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Meet the Team

Come see us in room 320 in the Stewart Library!



Name Title Phone
Alice Mulder Director, Associate Professor of Geography 801-626-6198 amulder@weber.edu
Bonnie Christiansen Sustainability Manager 801-626-6326 bchristiansen2@weber.edu
Sadie Braddock Sustainability Engagement Coordinator 801-626-6310 sadiebraddock@weber.edu
Kaylee Anderson Intermountain Sustainability Summit Coordinator - AmeriCorps Member 801-626-6310 kayleeanderson4@weber.edu 
Riley Shaw Student Sustainability Coordinator 801-626-6310 rileyshaw1@weber.edu
Isabelle Fraizer Campus Compact EnviroCorps 801-626-6310 isabellefrazier@weber.edu
Andrew Barry Campus Compact EnviroCorps 801-626-6310 andrewbarry@weber.edu
Diya Rajya Laxmi Shah Student Sustainability Communications Coordinator 801-626-6310 dshah1@weber.edu
Heather Root Sustainability Faculty in Residence  801-626-6175 heatherroot@weber.edu