Weber—The Contemporary West invites submissions in the genres of personal narrative, critical commentary, fiction, creative non-fiction, and poetry that offer insight into the environment and culture (both broadly defined) of the contemporary western United States. We particularly seek works that speak to the following themes: preservation of and access to wilderness, environmental cooperation; insight derived from living in the West; changing federal involvement in the region; women, minority populations and the West; implications of population growth; the contributions of individual scholars, artists, community leaders, and public intellectuals toward an enlarged understanding of the (both new and old) West. We look for good writing that engages human nature as well as natural environment.

Weber—The Contemporary West appears in simultaneous print and electronic editions.




  • Weber does not accept previously published work, but is willing to consider simultaneous submissions if they are identified as such.

  • Essay and fiction submissions should not exceed 4,000 words, and poets should submit a cluster of 3-5 poems for consideration. Research essays MUST be accompanied by a works cited/references page—will not be included in overall word count.

  • Standard response time is from 10-12 weeks. Manuscripts are read year-round. Sample copies are available for $10.

  • Weber's review board operates on blind submissions. Please submit one copy of your manuscript without contact information.





Please send all inquiries to:


Weber's review board operates on blind submissions. Please email your manuscript as an attachment without contact information. Please include the title and genre of the piece/pieces you are submitting within the body of your email.




Please send submissions to:


Weber—The Contemporary West


1395 Edvalson Street

Dept. 1405

Ogden, UT 84408-1405


Previously unpublished material only. Manuscripts submitted without a stamped, self-addressed envelope will be recycled without response. Indicate in your cover letter if you would like your manuscript returned—remember to include sufficient postage on your SASE as well. 



Thank you for your support and best wishes from Weber—The Contemporary West


Michael Wutz, Editor

Weber—The Contemporary West


1395 Edvalson Street

Dept. 1405

Ogden, UT 84408-1405