “a person operating a bicycle or any vehicle or device propelled by human power shall yield the right-of-way to any pedestrian and shall give audible signal before overtaking and passing a pedestrian.  A person may not operate a bicycle or any vehicle or device propelled by human power in a negligent manner so as to collide with any pedestrian or other person operating a bicycle or vehicle or device propelled by human power.”
  11. Bicyclists must not exceed a 10 miles per hour speed limit when operating on sidewalks or in parking lots.  Bicycle speed limits on streets and in parking lots are the same as for motor vehicles.