
Computers (desktop computers, notebook computers, integrated desktop computers, portable all-in-one computers, slates/tablets, small-scale servers, thin clients, and workstations), displays (monitors and signage displays), servers, data center and networking equipment, imaging equipment (copiers, digital duplicators, facsimile machines, multifunction devices, printers, mailing machines, and scanners), televisions, and mobile phones.

Preferable Criteria 

  •  Gold  (Green Electronics Council)

*Strive to purchase products that meet one or more of the "preferable criteria" as the "minimum criteria" are just a great starting point.

Minimum Criteria 

  •  Silver or Bronze  (Green Electronics Council)
  • Third-party certified to an ISO Type I ecolabel or sustainability standard for electronics not recognized as preferable
  •  or 
  • Refurbished by a supplier or facility that is third-party certified by , , , or local equivalent in countries where these certifications are not available
  • Extended producer responsibility (e.g., a closed-loop or product take-back program)

