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120100 30000 610%Adm Srv Quality Supp 120100 35001 610%Pres Recruit/Inaugur 120100 10005 610-Assistant VP Support and Aux 120100 31500 610#AVP Financial Serv 120100 32000 610Provost 120100 20000 610$VP Student Services 120100 50000 610%Student Affairs Oper 120100 51001 610%Assoc VP Std Affairs 120100 51000 610$Ex Dir Student Life 120100 54000 610%St Affrs Prof Develo 120100 51002 610)Stdnt Serv VP Unallotted 120100 50001 610$Office of Sponsored 120100 20150 610!Washington Agent 120100 20153 610$University Accredit 120100 20102 610CIO Office 120100 60000 610CIO Unallotted 120100 60001 610$Accounting Services 120100 32100 610Internal Audit 120100 10400 610Audit Fees 120100 32030 610$Bank Service Charge 120100 32110 610%Budget/Inst Research 120100 32200 610#General Unallotted 120100 32001 610%GF Unallotted Reserv 120100 32002 610%Staff Benefits Unall 120100 32010 610!Early Retirement 120100 32011 610State Holdback 120100 32200 610%Capital Base Funding 120100 30009 610 One Time Salary 120100 32012 610%Pres Office Unallott 120100 10090 610%Univ Adv VP Sal Unal 120100 40001 610%VP Admin Srv Sal Una 120100 30001 610%Provost Cont Sal Una 120100 20001 610 Human Resources 120100 35000 610"Employee Wellness 120100 35002 610#Rewards Recognitio 120100 30002 610&Receptions and Events 120100 30007 610-Admin Services Special Proje 120100 30003 610"Staff Development 120100 35005 610#Affirmative Action 120100 10100 610%Institutional Member 120100 30004 610Public Safety 120100 36000 610#Envir Health Safet 120100 36100 610#Safety-Corrections 120100 36201 610Fire Marshall 120100 36600 610Fire Safety 120100 36601 610Self Insurance 120100 36205 610$Liability Insurance 120100 36202 610%Auxil Overhead Reimb 120100 32120 610Purchasing 120100 33000 610 Courier Service 120100 33001 610Mail Services 120100 31300 610"Telephone Service 120100 67000 610#Receiving Shipping 120100 33002 610Shuttle Bus 120100 36400 610%Vehicle Fleet Mngmnt 120100 33003 610$Services By Housing 120100 32130 610"Services By Union 120100 32140 610#Services By Police 120100 36500 610"Printing Services 120100 31400 610 Stores Services 120100 33004 610(VP University Relations 120100 40000 610$Univ Communications 120100 44000 610%Government Relations 120100 10700 610Commencement 120100 10010 610!News Information 120100 44001 610%Universty News/Vista 120100 44002 610Viewbook 120100 44003 610)AVP University Relations 120100 41000 610#Development Office 120100 41200 610!Research Support 120100 41201 610Alumni Admin 120100 41100 610$Database Management 120100 42001 610!Cultural Affairs 120100 22600 610 Web Development 120100 66000 610$Admin Comp Services 120100 62000 610!Comp Srv Charges 120100 60002 610%Integrated Adm Systm 120100 62001 610!Document Imaging 120100 62002 610%Systems/Network Mngt 120100 65000 610'Architectural Services 120100 31106 710'Campus Master Planning 120100 31103 710$Facilities Mgmt Dpt 120100 31100 710Carpenter Shop 120100 31107 710Electric Shop 120100 31111 710Locks and Keys 120100 31120 710Paint Shop 120100 31108 710Plumbing Shop 120100 31115 710FM HVAC/R 120100 31112 710Vehicle Repair 120100 31116 710"Custodial Service 120100 31109 710$Grounds Maintenance 120100 31113 710#FM Emergencies E G 120100 31102 710%Deferred Maintenance 120100 31105 710!Davis Center O M 120100 31118 710'Davis Campus-Custodial 120100 31119 710%Davis Campus Grounds 120100 31121 710#Electronic Service 120100 31110 710%President Home Maint 120100 31001 710#Property Insurance 120100 36203 710#Utilities-Fuel Pow 120100 32020 710 Utilities-Other 120100 31002 710Snow Removal 120100 31114 710FM Backhoes 120100 31101 710FM Vehicles 120100 31117 710&Bldg Automation Systm 120100 31003 710%Building Improvement 120100 31004 710%Capital Improvements 120100 31005 710%Contract Maintenance 120100 31104 710$ADA Facilities Cost 120100 31100 710%1st Tier Tuition Sch 120100 20213 810'CE Program Development 181010 28100 110'Cont Ed Administration 181010 28101 110"CE Marketing Team 181010 28102 110$BSAHS Outreach Prgm 181010 28103 110Travel Study 181010 28104 110!Special Programs 181010 28105 110$Travel Study Mexico 181010 28106 110'Travel St - MBA Mexico 181010 28107 110'Jack The Ripper Travel 181010 28108 110'Travel Study Civil War 181010 28109 110$Travel Study Abroad 181010 28110 110'Travel Stdy Costa Rica 181010 28111 110'International Programs 181010 28112 110%Travel Study Germany 181010 28113 110!Trvl Stdy-Taiwan 181010 28114 110"Trvl Stdy-England 181010 28115 110 Trvl Stdy-Spain 181010 28116 110$Travel Study France 181010 28117 110#Travel Stdy Brazil 181010 28118 110MBA France 181010 28119 110'Continuing Ed Programs 181010 28120 11091Ƶ Online 181010 28121 110%Professional Develop 181010 28122 110Alaska Nursing 181010 28123 110$Cont Ed Conferences 181010 28124 110%CE Teacher Inservice 181010 28125 110'Industrial Certificate 181010 28126 110"Independent Study 181010 28127 110%Radtech Prog Develop 181725 21600 110%Early Access Progams 181010 28129 110%Health Prof Outreach 181010 28130 110$Law Enforce Academy 181010 28131 110%Res Shar Health Prof 181509 21000 410(Res Shar Dental Hygiene 181501 21200 410(Res Shar Health Science 181502 21400 410-Res Shar Clinical Lab Scienc 181503 21100 410-Res Shar Respiratory Therapy 181591 21700 410(Res Shar CHP Concurrent 181504 21000 410-Res Shar Emergency Care Resc 181506 21300 410-Res Shar Health Admin Servic 181507 21500 410-Res Shar Radiologic Sciences 181508 21600 410!Res Shar Nursing 181505 21803 410"Res Shar Arts Hum 181510 22000 410&Res Shar Foreign Lang 181514 22400 410"Res Shar Business 181520 23000 410 Oracle Training 181430 23000 110'Res Shar IS T Prof Dev 181526 23200 410$Res Shar Coll Of Ed 181531 24000 410%Res Shar COE Develop 181532 24000 410-Res Shar COE Spec Fac Travel 181533 24000 410+Res Shar COE Prgm Accredit 181534 24000 110%Res Shar HPHP Health 181536 24300 410(Res Shar HPHP Nutrition 181537 24300 410!Res Shar Science 181550 25000 410 Res Shar Botany 181552 25100 410#Res Shar Chemistry 181553 25200 410%Res Shar Geosciences 181554 25300 410%Res Shar Mathematics 181555 25400 410< &Res Shar Microbiology 181556 25500 410!Res Shar Physics 181557 25600 410!Res Shar Zoology 181558 25700 410$Res Shar Pre Dental 181559 25000 410%Res Shar Soc Science 181560 26000 410*Res Shar Computer Science 181571 27200 410&Res Shar Auto Service 181572 27701 410 Res Sharing TBE 181573 27800 410'Res Shar Sales Service 181574 27700 410'Res Shar Manufacturing 181575 27500 410)Res Shar Tech Assist Ctr 181576 27004 410)Res Shar Tech Concurrent 181577 27000 110Res Shar PLTW 181578 27000 410)Res Shar Faculty Support 181600 20100 410-Res Shar University Relation 181700 40000 610 Health Sciences 181730 21400 110'CE Radiologic Sciences 181720 21600 110$Respiratory Therapy 181735 21700 410)Student Success Alliance 181950 24000 410#Overhead Pool Fund 130010 20150 610!RD Proposal Prtg 130100 20150 610(Office of Sponsored Prj 130200 20150 610#Health Professions 130300 21000 110#Business Econ Seed 130400 23000 110Education 130500 24000 110*Child Familly Enhancement 130600 24200 110Humanities 130700 22000 110#College of Science 130800 25000 110 terminated fy05 130801 25700 210%Social Sci Indirects 130900 26000 110Technology 131000 27000 110TAC Overhead 131100 27004 110 91Ƶ CE Overhead 131200 28000 110#Asian Studies-Over 131400 26004 110$Student Development 131500 51000 110%Asian Center Indrcts 131600 20100 110%Res/Academic Support 131700 20100 110 Zoology Project 131800 27000 110(Mathematics Specialists 131900 25400 110#Health Professions 180010 21000 110%School of Bus Discre 180020 23000 110%91Ƶ CE Discretionary 180030 28000 110"Wildcat Investors 180040 23000 110%College of Education 180050 24000 110%College of Arts/Humi 180060 22000 110%Natural Science Unrs 180070 25000 110%Chemistry Equip Repr 180080 25200 110Social Science 180090 26000 110$Coll Appld Sci/Tech 180100 27000 110%Communications-Discr 180110 22200 110%Mathematics-Discreti 180120 25400 110%Public Relat Academc 180130 20000 410"Teach Learn Forum 180140 20100 410"Fac Vital-Discret 180150 20000 410Staff Vitality 180160 20000 410%Academ Supp Equipmnt 180170 20000 410&Acad Supp Fac Develop 180180 20100 410SHRM 180190 23000 110(91Ƶ Davis Discretionary 180195 20301 610"Utah Construction 180200 29002 420Project 30 180210 20000 410Provost 180220 20000 410%Employee Recruitment 180230 20004 410,Vice President Student Serv 180240 50000 510'Institutional Research 180250 32300 510$Student Development 180260 51000 510$Regist Credit Cards 180270 32000 610)Bank Service Charge Disc 180290 32000 610#Financial Services 180300 32000 610)Purchasing Discretionary 180305 33000 610Recycling 180310 31100 610&Facilities Management 180315 31100 610,Special Events and Projects 180318 30000 610$Rewards Recognition 180320 30002 610%Admin Serv VP Discrt 180330 30000 610!Affirm Action/EO 180340 10100 610%Human Resources Disc 180350 35000 610*VP Athletic Discretionary 180360 30000 610 Quality Support 180370 35001 610Staff Awards 180380 35000 610%Employee Orientation 180390 35000 610!Wellness Program 180400 35002 610#Strategic Planning 180410 10003 610PC4U 180420 60000 610!Computer Funding 180430 31000 610Viewbook 180450 44003 610%Public Relations Dis 180460 44000 310%Develop Supplemental 180470 41200 610%Athletics Discretnry 180480 34000 510Safety-Fire 180490 36000 610$Public Safety Discr 180500 36000 610"Gift Support Fund 180510 32100 610Centennial 180520 41200 610%Univ Spons Membershp 180530 10000 610&Luncheons Receptions 180540 41200 610%Discret Reimbursmnts 180550 32100 610Legal Service 180570 10600 610!Washington Agent 180580 10000 610%Presidential Discret 180590 10000 610Diversity 180600 10300 610Faculty Awards 180610 20000 610'Mt Fuel Build Payments 180620 32100 710Housing Study 180630 50000 710%Hammer Throw Constrc 180640 31100 710!DEC Improvements 180650 31200 710%Sem/Quarter Adjustmn 180660 20211 810-Transfer Student Scholarship 180670 20215 810-Negotiated Tuition Reduction 180675 32100 610!Emergency Grants 180680 2023 91Ƶ1 810-Central Allocations Transfer 180999 32100 610&Stewart Continuing Ed 140010 28000 610%Univer Excellnc Fund 140200 32100 610!President's Fund 140300 10000 610"Admin Vice Presid 140400 30000 610$Institutional Image 140500 20000 610$Alumni Unrestricted 140600 41100 610%University Relations 140700 40000 610$Feller Jerry Mem Fd 140800 20211 610#91Ƶ Cap Camp Admin 140900 32100 610#Foundation Holding 141000 41000 610%T Bond 8 7/8% 081517 141200 32100 610%91Ƶ Foundation Stock 141300 32100 610&Endowment Invest Pool 148000 32100 610 Investment Pool 149000 32100 610#Paramedic Contract 118100 32100 110!Military Science 182020 26400 110Aerospace 182030 26003 110!Remedial Support 182033 20000 110%HAS Grad Certificate 182035 21500 110!English Remedial 182040 22302 110Remedial Math 182050 25403 110 Science Ed Inst 182060 25801 110#Institnl Royalties 182070 32100 610$Technology Transfer 182080 20150 610%Chem Teach Dev-Royal 182090 25200 410"Science Royalties 182100 25000 410$Math-Algebra Royalt 182110 25400 110FYE Royalties 182120 20222 410CTC Cranberry 182130 25007 110!Payroll Clearing 110002 32100 610&Browning Unrestricted 188610 40000 610%Medical Benefit Supp 188620 35000 610Workers Safety 188630 36000 610%Centennial Endowment 188650 20000 610"Staff Development 188660 35001 610"Employee Wellness 188670 35002 610AP Nursing OH 150050 21803 110)Dental Hygiene Clinic OH 150060 21200 110&CLS Distance Learning 150061 21100 110+Sterilizer Monitor Prog OH 150070 21100 110Authors Abroad 150080 22300 110*Band Instrumnet Rental OH 150090 22500 110"CHP 91Ƶ OH 150110 21004 510#Day Care Center OH 150120 24200 110CTC/Revenue 150130 25007 410'Emergency Care-DATC OH 150140 21000 410-Center for Science Education 150150 25801 110%Field Trip-Geography 150170 26200 110&Field Trip-Geoscience 150180 25300 110,Network Equipment Purchases 150175 65000 610%Planning Emphasis OH 150160 26200 110%Field Trip-Insurance 150190 36204 110"Field Trip-Botany 150200 25100 110$Zoology Field Trips 150220 25700 110Science Stores 150230 25200 110+Social Sciences Field Trip 150235 26000 110$Archaeology Program 150240 26800 110$Field Trip-Botany 2 150210 25100 110&Asian Studies-Fees OH 150250 26004 110'MBA Application Fee OH 150260 23006 110-Auto Service I OH - Inactive 150270 27700 110,Center Auto Science Tech OH 150280 27702 410(Auto Emission Center OH 150290 27701 410TAC Services 150300 27004 310"Cultural Programs 150330 22600 310'Preventive Dental Conf 150340 21200 310!SBDC Programs OH 150350 23008 310)Visual Arts Gift Shop OH 150360 22100 310(Tumbling Gymnastics OH 150370 24300 310*Fingerprinting Operations 150380 24000 310'Kokondo OH-Closed Acct 150390 24300 310$Swimming Lessons OH 150400 54106 310)Storytelling Festival OH 150420 24100 310,Education Technology Lab OH 150430 24100 410*Learning Support Services 150440 55003 410)Student Support Services 150441 55001 410(Books for TAPT Students 150450 24100 410 Challenge Exams 150460 20240 410'Nursing Testing Fee OH 150470 21006 110NUAHEC OH 150480 21400 310&Community Outreach OH 150510 24200 310 CDA Training OH 150500 24200 110$Costume Services OH 150520 22500 410$Scenery Services OH 150530 22500 410(Weber Studies Operating 150540 22800 410#HPEC Facilities OH 150550 24300 410,Human Performance Center OH 150560 24300 410%Nutrition Program OH 150570 24300 310$RM (Bioremediation) 150580 25500 410'Planetarium Shows OH-5 150590 25600 410CTC/CRDA-HAFB 150600 25007 310$Library Revenues OH 150610 29002 420)Automotive Tech Residual 150620 27701 310Comm 1050 UCAT 150650 22200 410CE Online Fees 150670 28132 110(National String Project 150680 22500 110 Xrd Maintenance 150690 25300 410%Videoconferencing OH 150700 63001 410-Digital Media Printing Mater 150705 22100 410-Confidential File Service OH 150710 53100 510Career Fair OH 150715 53100 510*Testing Center Revenue OH 150720 55< 010 510Art Services 150730 54210 510,Student Health Ins Admin OH 150740 51100 510(Fingerprint Services OH 150750 26100 510"Admission Catalog 150760 20211 510%Internet Services OH 150770 60000 510$Acct Admin Overhead 150010 32100 610-Budget Office Admin Overhead 150020 32200 610)Puchasing Admin Overhead 150030 33000 610*Acctg Serv Admin Overhead 150040 32100 610,Browning Center Services OH 150790 22700 610-Loan Collection Services OH- 150780 32402 610,Revenue Collection Services 150795 32400 610Tuition By Ten 150800 32401 610$Document Management 150820 62002 610P-Card Audit 150830 10400 610%Wildcard Office OH-5 150840 52101 610"Wildcard Fee OH-5 150841 52101 610#3D Design Lab-I OH 151000 22100 110-Rendering and Painting Class 151016 22500 110(Figure Drawing Lab-I OH 151010 22100 110#Art Methods Lab OH 151017 22100 110"Ceramics Lab-I OH 151020 22100 110)Metals Jewelry Lab-1 OH 151030 22100 110'Interior Design Lab OH 151037 27700 110"Digital Media Lab 150890 22100 110"Painting Lab-I OH 151050 22100 110)Photo Materials Lab-I OH 151060 22100 110%Printmaking Lab-I OH 151070 22100 110#Sculpture Lab-I OH 151080 22100 110'Survey Cinema Lab-I OH 151090 22700 110!Weaving Lab-I OH 151100 22100 110&Stage Combat Lab-I OH 151110 22500 110&Intro Music Tech-I OH 151120 22500 110*Costume Construction-I OH 151130 22500 110%Mask Design Lab-I OH 151140 22500 110'Music Lessons Fee-I OH 151150 22500 110&Stage Makeup Lab-I OH 151160 22500 110$Group Keyboard-I OH 151170 22500 110!Basic Piano-I OH 151180 22500 110'Zoology Lab Fee-I OH-5 151190 25700 110!Folk Guitar-I OH 151200 22500 110%Chemistry Lab-I OH-5 151210 25200 110-Criminal Justice Forensic La 150850 26100 110CMT Lab OH 150860 27300 110#Geology Lab-I OH-5 151220 25300 110)Pathophysiology Lab-I OH 151230 21400 110!IST Lab Fee-I OH 151240 23200 110*Inst Teach Materials-I OH 151250 24100 110,Math Sci Materials Lab-I OH 151260 24100 110$Special Ed Lab-I OH 151270 24100 110DMS Lab-I OH 151280 21600 110,Education Computer Lab-I OH 151290 24100 110(Microbiology Lab-I OH-5 151300 25500 110#Physics Lab-I OH-5 151310 25600 110$Psychology Lab-I OH 151320 26600 110"IST Comdex Lab OH 150870 23200 110*Student Teaching Lab-I OH 151330 24100 110*Human Lifestyle Mgmt-I OH 151340 24300 110*Skiing Snowboarding-I OH 151350 24300 110'TC Aero Neur Cnd-I OH 151360 24300 110$Recreation Lab-I OH 151370 24300 110"Pedagogy Fee-I OH 151380 24300 110!Fitness Lab-I OH 151390 24300 110!Archery Lab-I OH 151400 24300 110(Circ Dev Inst Lab-I OH 151410 24300 110 Wellness Lab OH 150880 24300 110'Elementary PE Lab-I OH 151420 24300 110'Exercise Phys Lab-I OH 151430 24300 110%Kinesiology Lab-I OH 151440 24300 110#Nutrition Lab-I OH 151450 24300 110+Health First Aid Lab-I OH 151460 24300 110(Motor Dev Ped Lab-I OH 151470 24300 110+Physio Human Perf Lab-I OH 151480 24300 110+Athletic Training Lab-I OH 151490 24300 110+Strength Training Lab-I OH 151500 24300 110%Gerontology Lab-I OH 151510 26700 110*Military Science Lab-I OH 151520 26400 110%Social Work Lab-I OH 151530 26700 110)Design Graphics Lab-I OH 151540 27500 110%Electronics Lab-I OH 151550 27400 110-Comp Science Network Lab-I O 151560 27200 110(Comp Science Lab A-I OH 151570 27200 110(Comp Science Lab B-I OH 151580 27200 110(Comp Science Lab C-I OH 151590 27200 110#MFET Shop Lab-I OH 151600 27500 110$Telecom Bus Ed-I OH 151610 27800 110'Computer Literacy-I OH 151620 27800 110)Biomed Med Sci Lab-I OH 151630 21400 110 Botany Lab OH-5 151640 25100 110&Clinical Lab Sup-I OH 151650 21100 110&Auto Service Lab-I OH 151660 27700 110+Dental Hygiene Clinic-I OH 151670 21200 110!Nursing Lab-I OH 151680 21800 110%General Art Lab-I OH 151057 22100 110"Rad Tech Lab-I OH 151690 21600 110(Computing Supp Reimb OH 150810 63501 610$3D Design Lab-II OH 151005 22100 110)Figure Drawing Lab-II OH 151015 22100 110#Ceramics Lab-II OH 151025 22100 110)Metals Jewelry Lab-II OH 151035 22100 110%Digital Media Lab OH 151040 22100 110#Painting Lab-II OH 151055 22100 110*Photo Materials Lab-II OH 151065 22100 110&Printmaking Lab-II OH 151075 22100 110$Sculpture Lab-II OH 151085 22100 110(Survey Cinema Lab-II OH 151095 22700 110"Weaving Lab-II OH 151105 22100 110'Stage Combat Lab-II OH 151115 22500 110'Intro Music Tech-II OH 151125 22500 110+Costume Construction-II OH 151135 22500 110&Mask Design Lab-II OH 151145 22500 110(Music Lessons Fee-II OH 151155 22500 110'Stage Makeup Lab-II OH 151165 22500 110%Group Keyboard-II OH 151175 22500 110"Basic Piano-II OH 151185 22500 110(Zoology Lab Fee-II OH-5 151195 25700 110"Folk Guitar-II OH 151205 22500 110&Chemistry Lab-II OH-5 151215 25200 110CMT Lab-II OH 150865 27300 110*Biomed Med Sci Lab-II OH 151635 21400 110'Clinical Lab Sup-II OH 151655 21100 110'Auto Service Lab-II OH 151665 27700 110,Dental Hygiene Clinic-II OH 151675 21200 110&Nursing Lab Fee-II OH 151685 21800 110&General Art Lab-II OH 151058 22100 110#Rad Tech Lab-II OH 151695 21600 110UMT 2003 150900 22900 310UMT 2004 150901 22900 310UMT 2005 150902 22900 310Sky Box Suites 150930 34000 510%Sky Box Facil Rental 150940 31201 610(Football Stadium Rental 150945 31200 610(FM Labor Reimbursements 150950 31102 710Key Deposits 150955 31100 710(Olympic Housing Reserve 150960 54000 610911 Event 150970 54000 510"Printing Services 171010 31400 971'Internal Lease Program 171010 31405 97191Ƶ Stores 172010 33004 971 Courier Service 172010 33001 971%Stores Freight Bills 172010 33005 971Motor Pool 173010 33003 971(Electronic System Maint 174010 31110 971"Police Reimb Acct 175010 36500 971"Police Operations 175010 36501 971!Parking Services 175010 36300 971$Parking Def Revenue 175010 36301 971$Shuttle Bus Support 175010 36400 971Public Safety 175010 36000 971Fire Marshall 175010 36600 971-Environmental Health Safety 175010 36100 971#Emergency Services 175010 36800 971 Lot Maintenance 176010 32008 971#Telecommunications 177010 67000 971!IT Division Misc 177010 67010 971"Dee Events Center 178010 31200 971%Dee Events Ctr Reimb 178010 31202 971"DEC Ticket Office 178010 31205 971#IDT Error Clearing 119901 32100 971%Advertising Clearing 119920 35000 971!Promo Expense-Pr 119930 44000 971!Promo Expense-Pr 119940 44000 971'Description / Reason for Funds Transfer'Athletic Telemarketing 315010 34017 901%Athletic Advertising 315010 34018 901-Women's Tennis Tournament Bi 315010 34019 901#Basketball Varsity 315010 34100 901"Home Game Exp-MBB 315010 34101 901!Football Varsity 315010 34200 901"Home Game Exp-MFB 315010 34201 901$Gridiron Club Sales 315010 34202 901Golf 315010 34300 901Tennis 315010 34400 901Track 315010 34500 901"Womens Basketball 315010 34600 901"Home Game Exp-WBB 315010 34601 901Womens Golf 315010 34700 901Womens Tennis 315010 34850 901Womens Track 315010 34900 901"Womens Volleyball 315010 34950 901"Home Game Exp-WVB 315010 34951 901Womens Soccer 315010 34800 901(Womens Soccer Home Game 315010 34801 901 Bookstore Admin 310010 32600 903%Bookstore-Text Sales 310010 32601 903'Bookstore-Genl Mrchdse 310010 32602 903#Bookstore-Clothing 310010 32603 903(Bookstore-Art Suppplies 310010 32604 903&Bookstore-Trade Books 310010 32605 903)Bookstore-Computer Sales 310010 32606 903General Gifts 310010 32607 903*Bookstore Mail-Web Orders 310010 32608 903'Davis Center Bookstore 310010 32609 903Housing Admin 311010 54300 904$Housing Maintenance 311010 54200 904)University Village Maint 311010 54201 904,Stansbury LaSal Maintenance 311010 54204 904(Stansbury LaSal Housing 311010 54302 904#University Village 311010 54301 904&Student Health Center 312010 51100 905!Student Pharmacy 312010 51103 905X-Ray Services 312010 51104 905)Union Building Operating 314010 52000 906&UB Information Center 314010 52020 906UB Custodial 314010 54202 906UB Maintenance 314010 54203 906Signature ApprovalBest Buddies 168155 52201 906!Bridging The Gap 16< 8160 52201 906'Christmas Tree Express 168165 52201 906(Davis Campus Volunteers 168170 52201 906Crystal Crest 168175 52201 906&Environmental Project 168180 52201 906Jump Start 168185 52201 906#Diversity Programs 168190 52201 906#MLK Day of Service 168195 52201 906ARO 168200 52201 906Done In A Day 168205 52201 906Cares 168210 52201 906Y.C.C. 168215 52201 906Circle K 168220 52201 906%Habitat For Humanity 168225 52201 906Winter Games 168230 52201 906%Dining Serv Cont Mng 313010 52100 909%Restricted Gift Hold 261105 32100 110%Buehler Bus Partners 282720 23000 110!Hurst Dean Carol 281120 22000 110"Mack D Wade Chair 281460 21000 110'Marriott Allied Health 281520 21000 110$Needham H M Honorum 281690 20100 110"Peery L J Nursing 281830 21803 110#Peery Fellowshp #1 281831 21803 110#Peery Fellowshp #2 281832 21803 110#Lampros Jack Betty 281290 22200 210%Sigma Theta Tau Nunu 282110 21803 210Child Wm H UMT 282740 22900 310$Grimm Delma Fac Fel 280940 23000 310AA Coordinator 282695 23100 410%Anthropology Program 280100 26800 410$Andrews Virginia Li 280090 29002 420$Alsup International 280040 25000 410 Arts Humanities 280110 22000 410%Browning Cultural Ar 282700 22000 410%Browning Applied Sci 282710 27000 410 Jf Brkr Bus Lib 280160 23000 410%Barker Jf Cash Award 280190 23000 410#Bell George L June 261005 29002 420'Beta Alpha Psi Adivsor 282696 23100 410!R L Br Auto Body 280240 27000 410%Celebrate Shakespear 280370 29002 4202 notified unless they initiate the funds transfer) area funds are being transferred out of#Lampros Jack Betty 281291 22200 410$Smith Dr Wm Awd Exc 282970 21500 410%Stewart Music Equip. 282261 22500 410"Swenson PE Majors 282310 24300 410#Lampros Jack Betty 281310 26000 410-Soc/Anthro Faculty Dev. Endo 281311 26800 410+Theatre Faculty Support Fd 282345 22500 410"Annie C Tanner Lc 282330 24200 410$Mckay Education End 281550 24000 410"Smith Dee Nursing 282960 21803 410%Nursing Faculty Deve 282950 21803 410%Utah Bic Art Collect 283060 41200 410Smith Fuller 282411 23009 410$International Schlr 282412 23300 410$Dee Smith Busi Fund 282410 23000 410Weber Studies 188680 22800 410 Wattis Business 283140 23000 410#UAAP Faculty Award 282400 20008 410%Wright Teacher Educa 282541 24100 410$Woodfield F English 282520 22300 410%Winnie Rasmussen Sup 282510 50000 410Smith Grijalva 282414 23009 410$Moyes College of Ed 281730 24000 410%Waterstradt Memorial 282470 29002 420%Visual Arts Technolo 282420 22100 410%Joseph Breeze Memorl 280320 34000 510$G D Eccles Athletic 282810 34000 510%Day Ben Women's Voll 280600 34950 510#Day Ben Rodeo Club 280610 54105 510#Farrell Wayne Golf 280770 34300 510$Stewart Elizabeth D 282250 34000 510"Mccarthy Memorial 281540 34100 510$Ogden Howard W Athl 281750 34000 510Brady Rodney H 280310 10000 610Larsen Ed Anna 281330 10000 610-Kimball Visual Arts Cntr End 282771 22000 710"Stewart Fndtn-DEC 282780 30000 710'Barker S M Scholarship 280005 21000 810Adams Kenneth 280010 22400 810'Westmoreland Schol End 280011 24000 810$Davidson Tom Sch Fd 280520 34000 810 Jefferson Davis 280510 27000 810$Favero Dan Scholars 282770 23100 810#Traditional Family 282390 20212 810$Dee Elizabeth Brown 280580 22100 810#Christensen Steven 280390 23000 810%Deseret News Publish 280590 22200 810!A Dixon Memorial 282790 20212 810%Dr Karen W Beaver Sc 280620 21803 810Durbano Bonnie 280630 55003 810$Eccles Joseph/Ellen 280650 22000 810$Ekins Ernest/Arvila 280670 23000 810!Egbert William R 280660 21803 810%Elmer Ericson Memorl 280680 22300 810$Fields Jerry L Awrd 280780 25400 810%Flamm J Std Pres Sch 280790 53000 810%Flamm J Inst Pres Sc 280800 41200 810$Davidson T N Ed Sch 280530 24000 810#Close Helping Hand 280420 20212 810"Jetta Barker Farr 280690 22500 810(DeBoer Pre Pharmacy Sch 280625 25000 810"Farrell M J Memrl 280750 34700 810%Galli Scholarship En 280830 25600 810"Gammell R M Music 280840 22500 810"Gallego Daniel T. 280890 26800 810$Ruth C Feller Schol 280860 24100 810$Gardner Phyllis Res 282830 20212 810)Blair Seth and Zella Sch 280286 24100 810$George Schol Income 282840 41100 810%Cache Valley Elec Sc 280871 27300 810Glenn Memorial 280870 20212 810#Davidson AST Schol 280535 27000 810$Gorin Igor Schlrshp 280920 22500 810"Green E Carl Thel 280900 24100 810 Green Val Edith 280910 23000 810D B Green 280930 20212 810,Gregory Pre Med Assist Fund 282495 25000 810 Larsen Darwin M 281320 34000 810#Latulippe Mark Mem 281360 24100 810$Lamb Wini Rily Schl 281280 20212 810Melba Lehner 282870 24200 810"Lee Idell/Mary Wr 281370 20212 810%Livingood Endw Schlr 281410 27000 810 Lowe John Nancy 281430 22300 810#Lampros Jack Betty 281292 22200 810#Lampros Jack Betty 281300 26300 810Luna Family 281440 20212 810$Maccarthy Olive Mof 281470 24100 810$91Ƶ Acctng Sch Fund 281533 23100 810&LeFevre L PCMT Sch Fd 281481 27300 810$Marquardt Bob Annet 281480 23000 810#Lindquist Creative 281391 22000 810%Jw Marriott Business 281530 23000 810%Moshier Ronald L Sch 280730 20212 810#Liftime Prod Schol 281380 55003 810$Martin Sarah Kendel 281500 20212 810#Morrin Dean Jane E 281660 23100 810#Morrin Dean Jane E 281650 20212 810#Douglas Macfarland 281590 22100 810$Mccune Athlet Schol 281560 34000 810$Mckell Schlr Botany 281600 25100 810#Mgmt Train Scholar 281490 23000 810#McBride Wm Scholar 281571 21300 810David O Mckay 282890 20212 810!William P Miller 282900 20212 810Louis Moench 282910 20212 810$Thomas D Dee Ii Sch 282350 20212 810G D Moesinger 281630 20212 810"Modling Marilyn E 281620 20212 810%Mower Alumni Scholar 281680 41100 810Leland Monson 281640 22200 810!Moser/Willardsen 281670 20212 810$Moyle Richard Belva 281740 25300 810$Motta Dick PE Schol 281701 24300 810%O'Neal Patti Memoria 281760 22500 810Thomas Neff 282920 25300 810#Owen Norris Eleano 281770 53700 810Packer Leon C 281800 23000 810$Motta Dick Men's BB 281700 34100 810%Norda Stuart Sch End 281888 23100 810%J B Parson Const Mgt 281811 27300 810#J B Parsons Athltc 281810 34200 810%Nowak Dr Betty Adams 281720 24100 810#Nelson Carol A Sch 281710 34000 810$Ott Michael P Memor 281780 25000 810$Nielsen Dance Schol 281726 22500 810Roland Parry 281880 22500 810%Jensen Deborah Ogden 281270 21000 810%Nowak Henry Chem Sch 281695 25200 810$Pell Jean L Mem Sch 281885 20212 810%Parson Family Schola 281820 27300 810$Peterson Ogden High 282930 20212 810)Peterson Ian Scholarship 281840 54100 810%Richard Richards Sch 282000 26500 810"Petty Russell Luc 281850 21200 810$Scott B. Birkinshaw 282060 20212 810"Phillips Howard J 281860 22000 810#Janette W Peterson 281930 20212 810%Phoenix Achvmnt Schl 281870 26950 810$Peterson Lorenzo E. 281940 27000 810$Powell/Larson Nurse 281890 21803 810 Powell Samuel C 281900 21803 810"Prout Lani Berlin 281960 22000 810Edson Preece 282940 34200 810$Richards/Reed Schlr 281990 22500 810#Raymond Beth Price 281950 20212 810$Rich Blanche Vis Ar 282010 22100 810Richards Afton 282040 54105 810$Read Dennis/Kristin 281970 22500 810#H H Ritchey Scienc 282020 25000 810$Serv Women Students 282980 53500 810$Shiramizu Elzie Nrs 282080 21803 810$Rawson Roger Alumni 281980 41100 810$Smart Earl W Memorl 282130 25700 810#Sant Michael W Mem 282050 23100 810 Carl Mary Smith 282140 24000 810$Smith Mona Piano Sc 282160 22500 810$Smith Dee Mem Schlr 282413 23000 810$Steuart Christy Jea 282230 23100 810!Stavrakakis Gina 282170 27000 810"Thompson Harold E 282360 20212 810"Thomas Nina Smith 282150 20212 810#Steed Harold/Grace 282190 23000 810$Stewart Don Athleti 282220 34000 810#Stevenson Merlon L 282200 25400 810"Stevenson Ruth B. 282210 22500 810#Stewart Eliza Shaw 282240 24000 810%Florence Steunenberg 282270 20212 810#Stewart Eliz Music 282260 22500 810$Shepard Matthew Sch 282090 53000 810!Swanson Non-Trad 282292 20212 810#Swanson-Early Coll 282291 20212 810$Swanson Auto Srv Te 282290 27701 810< Reed Swenson PE 282300 24300 810%Powell/Larson Health 281910 21400 810%Probst La Von Memori 281920 40000 810#Simkins Allen F Su 282100 23100 810 Stuart Marion W 282280 20212 810#Seshachari Scholar 282070 20212 810%Ruth Stewart Swenson 282320 21803 810$Saunders Velma Schl 283010 20212 810$Ulibarri John Schol 283040 20212 810%Skeen Joseph Petrina 282120 20212 810#Stackiokas Leon Fr 282180 25000 810$Van De Graaff Karen 282430 20212 810Lydia Tanner 282340 24200 810%91Ƶ Alumni Scholarsh 283120 41100 810!Thompson Henry M 282370 20212 810$Utah Telecomm Schlr 283050 27800 810Tolman David C 282380 25400 810'Tanner B N Scholarship 282335 20212 810Aaron Tracy 283000 20212 810"Wangsgard R P Bus 282460 23000 810%Presidential Scholar 283160 20212 810$Wright L E Business 282550 23000 810%Wright L E Education 282540 24100 810%Web Co Med Soc Nursg 282490 21803 810!Evelyn Yamaguchi 282560 21803 810%Vandehei William Ste 283070 20212 810#Wilcox Keith W Art 282500 22100 810$Wilcox Keith W Engn 282501 27500 810%Orson W Young Schola 283110 25700 810%Waterstradt Charlott 282480 21803 810!Dale Adele Young 282580 24100 810!Dale Adele Young 282570 21803 810$Ward Charles Marjor 282450 23000 810$Warner Dale Scholar 283080 24100 810%Willard Heed Scholar 283090 20212 810%Women's Studies Trad 282530 26950 810#Youngman Darin Lee 282600 20212 810%Young Dale Adele Sch 282591 21000 810"Williams Gwen Har 283100 22400 810%Weber/Utah Nurse Sch 283020 21803 810&Weber State Nurse Sch 283021 21803 810$Weber/Southern Utah 283022 21803 810%Thompson Paul Sch Fd 283030 20212 810#Davidson T N AH Sc 283031 22000 810(Petersen Children Schol 283032 20213 810(Birrer BPO Does Nursing 283033 21803 810%91Ƶ Endowed Schlrshp 283170 20212 810#Wilson Schol Endow 282502 20212 810Ski Club Award 282985 54100 810"Thompson Rell Sch 282375 22500 810-Nursing Faculty Endow Holdin 261015 21800 110$Barnes Gift Account 261020 40000 110%Beishline Comp Reser 261030 25000 110%Cache Valley Elec Sc 261040 27300 110$Bell George Scholar 261050 20212 110,Educ Teaching Schol Fund On 261051 24000 110%Lefevre L Pcmt Sc Fd 261060 27300 110%Norda Stuart Sch Enc 261065 23100 110)Volkswagen Log Fin Schol 261066 20000 110#Speth Tech On Hold 261067 27700 110,Walker Gift Account On Hold 261068 40000 110-Kadar Fellowship Endow On Ho 261069 26900 110&Accountancy Gift Hold 261062 23100 110-D C Alumni Fellowship On Hol 261063 26900 110!Stewart Projects 261070 10000 110$Thompson Rell Schol 261080 22500 110"Undergraduate Res 261090 20100 110!Wolthuis Bartelt 261100 41200 110$Development Holding 261110 41200 110Alumni Holding 261120 41200 110 Instruction GIK 261130 32100 110!Eccles Bus Chair 261140 23000 110#Eccles F1 R Alston 261150 23009 110!Eccles F3 R Mano 261160 23009 110#Eccles F4 C Nowell 261170 23009 110#Eccles F5 Valentin 261180 23009 110 Eccles F7 Mbaku 261190 23009 110%Chemical Tech-Gallag 261200 25200 110!Seager Spencer L 261210 25000 110!Burkhart Pope M. 262010 25600 210#Cntr For Chem Tech 262020 25007 210*Kanel Research Fellowship 262025 25007 210Deseret Labs 262030 25007 210)Goddard Research Support 262045 23000 210'Undergraduate Research 262031 20007 210Org Chem Fund 262034 25200 210'Dean Professor Support 262040 23000 210#Public Service GIK 263010 32100 310"NYSP Gift Account 263020 24300 310$Geoscience Outreach 263030 25300 310+Blanket Drive Gift Account 263035 53000 310$Community Serv-Gift 263040 52000 310%Browning Cultural Pg 263050 22600 310$Browning Lead Trust 263060 22000 310Kids Act Up 263070 22900 310!Literacy Project 263080 24200 310"MBA Sub for Santa 263085 23000 310"Nxlevel Gift Acct 263090 23009 310#Read Write Confrnc 263100 24100 310%Ukrain Supplies Fund 263110 21803 310!91Ƶ Science Fair 263120 25804 310$Ut Arts Cncl Visual 263130 22100 310%Utah Musical Theatre 263140 22900 310Video Respite 263150 21803 310%91Ƶ Cultural Affairs 263160 22600 310"Wildcat Sculpture 263170 41200 310"Academic Supp GIK 264001 20000 410"GIK Library Books 264006 29002 420$Academic Advisement 264011 20221 410AHEC Gift Fund 264012 21025 410%Academic Service Lrn 264016 20100 410&Automotive Technology 264021 27701 410!Anatomy Lab Gift 264026 25700 410%Afrcn Amer Stdnt Fnd 264031 53700 410%Archaeology Field Tr 264036 26800 410*Automotive Tech Golf Fund 264037 27701 410"Autoliv Tech Fund 264038 27500 410$91ƵSA Lib Donations 264041 29002 420$Beischline Computer 264046 25000 410#S Z Blair Memorial 264051 24100 410$Boeing Lab Equip Fd 264056 27500 410%Career Services Gift 264061 53100 410$Andra Carl Mem Fund 264066 29002 420%Barlow Haven J 91Ƶ-D 264071 40000 410*Bean Medical Journal Acct 264073 21400 410Botany Gift 264076 25100 410%Bransom/Bond Gft Fnd 264081 29002 420#E B Christian Prac 264086 24100 410%Browning Tech Assist 264091 27000 410(L3 Comm Education Award 264087 27000 410%Browning V Perf Arts 264096 22500 410!Ctr For Sci Math 264101 25801 410'Concrete Lab Gift Fund 264102 27300 410 Comp Sci Sys Lb 264106 27200 410%Business Administrat 264111 23400 410$Center for Religion 264115 23009 410%Conference Leadershi 264116 24300 410%Clinicl Lab Sci-Arup 264121 21100 410%Clinical Lab Science 264126 21100 410%Cell Biology Genetic 264131 25700 410!Clinical Lab Ihc 264136 21100 410!J J Cortz Fm Lct 264141 20125 410$Chemistry Dept Gift 264142 25200 410$Cook Planetarium Fd 264143 25600 410"Nye Alan Mem Fund 264144 25600 410&Criminal Justice Dept 264146 26100 410$Stewart Don B X-Cty 264151 34500 410"Critchlow Lecture 264156 26000 410 Croft Arboretum 264161 31100 410"D Crowley Mem Lib 264166 29002 420%Daimlerchrysler Gift 264171 27701 410'Construction Mgmt Tech 264176 27300 410'Dee Paramedic Outreach 264181 21300 410%Lt Dee Jt Dee Health 264186 21000 410Dental Hygiene 264191 21200 410%Dee Honors Lecture S 264196 20125 410"Delta Epsilon Chi 264201 27700 410%Davis Family Gift Ac 264206 23400 410"Davis Nursing Lab 264207 21000 410&Davis Campus Director 264211 20300 410%Barlow Haven DV Fund 264212 20300 410$Dee Family Fac Tech 264216 20000 410"Disabled Students 264221 53600 410$Kimber AH Gift Fund 264222 22000 410,Dumke Bus/Econ Wireless Lab 264226 23000 410&Equip Instrument Fund 264231 22000 410-Dumke Health Prof Elect Clas 264236 21000 410$Dumke K Elect Class 264241 21000 410#English Department 264246 22300 410%Eccles Visit Prof/Hn 264251 20125 410,Eccles Honors Faculty Fello 264252 20125 410%Eccles Visiting Prof 264256 23000 410$Eccles G D Visiting 264261 26000 410%Eccles Fndtn Ogn/Web 264266 29002 420#Comp Elect Eng Unr 264271 27400 410%Ethics in Journalism 264276 22200 410%Health Admin Gift Fd 264281 21500 410%First Scientific Fac 264286 25200 410!Ellis Lisa Award 264291 52200 410%First Year Experienc 264296 20222 410#Familys Alive 1997 264301 24200 410%Gaining Early Awaren 264306 50000 410%Goddard School of Bu 264311 23000 410#Family Educ Center 264316 24200 410$Lehner Melba S Chil 264321 24200 410+Friends of Stewart Library 264326 29002 420)Hemmingway Faculty Lunch 264331 41200 410"History Gift Fund 264336 26300 410%Multcltrl Std Us Wst 264341 53700 410%Multcltrl Std Hispan 264346 53700 410+Entrepreneurial Activities 264347 23009 410%Multcltrl Std Nat Am 264351 53700 410+History Faculty Book Award 264353 26300 410 1st Sc Lb Bk Fd 264356 29002 420$Jones Ed Music Gift 264361 22500 410)International Activities 264362 23009 410%IHC Online Dixie/Val 264366 21803 410%IHC Richfield Rn Pro 264371 21803 410%Music Dept Jazz Prog 264375 22500 410$Natural Hist Museum 264376 25802 410+Faculty Staff Mentor Award 264377 23000 410)Student Leadership Award 264378 23000 410HPERD 264381 24300 410+JS Hinckley Fac Fellowship 264386 20000 410Herbarium Gift 264391 25100 410%Information Strategy 264396 23200 410%Larson Fndtn Lib Fnd 264401 29002 420#Logistics Ops Gift 264406 23400 410$Master of Education 264411 24100 410'Lowe George/Beth Award 264416 20000 410< !Mathematics Gift 264421 25400 410%Mgmt Product / Mktng 264426 23000 410$Nat'l Undergrad Lit 264431 22300 410Major Leona 264436 29002 420$Morrin James Mem Lb 264441 29002 420Mecha Gift 264446 53700 410'Shaw Gallery Gift Fund 264448 22101 410#Estudiantes Unidos 264451 53700 410$Nursing IHC Gift Fd 264456 21803 410%Joe Pantone Memorial 264461 40000 410%Pre-Dental Gift Fund 264466 25500 410#PRSSA Gift Account 264468 22200 410%Science: Physics Dep 264471 25600 410%Political Sc Dept Fd 264476 26500 410$Seshachari Speakers 264481 22300 410"J Rich F Child Pl 264486 24200 410 Rodeo Gift Fund 264491 54105 410%Celebrate Shakespear 264496 29002 420%Chp Anniversary Fund 264501 21000 410$Coll Hlth Prof Fdtn 264506 21000 410$Quest Summer Bridge 264511 27000 410'Bus Econ Exec Lecture 264516 23000 410$Coll Bus Deans Fund 264521 23000 410$Gerontology Dept Fd 264526 26700 410#Grimm/Davis Fellow 264531 23009 410!Geosciences Fund 264536 25300 410$Geography Gift Fund 264541 26200 410%Iomega Student Compu 264546 20000 410%Col of Ed Deans Fund 264551 24000 410NASA Teacher 264556 25801 410$Sales Service Gift 264561 27700 410$Sales Service Tech 264566 27700 410$Coll Art/Human Dean 264571 22000 410#College of Science 264576 25000 410%College of Soc/B Sci 264581 26000 41091Ƶ Counseling 264586 53200 410%Storytelling-Library 264591 29002 420"Storytelling-Educ 264596 24100 410 Parson Cmt Fund 264601 27000 410+Yu-Jane Shi-Hwa Music Fund 264603 22500 410"Powell Foundation 264606 29002 420#Piano Prep Program 264611 22500 410$Shepherd Union Gift 264616 52100 410%Psych Outstanding St 264620 26600 410$Radiologic Sciences 264626 21600 410$Dee Smith Radiology 264631 21600 410&Dee Smith Family Life 264636 24200 410%Met Diversity Initia 264641 27000 410"Donor Scholarship 264646 53500 410(Opera Program Gift Fund 264647 22500 410)String Project Gift Fund 264650 22500 410'Music Department Piano 264651 22500 410$Social Work Dept Fd 264656 26700 410+Science Fund - Planetarium 264661 25601 410,Stewart Foundation Computer 264666 10000 410Stewart Trust 264671 29002 420%Student Affairs Gift 264676 50000 410-Stringer Research Fellowship 264677 25000 410&Library Director-Gift 264681 29002 420%University Communica 264686 44000 41091ƵFunds Transfer Account CodeAmount Hourly WagesBenefitsCurrent Expense ReimbursementTravelCapital Outlay ScholarshipsOverheadContract SalaryTo:From:DatePhone # Rule CodesWage Rated InstructionDocument Total = Budget or Accounting Office DatePlease Print Name Date Date BUD: Budget Instructions)* Anything involving salary account codes  FT01: JE CodeTotal$Clinical Lab Science 120100 21100110Dental Hygiene 120100 21200 110#Emergency Care Res 120100 21300 110 Health Sciences 120100 21400 110#Health Service Adm 120100 21500 110LPN Nursing 120100 21800 110&Baccalaureate Nursing 120100 21801 110,BSN Outreach Program-Closed 120100 21802 110Nursing 120100 21803 110(Uintah Nursing Outreach 120100 21804 110*Nursing State Coordinator 120100 21805 110%Nursing Adv Blanding 120100 21806 110&Nursing Payson Campus 120100 21807 110(Tooele Outreach Nursing 120100 21808 110%Nursing-Kanab/Pangui 120100 21812 110%Radiological Science 120100 21600 110$Respiratory Therapy 120100 21700 110%Nursing 91Ƶ-SUU Coop 120100 21809 110$91Ƶ Health Sciences 264906 21400 410%DCHP Undergrad Resch 264907 21000 410 91Ƶ Honors Dept 264911 20125 410%91Ƶ Int Design Chrys 264916 27700 410#91Ƶ Mfg Engin Tech 264921 27500 410!91Ƶ Microbiology 264926 25500 410$91Ƶ Med Record Tech 264931 21500 410%Friends Perform Arts 264936 22500 410'Nursing Dept Gift Fund 264937 21800 410%School Tech Deans Fd 264941 27000 410#Browning Tlc Match 264946 27000 410$Browning Technolgoy 264951 27000 410%91Ƶ Choral Gift Fund 264956 22500 41091Ƶ Singers 264961 22500 410*91Ƶ Technology Assistance 264966 27004 410%91Ƶ Theatr Gift Fund 264971 22500 410$91Ƶ Women's Studies 264976 26950 410!91Ƶ Zoology Dept 264981 25700 410#Weber Studies Gift 264986 22800 410!Wynn Claude Mar 264991 23000 410%Visual Communication 264996 22100 410Aises 265010 53700 510&WS Supreme Court Acct 265011 52010 510$Student Service GIK 265020 51000 510$ASID Club Gift Acct 265030 27700 510$Assoc of Regist Org 265040 52000 510Baseball Club 265050 54105 510$Cntr Exclnc Chmstry 262035 25007 210%Crystal Crest Awards 265070 52000 510$Delta Lambda Sappho 265080 26300 510+Diversity Center Gift Acct 265085 52201 510Residence Life 265090 54000 510#Student Affairs VP 265100 51000 510*Student Campaign Activity 265110 52201 510%Athletic Adminstratn 265120 34000 510(Athletics Dir Gift Acct 265121 34001 510*Athletics Dept Activities 265122 34000 510,Pi Sigma Alpha Gift Account 265125 26500 510HEDA Gift Fund 265130 51100 510-Lacrosse Club-Men Acct Close 265140 54105 510 Nursing 91Ƶ-USU 120100 21810 110'Health Prof Unallotted 120100 21001 110%HP Summer Instructor 120100 21003 110"Sevier Tech Match 120100 21814 110Art 120100 22100 110Communication 120100 22200 110English 120100 22300 110+English as Second Language 120100 22301 110!English Remedial 120100 22302 110!Foreign Language 120100 22400 110 Performing Arts 120100 22500 110&Unallotted Humanities 120100 22001 110(Arts Hum Summer Instrct 120100 22002 110!Match For 635207 120100 22108 110-Match for OMS Marketing & Ou 120100 22107 110!Match For 631322 120100 22105 110!Match For 631405 120100 22106 110!Match For 631406 120100 22109 510!Match For 631334 120100 22110 410!Match for 631408 120100 22111 510!Match For 631343 120100 22305 110!Match For 631335 120100 22801 410!Match for 631339 120100 22802 410!Match For 630360 120100 22402 410!Match for 630361 120100 22403 410ATT Match 120100 25405 110!Match For 636351 120100 22504 110!Match for 636353 120100 22505 410!Match For 631409 120100 22905 110!Match For 631407 120100 22906 510!Match for 635402 120100 22907 510%School - Accountancy 120100 23100 110"Info Systems Tech 120100 23200 110Economics 120100 23300 110(Business Administration 120100 23400 110$Unallotted Business 120100 23001 110&Bus Econ Summer Inst 120100 23007 110'Masters in Accountancy 120100 23104 110MBA Program 120100 23006 110 terminated fy05 120100 23405 110 terminated fy05 120100 23406 110,Match for 631260 (12/31/05) 120100 23010 310%Child Family Studies 120100 24200 110#WCC-Wms Tennis GIK 265510 34850 510"WCC-Wms Track GIK 265520 34900 510WCC-Wms VB GIK 265530 34950 510"Womens Basketball 265540 34600 510Womens Golf 265550 34700 510"91Ƶ Womens Tennis 265560 34850 510 91Ƶ Soccer Club 265570 54105 510"91Ƶ Womens Soccer 265580 34800 510Womens Track 265590 34900 510#Women's Volleyball 265600 34950 510%Invest Sales Reserve 266010 32400 610'Close Gary Health Prof 266020 21000 610Alumni Program 266030 41102 610"Welch Plaque Fund 266040 31000 610$Dee Events Ctr Gift 266050 31200 610!Diversity Confer 266060 10300 610Alumni General 266070 41100 610$Alumni Phone-A-Thon 266080 41102 610%91ƵAA Gen Membership 266081 41102 610%GIK Institutional Sp 266090 32100 610%Hemingway Foundation 266100 20000 610%Lindquist Symph Fund 266110 10000 610!MBA Alumni Assoc 266120 23000 610 Faculty Vitalty 266130 20000 610"Staff Development 266140 35001 610%Research/Prof Growth 266150 20000 610$Rulon Stanfield Mem 266160 41200 610%Student Alumni Assoc 266170 41102 610%University Relations 266180 40000 610$91ƵAA Gridiron Club 266190 34200 610#91ƵAA Lifetime Mem 283130 41102 610$91Ƶ Benevolent Fund 266200 35000 610%91Ƶ Changing Minds C 266210 40000 610$91Ƶ Excellence Fund 266220 41200 610%Pres Soc Exec Cmttee 266230 41200 610$Info Tech Gift Fund 266240 60000 610(Lampros Board Room Acct 267005 30000 710Plant Oper GIK 267010 32100 710%Alum Cntr Facil Gift 267020 41100 710HPHP 120100 24300 110"Teacher Education 12< 0100 24100 110%Unallotted Education 120100 24001 110&Coe Summer Instructor 120100 24003 110%Masters In Education 120100 24102 110!Match For 631332 120100 24205 110!Match For 631321 120100 24106 110!Match For 630309 120100 24303 110!Match For 630321 120100 24005 110!Match for 630317 120100 24006 410ETI Match 120100 24302 110&First Year Experience 120100 20222 110Honors Program 120100 20125 110BIS 120100 20115 110$Library Instruction 120100 29000 110#STIT Vocational Ed 120100 28005 110Davis Center 120100 20301 110!Match For 630402 120100 53405 110!Match For 630403 120100 53406 110!Match for 630404 120100 53407 510!Match for 631369 120100 29005 410'Grant Match Unallotted 120100 20155 110Botany 120100 25100 110Chemistry 120100 25200 110Geosciences 120100 25300 110Microbiology 120100 25500 110Physics 120100 25600 110Zoology 120100 25700 110Mathematics 120100 25400 110Math Remedial 120100 25403 110'Unallotted Nat Science 120100 25001 110*Science Summer Instructor 120100 25005 110!Match for 630103 120100 25302 210!Match For 633306 120100 25605 110-2003 Undergrad Research - Ma 120100 25702 210!Match for 630127 120100 25703 210!Match For 631318 120100 25406 110!Match For 631317 120100 25408 110!Criminal Justice 120100 26100 110"Geography Program 120100 26200 110History 120100 26300 110'Mil Sci Air For Equip. 120100 26400 110"Political Science 120100 26500 110Psychology 120100 26600 110'Sociology Anthropology 120100 26800 110Social Work 120100 26700 110#Soc Science Ed Ctr 120100 26900 110 Women's Studies 120100 26950 110Unallotted Soc 120100 26001 110(Alumni Band+C1253 Schol 268020 41100 810&Alvord Mem Schol Fund 268021 52015 810$America First Schlr 268025 20212 810#AST Gen Schol Fund 268027 27000 810(Applonie ED Deans Schol 268026 24000 810"Apics Scholarship 268030 20212 810#Assoc Food Bus Sch 268035 23000 810%Am 1st COB Econ Schl 268040 23000 810%App Sci/Tech Pacific 268045 27000 810%Am 1st History Schlr 268050 26300 810%Athletic Cent Schlrs 268055 34000 810%Bank One Leader Conf 268060 20212 810%Bradley Theresa Spir 268065 27700 810%Bamberger Mem Nursin 268070 20212 810%Barker Fam Char Trus 268075 20212 810%Bank 1 Multi-Cult Sc 268080 53700 810-Barnes Banking Co. Gen. Scho 268081 20212 810-Barnes Bank Co WC Achieve Sc 268082 20212 810$Berry Finance Schol 268083 23000 810!Bergeson Knowles 268085 24100 810-Barnes Bank Co Bus Fin Schol 268086 23000 810$Baxter C Scott-Chas 268090 23000 810-Barnes Banking Co. IS&T Scho 268091 23000 810"Behling G B Trust 268095 20212 810$Beischline Computer 268100 25000 810'Andrews Business Schol 268101 23000 810%Bell Kayden W -Amc S 268105 27700 810#Biology Comp Teach 268110 25801 810%Boeing Corp Schlrshp 268115 27500 810"Boyer Greg Debbie 268120 27700 810%Byers Jerri L Schola 268125 21600 810*Bridgestone Firestone Sch 268126 27701 810%Dale Browning Schola 268130 20212 810#Bruckner IST Schol 268131 23200 810&Butler MET Schol Fund 268132 27600 810%Bryce Cnyn Nat Hstry 268135 25000 810$B T E P Scholarship 268140 27000 810%Bus/Econ Pacific Cor 268145 23000 810!Child Fam St Sch 268150 24200 810'S Bs Summer Instructor 120100 26008 110+Master of Criminal Justice 120100 26006 110 01 Curlew Match 120100 26805 110!Match for 630126 120100 26806 110#Automotive Service 120100 27701 110-Mechanical Engineering Techn 120100 27600 110Telecom Bus Ed 120100 27800 110!Computer Science 120100 27200 110#Sales Service Tech 120100 27700 110Electronics 120100 27400 110MMET 120100 27500 110'Engineering Initiative 120100 27002 110-Computer Design Graphics Tec 120100 27100 110-Construction Management Tech 120100 27300 110 Unallotted Tech 120100 27001 110%Deq Ii Match Account 120100 27705 110'91Ƶ Cont Ed Unallotted 120100 28001 110#91Ƶ Cont Ed Off Ca 120100 28007 110CE Flow Thru 120100 28002 110$91Ƶ Online Programs 120100 28009 110$91Ƶ Cont Ed Crdt On 120100 28006 110$Unallotted-Instruct 120100 20002 110&Business Sum Research 120100 23002 210"Community Service 120100 28008 310$Tech Assistance Ctr 120100 27004 310$Econ Develop Center 120100 23008 310%Consumer Price Index 120100 23004 310Summer Theatre 120100 22900 310#Center-Sci Math Ed 120100 25801 310!History Alliance 120100 26901 310&Comm Econ Partnership 120100 10015 310!Match for 630258 120100 27706 310!Match for 630259 120100 27707 310Testing Center 120100 55010 410'Lrn Cntr Allied Health 120100 21006 410 Literacy Center 120100 55002 410%Learning Support Ctr 120100 55003 410&Editorial Scholarship 268311 22200 810$Elzey John M Memori 268315 22500 810%Eberle O Richard/Thi 268320 26300 810$Director's Athletic 268325 34000 810%Farr Jewelry Scholar 268330 23000 810 Esl Merit Award 268335 22300 810%English Dept Scholar 268340 22300 810%Faculty/Staff Capita 268345 20212 810"Farmers Insurance 268350 23000 810%Faculty Choice Theat 268355 22500 810"Brown Gregory Sch 268360 41100 810%Freston Alumni Schol 268361 41100 810#Florence Mem Schol 268362 34000 810%First Sec Foundation 268365 23000 810%First Year Experienc 268370 20222 810%First Scientific Res 268375 25200 810$Flying J Busness Sc 268380 23000 810#Focus Comm Scholar 268385 23000 810$Ford Motr Auto Tech 268390 27701 810#Foreign Lang Schol 268395 22400 810#French Merit Award 268400 22400 810$Spanish Merit Award 268401 22400 810$Foulger General Sch 268405 20212 810"Gardner Kem C. Ca 268410 27000 810"Wadman Schol Fund 268411 27300 810!Garn Kevin Tanya 268415 20212 810$Dayton Vl Geront Sc 268420 26700 810#German Merit Award 268425 22400 810Get-Away Today 268430 23000 810$Get-Away Today Golf 268435 34300 810$Glasman Sharlene B. 268440 24000 810,Wise Deans Excel Schol Fund 268441 24000 810&Golden West Cr Un Bus 268445 23000 810$Godfrey Merrill Eve 268450 20212 810#Goddard J Pres Sch 268455 23000 810#Harris Robert Elle 268460 27800 810#Greenwell Marjorie 268465 22500 810$Hamrick Yong Ok Lee 268470 25200 810$Hansen Dr Gerry Sch 268475 21800 810%Heed App Sci Tech Sc 268480 27000 810&Hobson Darlene BE Sch 268481 23000 810%Lifestyle Management 120100 24300 410$HPEC Equipment Repl 120100 24301 410%Browning Center Admn 120100 22700 410(Browning Cntr Operating 120100 22701 410%Computer Science Lab 120100 27201 410Science Museum 120100 25802 410Planetarium 120100 25601 410Science Shop 120100 25602 410"Field Trip Sup Ns 120100 25003 410Herbarium 120100 25101 410GIS Lab 120100 25301 410%Model United Nations 120100 26501 410"Asian Studies-Gen 120100 26004 410Dee Events Ctr 120100 31200 410"Dec Ticket Office 120100 31205 410#Sky Suite Facility 120100 31201 410#Library Operations 120100 29002 420%Library Inf Resource 120100 29003 420Public Service 120100 29004 420#Library Unallotted 120100 29001 420"Standard Software 120100 63503 410%Faculty Tech Support 120100 63502 410$Student Lab Support 120100 55004 410)Computing Support Office 120100 63501 410&CBE Comput Consultant 120100 23009 410-Student Field Trip Insurance 120100 36204 410#Admns Counslng-Chp 120100 21004 410#Nursing 91Ƶ 120100 21811 410%Technical Teach Educ 120100 24002 410Weber Magazine 120100 22800 410%English Support Fund 120100 22303 410'Undrgrd Lit Conference 120100 22304 410#Forensic Expansion 120100 22201 410 Foreign Studies 120100 22401 410%Performing Arts Extr 120100 22502 410"Gallery Operating 120100 22101 410KWCR 120100 22202 410Science Fair 120100 25804 410%Archaeology Tech Pro 120100 26801 410%Coast Aca Adv 636300 120100 27003 410*Dean of Health Profession 120100 21000 410&Projects-Dumke Health 120100 21002 410$Manufact Dean Schol 268645 27500 810!Moench Wilford B 268650 20212 810"Molzer August Mem 268655 22500 810&Moss Early Coll Schol 268659 28006 810#Moyes J V Business 268660 23000 810#Mountain Math Lang 268665 24100 810,Cannonball Jazz Scholarship 268670 22500 810"Moyes J V General 268675 20212 810%Myers Mortuary Schol 268680 26800 810 Naylor Dr David 268< 685 21200 810$Nelson Richard/Alai 268690 23000 810$Neilson Marc R. Mem 268695 23000 810#Neutraceutical Sch 268700 25500 810%New Beginnings Acade 268705 53500 810$Nilson W Schol Fund 268710 25000 810+Nilson English Scholarship 268713 22300 810%Non-Trad Bus Wmn Fnd 268715 23100 810%Non-Trad Women Schol 268718 53500 810"North Utah Rotary 268720 20212 810%Nowak Henry Chem Sch 268725 25200 810%Parker Hannifin Manu 268730 27500 810#Peterson C Scholar 268735 20212 810#Ogden Police Schol 268736 26100 810$Oliver Daily Schola 268740 20100 810"Rolling L Cedrick 268745 25500 810#Plowgian Ben Helen 268750 22500 810!Pratt William R. 268755 22500 810#Phillips L H Schol 268760 21800 810"Presser Found Sch 268765 22500 810#Preece Fay Mem Sch 268768 21800 810 Questar-Physics 268770 25600 810%Questar-Geosci Schol 268775 25300 810,Rolling Cedric Catherine BB 268778 34000 810&R O Construction Alu 268780 41100 810!Match for 631370 120100 21027 410$NLNAC Accreditation 120100 21813 410#Dean of Arts Human 120100 22000 410!Dean of Business 120100 23000 410%Bus Vitality Bl Gran 120100 23003 410"Dean of Education 120100 24000 410$NCATE Accreditation 120100 24104 410 Dean of Science 120100 25000 410%Dean of Social Scien 120100 26000 410%Dean of App Sci Tech 120100 27000 410'Dean of Cont Education 120100 28000 410#CE Program Support 120100 28003 410!Match For 638360 120100 28133 410!Match for 638311 120100 28134 410#Davis Center Admin 120100 20300 410*CE Administrative Support 120100 28015 410%Administrative Devel 120100 20003 410#University Counsel 120100 10600 410%Legal Special Projec 120100 10601 410 Applied Tech Ed 120100 29501 410Faculty Senate 120100 20008 410Assessment 120100 20110 410+Multimedia Services Office 120100 63000 410,Multimedia Services Graphic 120100 63003 410-Multimedia Services Photo-Cl 120100 63005 410(Multimedia Services Lab 120100 63002 410&Video Services-Closed 120100 63001 410$Training/Dist Learn 120100 63004 410"Teach Learn Forum 120100 20120 410!Match For 630484 120100 55015 410!Match For 630494 120100 55018 410!Match For 630414 120100 55019 510!Match For 633301 120100 25805 410%UCAT Course Developm 120100 20005 410(Match for 631256 (9/05) 120100 26005 310!Ulibarri Richard 268930 20212 810#Ulibarri Richard R 268935 26300 810%Union Pac Info Schol 268940 23200 810#Urie Mary P. Music 268945 22500 810$Urie Hurschell Memo 268950 27400 810*Veterans Upward Bound Sch 268952 53900 810%Orman Hockey Scholar 268955 20212 810$Wade Nancy Chem Sch 268960 25200 810%Wade Nancy Micro Sch 268965 25500 810!Webber Dick Judy 268970 41100 810"Wanta George Joyc 268975 20212 810"Watkins Cs De Sch 268980 20212 810$Wildcat Achievement 268985 20212 810$Eccles Willard Scho 268990 20212 810%Woolley Fam TAPT Sch 268993 24000 810$Wilson Gladys Minno 268995 22500 810%Women's Hist Soc Sch 269000 27003 810%Women In Business Sc 269005 53500 810#Wikstrom Mem Schol 269010 55003 810#Women In Computing 269015 23200 810#Coll of Arts Human 269020 22000 810%Automotive Fac/Staff 269025 27700 810$91Ƶ Botany Schlrshp 269030 25100 810"91Ƶ Business Econ 269035 23000 810%91Ƶ Computer Science 269040 27200 81091Ƶ Chemistry 269045 25200 810$91Ƶ CE Scholarships 269050 28000 810!MBA Scholarships 269055 23006 810%91Ƶ Education Schrlp 269060 24000 810%91Ƶ Engineering Tech 269065 27000 810%Geography Alumni Sch 269067 26200 810%91Ƶ Geoscience Schol 269070 25300 81091Ƶ Golf 269075 34300 810%91Ƶ Master of Accoun 269080 23100 810(Clark Family Schol Fund 269081 23000 810"91Ƶ Miscellaneous 269085 20212 81091Ƶ Music Dept 269090 22500 810$Science Scholarship 269095 25000 810%91Ƶ Nursing Schlrshp 269100 21800 810!91Ƶ Presidential 269105 20212 810%91Ƶ Rising Star Scho 269110 53500 810%91Ƶ Rodeo Scholarshp 269115 54100 810%91Ƶ Sigma Alpha Epsi 269120 20212 81091Ƶ Theatre 269125 22500 810(UT Hispanic American Sc 269126 53700 810"91Ƶ VOED Schlrshp 269130 20212 810%Wildcat Club Scholrs 269135 34000 810"91Ƶ Allied Health 269140 21803 810$Serv-Women Students 269145 53500 810%Zions Bank Bound Sch 269150 20212 810$Zu Scholarship Fund 269155 25600 810$Zoology Scholarship 269160 25700 810 terminated fy04 220005 26300 110!EPA OBD Training 220010 27700 110 terminated fy05 220102 25700 210,Weber River Aquifer Project 220103 25300 210-NSF/REU-Biology of Great Sal 220104 25700 210 terminated fy05 220105 26800 210-NSF/REU Participants (4/30/0 220107 25700 210-NSF:Colabrtv Research (5/31/ 220117 25300 210-NSF-RUI:Scanning Probe(7/31/ 220119 25600 210 terminated fy05 220125 25300 210%FS:Elkhorn Mountains 220126 26800 210-NSF:Y2 REU/Bio of GSL (4/06) 220127 25700 210-NSF:Y2 REU/Participants (4/0 220128 25700 210-NSF:REU Circadian Disruption 220136 26600 210-NSF:Circadian Participant Co 220137 26600 210'Terrorist DNA Analysis 220138 26100 210-NSF:Y2 Collaborative Researc 220141 25300 210%America Read(84.033) 220205 2023 91Ƶ1 310$America Reads-Davis 220206 2023 91Ƶ1 310$America Reads-Weber 220207 2023 91Ƶ1 310,America Reads-Jordan School 220208 2023 91Ƶ1 310+EPA:OBD Clearing (9/30/05) 22023 91Ƶ0 27702 310 terminated fy05 220258 27004 310 terminated fy05 220259 27004 310$USDA Forest Service 220298 2023 91Ƶ1 310#02/03 Wheels-Admin 220313 24000 410 terminated fy05 220314 24000 410closed fy05 220315 24000 410closed fy05 220316 24000 410"2004 Wheels Admin 220317 24000 410!2004 Wheels Star 220318 24000 410"2004 Wheels CTARP 220319 24000 410!2004 Wheels TAPT 220320 24000 410*05 Wheels-Admin (6/30/05) 220321 24000 410)05 Wheels-STAR (6/30/05) 220322 24000 410)05 Wheels-CTARP(6/30/05) 220323 24000 410)05 Wheels-TAPT (6/30/05) 220324 24000 410closed fy03 220340 21000 410 terminated fy05 220350 24100 4102004 Mesh 220351 24100 410$Mesh fund (9/29/05) 220352 24100 410&2004 European Studies 220360 22400 410*05 European Std (6/30/06) 220361 22400 410)Rural Health Professions 220380 21000 410 terminated fy05 220381 21000 410 terminated fy05 220402 53400 5102003 Ccampis 220403 53400 5102004 Ccampis 220404 53400 510'CCAMPIS fund (9/30/05) 220407 53400 510 terminated fy05 220412 51300 510,2004 Veteran's Upward Bound 220413 53900 510-2004 Student Support Service 220414 55003 510,2005 Upward Bound (8/31/05) 220415 51300 510-05 Veterans Upward Bound (5/ 220416 53900 510*05 Student Supt (8/31/05) 220417 55003 510 terminated fy05 220484 55003 510closed fy04 220492 51300 510 terminated fy05 220493 53900 510#03 Student Support 220494 55003 510"Faids Admin Allow 220401 2023 91Ƶ1 510$Work Study (84.033) 220405 2023 91Ƶ1 510%Job Loc/Dev (84.033) 220406 53100 510"Regional Forester 220221 2023 91Ƶ1 310"US Forest Service 220223 2023 91Ƶ1 310&Social Security Admin 220225 2023 91Ƶ1 3102002 Pell 220732 2023 91Ƶ1 8102002-2003 Pell 220733 2023 91Ƶ1 8102004 Pell 220734 2023 91Ƶ1 810$2005 Pell (6/30/05) 220735 2023 91Ƶ1 810$2005 SEOG (6/30/05) 220755 2023 91Ƶ1 8102004 SEOG 220764 2023 91Ƶ1 8102002-2003 SEOG 220783 2023 91Ƶ1 810 terminated fy05 221005 25400 110 terminated fy05 223006 27702 110'2001 OBD Clearinghouse 221102 27700 210 terminated fy05 223103 22000 210'FS Uinta Soil Analysis 220106 25200 210 terminated fy05 223107 26300 210(JPL NASA Virtual Planet 223108 25600 210-JPL:Numrcl Modls fund(8/19/0 223109 25600 210,JPL:Micro-Imaging (1/24/06) 223111 25600 210#Occ Blood Exposure 223121 21803 210-NeuroContrl of Birdsong (3/3 221125 25700 210-GSL Producitivity Study fund 221131 25700 210%03 Hispanic Initiati 221203 26700 310-05 Head Start Prof. Dev. fun 221204 24200 310 terminated fy05 221209 26700 310$99 DWS Tanf Project 221211 53100 310%not funded by agency 221212 26700 310 terminated fy05 223214 24300 310,Weed & Seed Init. (1/14/05) 223215 26600 31006 CCR&R 221216 24200 310-CCRandR Provider fund (6/06) 221217 24200 310%06 CCRand R Outreach 221218 24200 310 SIG-E (9/30/04) 221222 51101 310*2005 NYSP fund (10/31/05) 223223 24300 310-Ogden City Fire Dept (3/1/06 223231 30000 310 terminated fy05 221233 23400 310 terminated fy05 22< 1238 36000 310,2006 Head Start (6/30/2006) 223242 24200 310 terminated fy05 221244 24200 310*2005 Head Start (6/30/05) 221245 24200 3102002 NYSP 223246 24300 3102003 NYSP 223248 24300 310(2002 NYSP Speical Grant 223249 24300 310"2003 UMEP Support 221254 27004 310-UHC:Fifty Chinese Films (9/0 223256 26004 310 terminated fy05 221259 23008 310*2005 SBDC fund (12/31/05) 221260 23008 310 terminated fy05 221271 24200 310 terminated fy05 221272 24200 310 terminated fy05 221273 24200 310 terminated fy05 221274 24200 310 terminated fy05 221275 24200 310 terminated fy05 221276 24200 310%2005 CCR&R (6/30/05) 221277 24200 310+05 CCR&R-Provider(6/30/05) 221278 24200 310+05 CCR&R-Outreach(6/30/05) 221279 24200 310-05 Entrepreneur fund (8/31/0 221280 23008 310-DWF:Quality Improve-fund(6/3 221281 24200 310 terminated fy05 221292 23400 310 terminated fy05 221293 23008 310)2005 PTAC fund (9/30/05) 221294 23008 310Rocky Mt Space 221305 25801 410 terminated fy05 221310 21100 410#Marketing Outreach 224312 22100 410 terminated fy05 221322 22100 410$UHC Holocost Commem 223323 26300 410%2003 Uac-Storytellin 221329 24100 410 2003 Head Start 223332 24200 410 terminated fy05 221334 22100 410 terminated fy05 221335 22800 410 terminated fy05 221336 28000 410 terminated fy05 221337 28000 410-05 Victims Assist 04UVAA03 ( 221338 28000 410-05 UAC-Weber Studies(6/30/05 221339 22800 410 terminated fy05 221343 22800 410 terminated fy05 221344 51101 410 terminated fy05 221345 51101 410-05 UAC-Storytelling (6/30/05 221346 24100 410'USAAP Hwy AL 05-03-06 221347 51101 410 terminated fy05 221350 21000 410 terminated fy05 221351 21000 410 terminated fy05 221352 21000 410 terminated fy05 221353 21000 410 terminated fy05 221354 21000 410 terminated fy05 221355 21000 410 terminated fy05 221356 21000 410 terminated fy05 221357 21000 410 terminated fy05 221358 21000 410 terminated fy05 221359 21000 410-2004 Rocky Mt Space-closed f 221360 25801 410(2003 OCA String Project 223361 22500 410,closed fy03 terminated fy05 221362 29002 410 terminated fy05 221363 29002 410 terminated fy05 221364 29002 410,Literacy Program Even Start 223365 24200 410-2005 Rocky Mtn Space Consort 221366 25801 410 terminated fy05 221367 29002 410%05/06 Rocky Mt Space 221368 25801 410-Enhancing Information (9/15/ 221369 29002 410)05 NUAHEC-Main (8/31/05) 221370 21000 410)05 NUAHEC-Other(8/31/05) 221371 21000 410)05 NUAHEC-Youth(8/31/05) 221372 21000 410+05 NUAHEC-Trainee(8/31/05) 221373 21000 410,05 NUAHEC-Continue(8/31/05) 221374 21000 410FY03 UAC-UMT 221404 22900 510 terminated fy05 221405 22100 510 terminated fy05 221406 22100 510-2004 UAC Utah Musical Theatr 221407 22900 510-05 UAC Visiting Artist (6/30 221408 22100 510%05 UAC-UMT (6/30/05) 221409 22900 510-Tobacco Prevention and Contr 221420 51101 510-05 Homeland Security (9/30/0 221501 31100 610-Electronic Access (10/31/05) 221502 31100 610%Disadvantaged Contrl 210400 32100 510%Multicultural Studnt 210401 53700 510&Disadvant Handicapped 210402 53600 510$Disadv Learning Ctr 210403 55003 510$Disadvant Stud Supp 210404 51000 510%Disadv Suplmntl Inst 210405 55011 510Interpreting 224003 53600 110-Maryland In-Service Train(6/ 224004 27702 110%Visl Hndcpd Read Ser 224007 53600 110,closed fy03 terminated fy05 224100 20150 210 terminated fy05 224101 20150 210,closed fy03 terminated fy05 224112 25500 210,Effect of Weather (5/31/05) 224116 25500 210,closed fy03 terminated fy05 224202 22100 310 terminated fy05 224203 22100 310,05 OMS-Art Gallery(6/30/05) 224208 22100 310$Upward Bound Nutrtn 224211 51300 310 terminated fy05 224272 2023 91Ƶ1 310 Ogden-Weber ATC 224273 2023 91Ƶ1 310"2001 Nuahec State 224304 21000 410#03 Oms Planetarium 224306 25600 410 terminated fy05 224307 22101 410(06 DATC EMT (6/30/2006) 224308 21300 410 terminated fy05 224309 21300 410 terminated fy05 224311 21803 410-05 DATC EMT/Paramedic (6/30/ 224312 21300 410,2005 DATC Nursing (6/30/05) 224313 21803 410,2006 DATC Nursing (6/30/06) 224314 21803 410!99 Owatc Nursing 224317 21803 410&03 DATC Nursing IASIS 224318 21803 410 terminated fy05 224319 21803 410(2005 DATC Nursing IASIS 224323 21803 410 terminated fy05 224325 21803 410 terminated fy05 224329 21300 410&06 DATC Nursing IASIS 224335 21803 410,Live Scan Fingerprint Equip 224339 24100 410$96-97 Child Care Fd 224420 24200 510'FY 06 Formula Control 222001 29501 410%FY 2003 Voed Control 222003 32100 410 terminated fy05 222224 29501 310-05 Perkins Leadership (6/05) 222229 27500 410-5F54 Administration (6/30/05 222230 29501 410-5F54 Placement Coord (6/30/0 222231 53100 410-5F54 Computer Science (6/30/ 222232 27200 410,5F54 Auto Service (6/30/05) 222233 27700 410$5F54 Health Science 222234 21400 410-5F54 ATE-Marketing (6/30/05) 222235 29501 410-5F54 Inservice Training(6/30 222236 29501 410 terminated fy05 222237 29501 410)5F54 Work Keys (6/30/05) 222238 29501 410-5F54 Criminal Justice (6/30/ 222239 26100 410-5F54 IS&T Computer Lab (6/30 222240 23200 410-5F54 CEET lab workstation (6 222241 27200 410-5F54 Auto Prep Stat. (6/30/0 222242 27700 410-5F54 MMET Comptr Lab (6/30/0 222243 27500 410-5F54 CS lab upgrd(TBE softw) 222244 27800 410-5F54 COH-LRC Equip (6/30/05) 222245 21006 410-5F54 COH Dental Hygiene (6/3 222246 21200 410 terminated fy05 222247 21500 410-5F54 COH-Health Sc Equip (6/ 222248 21400 410-5F54 COH-Radiologic Equip (6 222249 21600 410 terminated fy05 222250 21803 410+5LD54 Leadership (6/30/05) 222251 29501 310*5TP54 Tech Prep (6/30/05) 222252 29501 310+5LD54A AYES fund (6/30/05) 222253 27000 410-5F54 TBE-Lab Equip (6/30/05) 222254 27800 410)5F54 SST-Equip (6/30/05) 222255 27700 410-4TP54A Tech Prep Art 8/31/05 222256 29501 310$6F54 Administration 222260 29501 410-6F54 Placement Coord (6/30/0 222261 53100 410-6F54 Computer Sc Advisor (6/ 222262 27200 410+6F54 COH Salarie (6/30/06) 222263 21400 410)4LD54B Adv HS Evaluation 222297 21400 410 terminated fy05 222298 27701 410 terminated fy05 222299 29501 410 terminated fy05 222312 27700 410,closed fy03 terminated fy05 222322 29501 410,closed fy03 terminated fy05 222323 21000 410,closed fy03 terminated fy05 222325 27200 410,closed fy03 terminated fy05 222330 53100 410$3F54 Respirty Thrpy 222331 21700 410,closed fy03 terminated fy05 222332 29501 410,closed fy03 terminated fy05 222333 29501 410,closed fy03 terminated fy05 222334 29501 410,closed fy03 terminated fy05 222335 29501 410,closed fy03 terminated fy05 222336 26100 410,closed fy03 terminated fy05 222337 27701 410,closed fy03 terminated fy05 222338 27800 410,closed fy03 terminated fy05 222339 21300 410,closed fy03 terminated fy05 222355 21600 410,closed fy03 terminated fy05 222359 29501 410,closed fy03 terminated fy05 222361 27500 410,closed fy03 terminated fy05 222362 29501 410 terminated fy05 222363 29501 410 terminated fy05 222364 29501 410 terminated fy05 222365 21006 410 terminated fy05 222366 21100 410,closed fy03 terminated fy05 222367 23200 410 terminated fy05 222368 21200 410,closed fy03 terminated fy05 222369 21200 410,closed fy03 terminated fy05 222370 21200 410 terminated fy05 222371 29501 410 terminated fy05 222372 53100 410 terminated fy05 222373 27200 410 terminated fy05 222374 27700 410 terminated fy05 222375 21000 410 terminated fy05 222376 21000 410 terminated fy05 222377 29501 410 terminated fy05 222378 29501 410 terminated fy05 222379 29501 410 terminated fy05 222380 29501 410 terminated fy05 222381 26100 410 terminated fy05 222382 23200 410 terminated fy05 222383 27200 410 terminated fy05 222384 27200 410 terminated fy05 222385 27500 410 terminated fy05 222386 27400 410 terminated fy05 222387 27800 410 terminated fy05 222388 27701 410 terminated fy05 222389 27700 410 terminated fy05 222390 21400 410 terminated fy05 222391 21400 410 terminated fy05 222392 21400 410 terminated fy05 222393 21500 410 terminated fy05 222394 21700 410 terminated fy05 222395 2180< 3 410 terminated fy05 222396 21200 410,closed fy03 terminated fy05 222397 21000 410$Geology Lab-II OH-5 151225 25300 110*Pathophysiology Lab-II OH 151235 21400 110"IST Lab Fee-II OH 151245 23200 110+Inst Teach Materials-II OH 151255 24100 110'Math Sci Mat Lab-II OH 151265 24100 110%Special Ed Lab-II OH 151275 24100 110DMS Lab-II OH 151285 21600 110-Education Computer Lab-II OH 151295 24100 110)Microbiology Lab-II OH-5 151305 25500 110$Physics Lab II OH-5 151315 25600 110%Psychology Lab-II OH 151325 26600 110+Student Teaching Lab-II OH 151335 24100 110+Human Lifestyle Mgmt-II OH 151345 24300 110+Skiing Snowboarding-II OH 151355 24300 110'TC Aero Neur Cnd-II OH 151365 24300 110%Recreation Lab-II OH 151375 24300 110#Pedagogy Fee-II OH 151385 24300 110"Fitness Lab-II OH 151395 24300 110"Archery Lab-II OH 151405 24300 110(Circ Dev Inst Lab-II OH 151415 24300 110(Elementary PE Lab-II OH 151425 24300 110(Exercise Phys Lab-II OH 151435 24300 110&Kinesiology Lab-II OH 151445 24300 110$Nutrition Lab-II OH 151455 24300 110+Health First Aid Lab-II OH 151465 24300 110(Motor Dev Ped Lab-II OH 151475 24300 110,Physio Human Perf Lab-II OH 151485 24300 110,Athletic Training Lab-II OH 151495 24300 110,Strength Training Lab-II OH 151505 24300 110&Gerontology Lab-II OH 151515 26700 110+Military Science Lab-II OH 151525 26400 110&Social Work Lab-II OH 151535 26700 110*Design Graphics Lab-II OH 151545 27500 110&Electronics Lab-II OH 151555 27400 110,Comp Science Network Lab-II 151565 27200 110)Comp Science Lab A-II OH 151575 27200 110)Comp Science Lab B-II OH 151585 27200 110)Comp Science Lab C-II OH 151595 27200 110$MFET Shop Lab-II OH 151605 27500 110*Telecom Business Ed-II OH 151615 27800 110(Computer Literacy-II OH 151625 27800 110,closed fy03 terminated fy05 222398 21000 410,closed fy03 terminated fy05 222399 21000 410-WC-Smoke Free Campus (closed 226002 51101 110%CISCO Netwrkng Acade 226003 27800 110,closed fy04 terminated fy05 226103 27700 210 terminated fy05 226200 22500 310 terminated fy05 226201 27700 310&05 OCA String Project 226202 22500 310 terminated fy05 226205 27702 310 terminated fy05 226206 22100 310&OCA: Building Bridges 226207 22100 310*05 SL County I/M Training 226208 27702 310 terminated fy05 226210 22100 310 terminated fy05 226221 24300 310-05 OCPD Wellness fund (6/30/ 226222 24300 310 terminated fy05 226239 24300 31099 OCS/NYSP 226241 24300 310 terminated fy05 226253 2023 91Ƶ1 310%Weber County Wrkstdy 226257 2023 91Ƶ1 310%Ogden City-Workstudy 226258 2023 91Ƶ1 310+North Ogden City Workstudy 226259 2023 91Ƶ1 310-Jordan School Dist. Workstud 226260 2023 91Ƶ1 310-Wbr Mrgn Prog Analysis (12/3 226270 27702 310-Wbr Mrgn On-line Training (4 226271 27702 310-Davis County Prof Services A 226272 27702 310%OCSD-Family Literacy 226301 24200 410NUAMES 226305 22300 410$Ogden City Arts UMT 226400 22900 510 terminated fy05 226401 22900 510OCA: 2005 UMT 226402 22900 510%Weber County Library 226204 2023 91Ƶ1 310%Environmental Potent 227001 27400 110 terminated fy05 227003 27702 110Autoliv ASP 227004 27500 110Toyota T-Ten 227030 27701 110!2000 Raytheon/Gm 227052 27701 110 terminated fy05 227066 24100 110-05 Enviromental Potent (6/30 227101 27400 210-01 Mat Research (closed fy04 227107 25600 210 terminated fy05 227109 25600 210-ASA Community Action Researc 227113 26800 210 Purchasing Card 119950 33000 971#91Ƶ Central P-Card 119951 33000 971&91Ƶ Central P-Card Ap 119955 33000 971$Freight/Ship In/Out 119960 33000 971(Upward Bound In and Out 119965 51000 971,Vet Upward Bound In and Out 119970 53900 971CCR&R In & Out 119971 24200 971'Master Card Travel-IDT 119990 33000 971"Deficit Reduction 315010 32000 901)Athl Academic Advisement 315010 34009 901'Big Sky Tourney-Womens 315010 34010 901%Big Sky Tourney-Mens 315010 34011 901)Athletics Administration 315010 34000 901"Athletic Title IX 315010 34012 901)Student Opportunity Fund 315010 34020 901&Big Sky Needy Student 315010 34013 901'Womens Athletics Admin 315010 34014 901*Tennis Tournament Big Sky 315010 34021 901*Soccer Tournament Big Sky 315010 34022 901+NCAA Big Sky Track Tourney 315010 34023 901)Track Tournament - Women 315010 34024 901Banquets 315010 34025 901*Tournaments - Individuals 315010 34026 901'Athletic Strength Room 315010 34005 901$Cleaning Equipment 315010 34002 901"Athletics Medical 315010 34007 901Trainers 315010 34006 901#Sports Information 315010 34004 901Spirit Squad 315010 34003 901Wildcat Club 315010 34050 901$WCC Misc Activities 315010 34051 901$WCC Golf Tournament 315010 34052 901WCC Auction 315010 34053 901Hall of Fame 315010 34054 901WCC Booster 315010 34055 901%Athletic Promo/Mktng 315010 34001 901 Athletics Radio 315010 34015 901%Athletic Sponsorship 315010 34016 901"CTC/Nutraceutical 227119 25007 210-CTC/Phytochemistry (closed f 227124 25007 210Honda Research 227180 27700 210#Honda Fuel Emissin 227182 27700 210%Honda Canada Trainin 227183 27700 210&Boy Scouts of America 227200 2023 91Ƶ1 310"Tree House Museum 227207 2023 91Ƶ1 310 terminated fy05 227212 27000 310-Utah Automobile Dealers Asso 227213 27701 310,05 UT Auto Dealers(6/30/05) 227214 27701 310$CTC/Great Basin Lab 227260 25007 310Youth Impact 227271 2023 91Ƶ1 310YCC 227275 2023 91Ƶ1 310Mesa-Step 227300 27000 410 Reading Teacher 227301 24100 410%2004 Reading Teacher 227303 24102 410&LPN/RN Re-entry Baton 227307 21803 410"Chrysler Services 227310 27701 410 Pew Subcontract 227311 26300 410-Payson Hospital fund (12/31/ 227320 21803 410-Sevier Valley Nursing Prog(1 227321 21803 410"FY03 E. Firestone 227326 22100 41099 Earth Day 227340 23300 410 terminated fy05 227352 22500 410-05 ASTA String Prjct (6/30/0 227353 22500 410Disallowances 227501 32100 610"Mckay-Dee Library 227202 2023 91Ƶ1 310)Financial Aid Receivable 227750 2023 91Ƶ1 810!Emergency Grants 227755 2023 91Ƶ1 810&4F54 COH LRC Learning 222376 21000 410!2003 SUU Nursing 211010 21800 110#5EE54 Econ Wrkshop 211005 23300 110&SUU Nursing Teach Out 211011 21800 110(FY05 Nursing Initiative 211015 21800 110Tax Check Off 211300 29002 420"04 UEC Curr Devel 211311 28000 410 terminated fy05 211301 28000 410 terminated fy05 211302 27400 410$'97 Faclty Assist-A 211303 20120 410$02 Eng Init-Equip-B 211305 23000 410Wildcat Lanes 314010 52015 906 Union Marketing 314010 52025 906UB SEC Office 314010 52400 906'UB Junction Space Dev. 314010 52100 906%Student Activ Operat 168005 52201 906Movie Madness 168010 52201 906&Student Program Board 168015 52201 906!On-Line Programs 168020 52201 906Family Program 168025 52201 906Fanatics 168030 52201 906)Putting Students Through 168035 52201 906#Midday Productions 168040 52201 906)Community Service Center 168045 52201 906Super Parties 168050 52201 906Davis Campus 168055 52201 906 Comedy/Concerts 168060 52201 906Dances 168065 52201 906Greek Council 168070 52201 906&Academy of Leadership 168075 52201 906Training 168080 52201 906Scholarships 168085 52201 906!Emerging Leaders 168090 52201 906!Diversity Center 168095 52201 906#Orientation Person 168100 52201 906 Wildcat Weekend 168105 52201 906Arts 168110 52201 906Convocations 168115 52201 906Honors Issues 168120 52201 906Homecoming 168125 52201 906%Special Olympic Team 168130 52201 906#VIP Administration 168135 52201 906%Alternative Spring B 168140 52201 906"Homeless Projects 168145 52201 906Graphic Artist 168150 52201 906"Engineering 02/02 211306 27000 410%Fy03 Eng Init-Salary 211307 27000 410,2004 Engineering Initiative 211347 27000 410,FY05 Engineering Initiative 211348 27000 410-05 Engineering One Time Fund 221349 27000 410%02UEC Degree Connect 211308 28000 410-FY06 Engineering Int On-Goin 211361 27000 410)FY03 TDEI Infrastructure 211309 60000 410 terminated fy05 211310 60000 410fy05 HETI 211388 60000 410 terminated fy05 211389 60000 410%Minority Scholarship 211700 53700 810!SEOG State Match 211720 2023 91Ƶ1 810LEAP 211725 2023 91Ƶ1 810< CWS State Match 211430 2023 91Ƶ1 510UCOPE 211726 2023 91Ƶ1 810 UCOPE-Workstudy 211431 2023 91Ƶ1 510$UC Criminal Justice 211020 26100 110#Restricted Capital 224002 32100 110%Unexpended Plant Fnd 910010 32100 710-Union Renovation Student Fee 910015 32100 710%Restr Bond Covenants 910020 30000 710%St Srv Bld Cntingncy 910030 50000 710%Housing Cost of Issu 910040 30000 710%Housing-Cap Interest 910050 30000 710$New Student Housing 910060 30000 710$UB Cost of Issuance 910061 31500 710*Shepherd Union Renovation 910065 31156 710%Engineering Tech Lab 910080 31100 710%PT Sprinkler Project 910090 31100 710'Swenson Gym Renovation 910120 31100 710)Track Field Locker Room 910130 31100 710(Lampros Hall Renovation 910132 31100 710(Tech Ed Emerg Generator 910134 31100 710-Browning Center Stage Riggin 910135 31100 710-Hurst Lifelong Learning Buil 910136 28000 710$Humanities Building 910138 31100 710$Energy Conservation 910140 31000 710%Bldg Energy Projects 910150 31000 710#Bld Equip Ren Rep 933060 31000 710&Mail Center Equipment 933070 31300 710$Child Wm H Entrprnl 282730 23000 410Child/Sife 282731 23009 410%Clark Summer Theatre 280400 22900 410%Close Gary Marsha HP 280440 21000 410#Dello Dayton Award 280540 26000 410!Dale Adele Young 282590 21000 410$Dumke Dr. Ezekiel R 280641 21000 410$At Dee Dst Lec Fund 280550 20000 410%Graduate Coordinator 282775 23100 410$Pres Distngshd Prof 280810 20000 410$Farrell Wayne/Norma 280760 10000 410&Favero Dental Hygiene 280695 21200 410$Ed Faculty Dev Fund 282820 24300 410$Fields Jerry L Fund 280781 25400 410#Henry Aldous Dixon 281020 41100 410#91Ƶ Summer Theater 280820 22900 410#Lindquist Creative 281390 22000 410#Hall Alan E Jeanne 280700 20100 410"Honors Enrichment 281060 20125 410$Howell Library Fund 281050 29002 420$Howard Poetry Award 281715 22800 410$Jones Service Award 281185 23100 410%Cora Kasius Memorial 281200 26700 410%Keystone Fndtn Dbate 281240 22200 410Jean T Kunz 281260 24200 410$Lehner M. Childrens 281420 24200 410#Livingood Profship 281400 27000 410$91Ƶ Acctng Dept Fnd 281532 23100 410$Luvaris Speech Fund 281450 22200 410$Marriott Science Fr 282880 25804 410%Model United Nations 281610 26500 410%Marriott Bus Lecture 281531 23000 410%Ritchey Lecture Fund 282030 25000 410-Ott Research Fellowship Acco 281792 23100 410!Ott Layton Betty 281790 26000 410$McBride Wm Rl Em Cr 281570 21300 410 Std Serv Lib Bk 282990 29002 420(University Improvements 933080 31000 710#Annex Improvements 910200 31000 710%Risk Manage Correctn 910210 36201 710$Real Estate Expense 910220 30000 710$Future Land Reserve 910230 30000 710-Soil Remediation and Walkway 911085 31153 710%Davis Campus Program 911050 31100 710-Potable Water Waster Line Re 911080 31153 710%Campus Bldg Lighting 911070 31100 710&Davis Campus Academic 911075 31100 710,Swenson Gym Moving Expenses 911100 31100 710+Housing Data/Communication 911150 31100 710Housing FFE 911160 31100 710#Davis Campus Force 911170 31100 710$Concrete Hand Rails 911200 31100 710,Vis Arts Data/Communication 911220 31100 710,Project Manager Cox General 912100 31150 710)Lampros Board Room - Cox 912101 31150 710-Recarpet Marriott Allied Hea 912102 31150 710+Campus Master Plan Phase I 912103 31150 710-New Carpet in Education Bldg 912104 31150 710-Library Entrance Modificatio 912105 31150 710-Replace Carpet-Chairs Planet 912106 31150 710-Project Manager Garff Genera 912200 31151 710-Project Manager Harris Gener 912300 31152 710-Sky Suites 2nd Floor Remodel 912301 31152 710#Sink Splash Guards 912302 31152 710-Scoreboard Construction - St 912303 31152 710%Soccer Field Project 912304 31152 710-DEC Lower Rest Room and Lock 912305 31152 710+Remodel Rm24 Restrooms DEC 912306 31152 710-Renovate Restrm Locker Lower 912307 31152 710-Design Exterior Wayfinding S 912308 31152 710-Conversion Classroom 236 Nur 912309 31152 710-Project Manager Palmer Gener 912400 31153 710*UB Roller Shades - Palmer 912401 31153 710%Ahlf August L Schola 280060 27500 810%Allred Gordon End Sc 280020 22300 810"T Allred Memorial 280030 22500 810%Altrusa Club Schlrsh 280050 20212 810 Auerbach Gerald 280120 27500 810"Axton Ronald Nora 280130 20212 810$Amer Aso Univ Women 280070 26800 810$Anderson Joseph/Ali 280080 20212 810$Bateman Jim Cos Sch 280210 25000 810"Barker Cm Mr Sclr 280150 23000 810$Babcock Louis W Dbt 280140 22200 810,Barrios J Ray Music Scholar 280250 22500 810#Jf Barker Memorial 280180 23000 810!Buckner Lamar E. 280350 22000 810$Barker Robert Memor 280200 26500 810%Behnken Eng Tech Scl 280260 27500 810#Bird C M Mem Schlr 280280 24200 810!Bitton Val Linda 280300 23000 810$Joseph F Breeze Ath 280321 34200 810#Billiard Endowment 280270 25400 810$Barlow Isadora Beck 280170 20212 810$Briem Edith G. Memr 280330 22000 810%Browning Scholarship 280340 20212 810$Clarke Mary Margret 280410 25600 810 Farrell Collett 282690 22100 810#Choate Patti N Mem 280380 20212 810%Anthropology Scholar 280460 26800 810"Close Gary Marsha 280430 20212 810!Collett Sharon D 280450 21803 810%Credit Bureau of Ogd 280490 23000 810R C Corry 280480 20212 810%Blanch Dr Cristine W 280290 24000 810$Cearley Charles Sch 280360 24100 810%Cooley Dr Clyde Scho 280470 23000 810"Cross CW Bh Fndtn 280500 20212 810%Construction Industr 282760 27500 810$Brad Davis Memorial 282750 20212 810$Berglund D Fern Sch 280220 22500 810"Brace Norris Leon 280230 26500 810%Close G M Scholarshi 280441 21000 810)Corry Family Award in FL 280475 22400 810-Stairways Lind Lecture - Pal 912402 31153 710-Miller Admin Ramp Replacemen 912403 31153 710-Wattis McKay Parking Lot Rem 912404 31153 710-Project Manager Van Cleave G 912500 31154 710-Project Manager Wade General 912600 31155 710*New Building at 91Ƶ-Davis 912310 31152 710Emergency R R 930020 32000 710$General R R Housing 930040 54200 710+General R R Union Building 930060 52000 710 General R R Dec 930070 31500 710,Bookstore Repair Replacment 931010 32000 710+Housing Repair Replacement 931030 54200 710-Student Health Repair/Replmt 931040 51000 710&Union Bldg Rpr Replcm 931050 52000 710%Food Serv Rpr Rplcmt 931060 52000 710"Printing Serv R R 932010 31500 710Stores R R 932020 33004 710Motor Pool R R 932030 33003 710!FM Renew Replace 932040 31100 710$Parking Services RR 932050 32000 710-Parking Capital Equip Reserv 932060 32000 710%Telecom Services R R 932070 60000 710&DEC/Ticket Office R R 932080 31500 710"Skybox Suites R R 932110 31500 710$Facilities Rent R R 933010 30000 710FM Admin R R 933020 31100 710!FM Custodial R R 933030 31100 710FM Crafts R R 933040 31100 710#Deferred Maint R R 933050 31100 710&President's Office RR 933085 10000 710%Admin Services VP RR 933090 30000 710(University Relations RR 933092 40000 710-Classroom Building Furnishin 933095 30000 710%Hall Eugene M Pre-Ph 280950 25700 810-Hansen N Nursing Schol Endow 280951 21803 810%Ann Hackleman Memorl 282850 21100 810%Huntsman Jon M Schol 280720 20212 810$Hammond O.C. Schola 280850 23100 810%Hardcastle Kay Schol 280710 24100 810#Hancock Duke Memor 280960 55003 810$Heiner The Dennis G 280740 20212 810%James Harvey Mem Sch 280970 26600 810%Johnson Dr Vernal At 281170 21100 810$Henry Patricia Math 281010 25400 810"Patricia L Haslam 280980 22300 810Henrie Bill S. 281000 27800 810%Hayes Brenda K Memor 280990 21803 810"Ira Leone Huggins 281080 20212 810#Hirst R N Memorial 281090 34000 810$Hillyard Gene Piano 281030 22500 810"Homgren Kenneth D 281040 20212 810%Hobson D Teacher Edu 281100 24100 810"Howe Rulon F. Mar 281110 25600 810H Paul Huish 282860 25600 810%J. Todd Anderson Sch 281140 23000 810%Hyde Dr O Wendell Sc 281130 25000 810!Jacobs J.L. M.S. 281150 24000 810$Joines Judy Mem Sch 281180 24100 810"Davidson T N Tapt 280560 24000 810"Chemistry Faculty 281190 25200 810$Kap Lamar C Memoria 281210 53600 810$Kenley Anya-Arts Sc 281220 22000 810%Davidson T N Umt Sch 280570 22900 810$Kenley Ed Frgn Lang< 281230 22400 810$Jackson Glen H Elta 281160 24100 810Sudhir Kumar 281250 20212 810#Larson Howrd Eveln 281350 21100 810!Larson C R Schlr 281340 27500 810&Financial Services RR 933100 32000 710&Student Affairs VP RR 933500 50000 710%Campus Recreation RR 933550 54100 710ITIP RR 933570 60000 710&Arts and Humanites RR 934005 22000 710(Applied Sci and Tech RR 934010 27000 710Education RR 934015 24000 710 Davis Campus RR 934020 20300 710CE RR 934025 28000 710'Enrollment Services RR 934030 20209 710&Health Professions RR 934035 21000 710 Bus and Econ RR 934040 23000 710Bus Admin RR 934045 23400 710Science RR 934050 25000 710-Soc and Behavioral Science R 934055 26000 710 Bond Retirement 950010 32100 710$Investment In Plant 970010 90020 710 91ƵSA Operating 160010 52010 510#91ƵSA Scholarships 160020 52010 510-Student Involve Leadership O 160025 52201 510+Campus Activities Team CAT 160025 52202 510&Community Service VIP 160025 52203 510"Arts and Lectures 160025 52204 510(Clubs and Organizations 160025 52205 510Diversity 160025 52206 510Leadership 160025 52207 510'University Wide Events 160025 52208 510#Campus Recognition 160025 52209 510Scholarships 160025 52210 510%Presidential Cabinet 160025 52211 510!Senate Operating 160025 52212 510%Greek Administration 160025 52213 510Training 160025 52214 510#Academic VP- 91ƵSA 160052 52010 510&91Ƶ Ambassador 160060 52010 510Elections 160070 52010 510Executive VP 160051 52010 510%Graphic Artist-91ƵSA 160080 52010 510!Student Advocacy 160090 52010 510&91ƵSA Special Program 160100 52010 510%External Rel - 91ƵSA 160110 52010 510%Intl Relations 91ƵSA 160120 52010 510 91ƵSA President 160050 52010 510Diversity 160130 52010 510Tech Asst 160140 52010 510$Senate Area Council 160200 52010 510&Senate Training 91ƵSA 160210 52010 510)Applied Sci Tech Senator 160220 52010 510$Arts Humani Senator 160230 52010 510%Asian Pacific Island 160240 52010 510'Black Students Senator 160250 52010 510&Business Econ Senator 160260 52010 510%Davis Campus Senator 160270 52010 510"Education Senator 160280 52010 510&Health Profes Senator 160290 52010 510#Honors/BIS Senator 160300 52010 510*Intern'l Students Senator 160310 52010 510,Latino Chicano Hisp Senator 160320 52010 510(Native American Senator 160330 52010 510!Non Trad Senator 160340 52010 510(Residence Halls Senator 160350 52010 510 Science Senator 160360 52010 510-Social Behavioral Sci Senato 160370 52010 510-Students Disabilities Senato 160380 52010 510-Trad Student Gen Study Senat 160390 52010 510)Veteran Students Senator 160400 52010 510-Stdnt Leadership Development 160500 52010 510!91ƵSA Homecoming 160600 52010 510$Public Relat Intern 160700 52010 510"Anthropology Club 162001 26800 510'Athletic Training Club 162002 52201 510Swing Cats 162003 52201 510"Chinese Std Assoc 162004 52201 510Club Cat 162058 52201 510%Country Western Danc 162059 52201 510*Gay and Straight Alliance 162060 52201 510$Dance Jam Assoc-Aro 162005 52201 510"Delta Ep Chi- Aro 162006 27700 510%Ecumenical Campus Fl 162007 52201 510%Feminists Untd Netwk 162008 52201 510$Geography Honor Soc 162061 52201 510!Golden Key Honor 162009 52201 510%Habitat For Humanity 162010 52201 510$Interior Design-Aro 162011 52201 510#Community Resp Org 162012 52201 510HOSA 162013 52201 510The Japan Club 162015 52201 510!91Ƶ Outdoor Club 162016 52201 510%Pacific Islander-Aro 162017 52201 510$Operation Smile Aro 162018 52201 510Peer 162019 52201 510#Paintball Club-Aro 162020 52201 510MTNA Chapter 162062 52201 510Mecha 162021 52201 510%Natl Pan-Heltnic Aro 162063 52201 510$Physical Therapy Sg 162064 52201 510"Predental Society 162022 52201 510"Microbiology Club 162023 91Ƶ 52201 510%Phi Alpha Honor Soci 162024 52201 510$Phi Alpha Theta His 162025 52201 510Russian Club 162026 52201 510 Sigma Gamma Chi 162027 52201 510$Sigma Alpha Epsilon 162010 52201 510Rotaract 162065 52201 510%Soc Prof Journalists 162028 52201 510 Skills USA Vica 162029 52201 510WYVERN 162030 52201 510&Zoology Student Group 162031 52201 510%Native Amrcn Council 162032 53700 510#L/C/H Area Council 162033 53700 510$African American Co 162034 53700 510!Asian/Pi Council 162035 53700 510AFCEA 162036 27800 510#Am Soc of Mech Eng 162066 27500 510$Black Scholars Untd 162067 53700 510%Intrntl Student Cntr 162037 53300 510Beta Theta Pi 162038 52201 510#Club International 162039 53300 510 91Ƶ Chapter-AAT 162040 22500 510%Sadha Dental Hygiene 162041 21200 510$Second Year Nursing 162042 21800 510-Public Relations Students So 162043 22200 510AIGA 162044 22100 510 Sigma Chi Omega 162045 23300 510Spanish Club 162046 52201 510!Mathematics Club 162047 25400 510!Geo Science Club 162048 25300 510%91Ƶ Social Work Club 162068 26700 510%Pinnacle Honor Socty 162049 53400 510Pi Kappa Alpha 162050 52201 510Phi Kappa Phi 162051 20125 510!Sharmea Sorority 162052 52201 510%Soc Manuf Eng-Stdnts 162053 27500 510%IEEE St Prof Society 162054 27400 510&Military History Club 162055 52201 510NASW 162056 26700 510#Estudiantes Unidos 162057 52000 510*Wildcat Independent Group 162069 52201 510Vision Party 162070 52201 510'Film Development Guild 162071 52201 510LOMSA 162072 52201 510Pre Law Club 162073 52201 510-Weber Entrepreneurship Assoc 162074 23400 510-Students for Second Ammendme 162075 52201 510"College Democrats 162076 52201 510&Special Proj Reserved 165001 50000 510%Rainy Day Reserve Fd 165002 50000 510%St Fee-Special Needs 165003 50000 51091ƵSA 165004 52010 510-91ƵSA Undergraduate Research 165007 20007 510%Davis Std Serv 1-800 165005 51600 510800 Number 165006 51600 510Bands 165050 22500 510%Athletic Bands-March 165051 22500 510#Athletic Bands-Pep 165052 22500 510Jazz Ensemble 165060 22500 510Choral 165070 22500 510%Outreach-Perfrm Arts 165080 22500 510Debate 165200 22200 510Ethics Bowl 165210 26500 510Orchesis 165090 22500 510Orchestra 165100 22500 510%91Ƶ Itrcol Ethics Bo 165220 26500 51091Ƶ Theatre 165110 22500 510Mock Trial 165230 26500 510Radio KWCR 165240 22200 510TV Station 165250 22200 510"Literary Magazine 165260 22300 510Signpost 165270 22200 510%Customer Service Ctr 165300 54100 510!Campus Rec Admin 165301 54100 510(Wilderness Rec Programs 165310 54108 510$Wilderness Rec Cntr 165315 54108 510Fac/Staff Golf 165320 54108 510Intramurals 165330 54102 510Fitness 165335 54107 510!Swenson Gym Pool 165340 54100 510Aerobics 165345 54101 510&Experiential Learning 165350 54100 510Sports Club 165355 54105 510%Campus Rec Marketing 165305 54100 510-Campus Recreation Special Pr 165306 54100 510Fencing Club 165360 54105 510&Ultimate Frisbee Clug 165361 54105 510Soccer Club 165370 54105 510Rodeo Club 165380 54105 510"NIRA Rodeo Events 165381 54105 510#91Ƶ Billiards Club 165390 54105 510"Club Sport Travel 165392 54105 510Bowling Club 165395 54105 510-Capoeira Club Account Closed 165400 54105 510Cycling Club 165405 54105 510Curling Club 165406 54105 510,Volleyball Club Acct Closed 165410 54105 510!Softball-Women's 165415 54105 510-Masters Swim Club Acct Close 165420 54105 510-Lacrosse Club Account Closed 165425 54105 510%Lacrosse Womens Club 165430 54105 510"Martial Arts Club 165435 54105 510(Racquetball Acct Closed 165440 54105 510Baseball Club 165445 54105 510-Rock Climbing Club Acct Clos 165446 54105 510%Wrestling Sport Club 165447 54105 510Ski Club 165450 54105 510%Snowboard Sport Club 165451 54105 510Rugby Club 165460 54105 510)Womens Rugby Acct Closed 165465 54105 510 91Ƶ Club Hockey 165470 54105 510(Hockey Club Division II 165471 54105 510-Nontraditional Special Proje 165472 53400 510 Day Care Center 165500 24200 510"Non Trad Students 165510 53400 510!Match for 631332 165530 24200 510!Match for 630403 165535 53400 510!Match for 631244 165531 24200 510!Match for 630404 165536 53400 510+Match for 631245 (6/30/05) 165532 24200 510< !Match for 631242 165533 24200 310%Family Studies St Or 165540 24200 510Grad Exam Prep 165550 55010 510Grad Finale 165560 41100 510$Academic Counseling 165570 53200 510%Serv Fr Women Stdnts 165580 53500 510%Multi Cult Res Ed Ct 165590 53700 510#Ambassador Program 165600 53700 510$Sign Language Assoc 165650 53600 510%Physically Challenge 165660 53600 510#Davis Student Serv 166000 51600 510,Davis/ 2 Professional Staff 166010 51610 510%Davis Center/Academi 166020 55000 510&Student Council Davis 166025 51600 510-Counselor Special Student Po 166026 51600 510#Intrntnl Relations 165610 26500 510&Student Computer Labs 167000 55004 510,Student Computer Lab Ext Hr 167010 55004 510 Weber Art Guild 165040 22100 510%Alumni Program Revol 830020 41100 981$Alumni Phone-A-Thon 830100 41101 981$Almn License In/Out 830110 41100 981%Alumni Center Operat 830050 41100 981$Faculty Staff Assoc 820100 10013 981"Alumni Center R R 830060 41100 981Honors - HSAC 820200 20125 981#Visual Arts Alumni 830400 22100 981Purple Pak 830300 41100 981Alumni Jr Cats 830310 41102 981&Alumni Orien and Comm 830010 41102 981"Alumni Career Dev 830010 41102 981"Alumni University 830010 41102 981"Alumni Homecoming 830010 41102 981Alumni 5K Race 830310 41102 981#Alumni 91Ƶ Salutes 830010 41102 981%Alumni Soccer Clinic 830310 41102 981&Alumni Caps and Gowns 830010 41102 981$Alumni Dixon Awards 830010 41102 981%Alumni Steward Lunch 830010 41102 981'Alumni Past Pres Lunch 830010 41102 981%Alumni Volunteer Rec 830010 41102 981'Alumni 40 and 50 Year 830320 41102 981-Alumni Emeriti Annual Banqu 830320 41102 981#Alumni Poerty Slam 830350 41102 981'Alumni Golf Tournament 830010 41102 981%91ƵAA Student Alumni 830350 41102 981#91ƵAA Young Alumni 830310 41102 98191ƵAA Emeriti 830320 41102 981)91ƵAA Board of Directors 830010 41102 981-Alumni Membership and Market 830010 41102 981%Alumni Comm Relation 830010 41102 981#Alumni Student Rel 830350 41102 981Alumni Band 830010 41102 981(91Ƶ B.S.O. (Band Trips) 820260 22500 981"91Ƶ Choral Travel 820270 22500 981 Interns Housing 820210 10000 981Music Library 150910 22500 510#Piano Prep Program 150920 22500 510 Community Choir 820250 22500 981"Contract Bid Bond 820500 33000 981'Purchasing Card Rebate 820510 33000 981Vendor Fair 820511 33000 981Surplus Equip 820530 32105 981&WBITE 2003 Conference 820810 27800 981#Asian Studies Prgm 820820 26300 981 Mtn Plains Conf 820830 23400 981%Weber St Cr Union Cl 820520 32100 981!Buffalo Biathlon 820290 24300 981%Forensic Support Fnd 820280 22200 981%Dayspring Conference 820840 51100 981!91Ƶ Science Fair 820850 25804 981#91Ƶ Nursing Alumni 820920 21800 981"Salary Reimb Acct 820540 32500 981"Banner Cost Reimb 820545 62000 981#State Math Contest 820860 25400 981NUMUN 162103 26500 510Auto Ed Trip 820240 27700 981$Sch Acct Golf Tourn 820300 23100 981"Women In Business 162104 23100 510$Sigma Gamma Epsilon 162105 25300 510%Bus Info Tech Stdnts 162106 23200 510%Gsbe Toastmaster Clb 162107 23000 510Beta Alpha Psi 162108 23100 510"ROTC-Student Fund 162109 26400 510-Automotive Tech Golf Tournam 820301 27701 981#Assoc Constructors 162110 27300 510!Beta Gamma Sigma 162111 23400 510Phi Sigma Iota 162112 52201 510Psi Cho 162113 26600 510%Sales Tax In/Out Act 118380 32400 610Service Fees 820550 32100 981%Grnshmnt Fee Recover 820560 32500 981$Accounts Receivable 820570 32100 981 Gramma Services 820580 10000 981CBETR Program 820800 23402 981%Teacher Ed Spec Proj 820310 24100 981#Music Ed Natl Conf 820870 22500 981%Perf Arts Lock Rentl 820880 22500 981New Am Sym Or 820890 22500 981%Sms Multicultural Yo 820900 53700 981UHELP 820905 10100 981%Wilderness Conferenc 820910 22300 981$Student Chapter CEC 162102 24100 510#Vocat Ed Inservice 820930 29501 981#Stadium Maint Fees 820750 31100 981#91Ƶ In/Out Contrlr 820600 32100 981"Paramedics In Out 820601 32100 981%Misc Banner Clearing 820604 32100 981%Banner Cash Clearing 820606 32100 981 STAARS Clearing 820602 32100 981'Bank Adjust - Receipts 821080 32000 610Tuition By 10 820605 32100 981%STAARS Down Payments 820603 32100 981 E-Commerce Fees 820610 32100 981%91Ƶ Unclaimed Checks 820620 32100 981%Subsidized Staffords 820630 32100 981%Unsubsidzd Staffords 820631 32100 981Plus Loans 820632 32100 981$Out-St Stafford-Eft 820633 32100 981%Loan Tuition Collect 820634 32100 981%Tuition Payment Plan 820635 32100 981%Womens BB Summer Cam 821010 52400 981"Junior Wildcat BB 821020 34100 981%Football Summer Camp 821030 52400 981$Women's Soccer Camp 821040 52400 981 WBB Summer Camp 821041 31207 981 MFB Summer Camp 821042 31207 981#Soccer Summer Camp 821043 31207 981 MBB Summer Camp 821044 31207 981 WVB Summer Camp 821045 31207 981%91Ƶ Athletics In/Out 821000 34000 981Mens BB Camp 821050 52400 981"Sodexho Food Serv 820690 52100 981!Std Activ P-Card 119958 52201 510%Chartwells Operating 820700 52000 981%Chartwells IDT Clear 820701 52100 981(Women's Volleyball Camp 821060 52400 981%Womens Golf Tournamn 821070 34000 981)Football Misc Activities 821075 34200 981"Pres Council Fund 820400 10000 981#Int'l Radio TV Soc 162100 22200 510$Society Women Engin 162101 27003 510!Match For 631317 820950 25400 981)Agency Federal Equipment 829000 90020 981 Student In Out 810005 2023 91Ƶ1 981%Unclaimed Trust Fund 810010 32100 981Shafagh Abbasi 810015 32100 981Ahlborn Shawna 810025 2023 91Ƶ1 981Atene Winifred 810030 2023 91Ƶ1 981Begaye Arlo 810035 2023 91Ƶ1 981Begay Kenny C 810055 2023 91Ƶ1 981Betoni Marilyn 810060 2023 91Ƶ1 981Arvizu Eric 810065 2023 91Ƶ1 981Bedonie Elaine 810070 2023 91Ƶ1 981Asbell Laura 810080 2023 91Ƶ1 981Billy Carol 810085 2023 91Ƶ1 981Bailey Koaalii 810090 2023 91Ƶ1 981Billie Connie 810095 2023 91Ƶ1 981Brown Shelby 810100 2023 91Ƶ1 981Chee Cassandra 810110 2023 91Ƶ1 981Bolton Jenny 810115 2023 91Ƶ1 981Bull Amanda 810120 2023 91Ƶ1 981Brower Lewis E 810125 2023 91Ƶ1 981Clark Cara 810130 2023 91Ƶ1 981Caldera Susan 810135 2023 91Ƶ1 981Covalt William 810140 2023 91Ƶ1 981"Conley Jr Clyde F 810145 2023 91Ƶ1 981Conley Phyllis 810160 2023 91Ƶ1 981Clah Savran 810170 2023 91Ƶ1 981Duncan Racheal 810180 2023 91Ƶ1 981Ervin Erin 810185 2023 91Ƶ1 981Gross Michael 810190 2023 91Ƶ1 981"Foster Christoper 810195 32100 981Davis Trinette 810200 2023 91Ƶ1 981 Davis Robinette 810205 2023 91Ƶ1 981Dixon Melissa 810210 2023 91Ƶ1 981Charley Sharon 810215 2023 91Ƶ1 981Eidem Lisa 810220 2023 91Ƶ1 981Dayish Chuck 810225 2023 91Ƶ1 981#Clark Sepkimbreyia 810230 2023 91Ƶ1 981Dahl Corey 810231 32100 981"Foster Shoshannah 810240 2023 91Ƶ1 981"Genereaux Charles 810245 2023 91Ƶ1 981Dahl Nichole 810250 32100 981Estrada Tasha 810255 2023 91Ƶ1 981Gomez Roselyn 810260 2023 91Ƶ1 981Hales Nathan E 810265 2023 91Ƶ1 981Kalama Killie 810270 2023 91Ƶ1 981!Ferguson Joshiah 810275 32100 981Larson Heidi 810280 2023 91Ƶ1 981Gardiner Carol 810285 2023 91Ƶ1 981$Hossain Kazi Moyeen 810290 32100 981Hubbard Kody 810295 2023 91Ƶ1 981!Hanamaikai Quinn 810300 2023 91Ƶ1 981Hancock David 810305 2023 91Ƶ1 981#Hildreth Ernestine 810310 2023 91Ƶ1 981&Hill Cornisha Sharece 810311 32100 981Gregory Rachel 810315 2023 91Ƶ1 981Grant Krystle 810320 2023 91Ƶ1 981 Thomas Erin Rae 810325 32100 981Hensley Sherry 810330 2023 91Ƶ1 981Holiday Dinah 810340 2023 91Ƶ1 981 German Exchange 810345 22400 981%Bossenberger Stephan 810350 32100 981'International Exchange 810355 23000 981June Adrienne 810360 2023 91Ƶ1 981Johns Denise 810370 2023 91Ƶ1 981Keith Marilyn 810375 2023 91Ƶ1 981!James Ronald Ray 810380 2023 91Ƶ1 981Jones Susie 810385 2023 91Ƶ1 981John Frederick 810395 2023 91Ƶ1 981#Littlefoot Shineth 810400 2023 91Ƶ1 981Katinov Stoyan 810405 32100 981#Longjohn Christina 810415 2023 91Ƶ1 981"Littlefoot Evelyn 810425 2023 91Ƶ1 981Kay Davida 810430 2023 91Ƶ1 981!Lakeland Medical 810435 28000 981Knox Gregory 810440 2023 91Ƶ1 981#Laframboise Tahrah 810445 2023 91Ƶ1 981Lucero Tashina 810455 2023 91Ƶ1 981Lybbert Shandy 810460 2023 91Ƶ1 981Levi Joseph 810465 2023 91Ƶ1 981"McClellan Valtina 810470 2023 91Ƶ1 981Mahi John 810480 2023 91Ƶ1 981Maya Lydia 810485 2023 91Ƶ< 1 981Nakai Randy 810490 2023 91Ƶ1 981 Mckenzie Jeremy 810505 2023 91Ƶ1 981Miller Laura J 810510 2023 91Ƶ1 981 Mexican Jacob R 810515 2023 91Ƶ1 981!Mustache Darlena 810520 2023 91Ƶ1 981McRae Natasha 810525 2023 91Ƶ1 981Martinez Guy 810540 2023 91Ƶ1 981!Mariano Caroline 810565 2023 91Ƶ1 981Muir Joey 810570 2023 91Ƶ1 981 Ndirangu Alvine 810575 32100 981Nez Jesse 810580 2023 91Ƶ1 981Nelson Trent 810590 32100 981Overton Jo 810595 2023 91Ƶ1 981Norton Bettina 810600 2023 91Ƶ1 981Parker Rahnia 810605 2023 91Ƶ1 981Nelson Lavon 810610 2023 91Ƶ1 981Powell Tracy 810615 2023 91Ƶ1 981Powell Carolyn 810620 2023 91Ƶ1 981Pacheco Aaron 810625 2023 91Ƶ1 981Parker Katie 810630 2023 91Ƶ1 981Pacheco Lori 810635 2023 91Ƶ1 981Pessoa Carlos 810640 32100 981Powell Landon 810645 2023 91Ƶ1 981Pete Halbert 810646 2023 91Ƶ1 981Nelson Valerie 810650 2023 91Ƶ1 981 Platero Clifton 810660 2023 91Ƶ1 981 Rahman Ashfaqur 810670 32100 981#Red Dye Clarrisa R 810675 2023 91Ƶ1 981Rilloraza Rex 810680 2023 91Ƶ1 981Nakai Larena 810685 2023 91Ƶ1 981%Sullivan Christopher 810690 2023 91Ƶ1 981!Sandoval Brandon 810695 2023 91Ƶ1 981Saggboy Rachel 810700 2023 91Ƶ1 981#Rodgers Witt Carol 810705 2023 91Ƶ1 981 Simons Benjamin 810710 2023 91Ƶ1 981Martin Regina 810715 2023 91Ƶ1 981Simonsen Cody 810716 32100 981 Stauty Danielle 810725 2023 91Ƶ1 981Smith Heston 810735 2023 91Ƶ1 981Smith Harry Jr 810745 2023 91Ƶ1 981Singer Cynthia 810750 2023 91Ƶ1 981 Spann Stephanie 810760 2023 91Ƶ1 981%Student Acct Wsu/Urv 810765 22401 981Smith Taralyn 810775 2023 91Ƶ1 981 Thurston Rehana 810780 2023 91Ƶ1 981 Tsinagine Tyron 810785 2023 91Ƶ1 981$Tashro Shining Star 810790 2023 91Ƶ1 981Tasso Gary 810805 2023 91Ƶ1 981Viveiros Mary 810810 2023 91Ƶ1 981Udseth Desiree 810815 2023 91Ƶ1 981Tom Frank 810830 2023 91Ƶ1 981 Martin Kimberly 810845 2023 91Ƶ1 981Oyula Irene 810850 32100 981#Whitehorse Jamie M 810860 2023 91Ƶ1 981 Valentine Kevin 810865 2023 91Ƶ1 981Whitright Boyd 810875 2023 91Ƶ1 981Witt Carol 810880 2023 91Ƶ1 981Walker Susan 810885 2023 91Ƶ1 981!Yellowman Alyssa 810890 2023 91Ƶ1 981Wehr Angie P 810895 2023 91Ƶ1 981Wright Jeffrey 810905 2023 91Ƶ1 981West Ryan 810910 2023 91Ƶ1 981#Wilsterman Russell 810915 2023 91Ƶ1 981Yoe Carolyn 810920 2023 91Ƶ1 981#Yellowhorse Tricia 810925 2023 91Ƶ1 981Yazzie Irene 810930 2023 91Ƶ1 981 Young Stephanie 810940 2023 91Ƶ1 981 Younger Richard 810945 2023 91Ƶ1 981Zabel Jennifer 810955 2023 91Ƶ1 981"Bradshaw Brittani 810965 28000 981%Executive Women Intn 810980 53500 981%Hill Field Civ Lt Ct 810985 32100 981IRS Stipend 810990 23200 981Miselis Todd 810995 32100 981Sinju Peter 811000 32100 981"Misc Scholarships 815010 20212 981%Abbott Clara Foundtn 815035 20212 981%Retention Scholarshp 815030 20212 981"Misc Clearing A-F 815011 20212 981Misc Agcy G-P 815012 20212 981$Misc Employer Spons 815020 20212 981Misc Agcy Q-Z 815013 20212 981Misc Agcy A-F 815014 20212 981Misc Agcy G-P 815015 20212 981Misc Agcy Q-Z 815016 20212 981"Air Force Aid Soc 815040 20212 981!Hill AFB Spouses 815042 20212 981"Abwa All Chapters 815045 20212 981"Army Star Program 815050 20212 981$Credit Unions/Banks 815060 20212 981%Bamberger Foundation 815065 20212 981$Ben Day Scholarship 815067 20212 981 Ben Lomond PTSA 815070 20212 981Burger Bar Roy 815090 20212 981"Burger Bar Layton 815095 20212 981Chick Fil A 815100 20212 981%Citizen's Schlr Fndt 815105 20212 981"Davis School Dist 815115 20212 981%Davis N Medical Cntr 815120 20212 981Eagles Club 815125 20212 981 Utah Elks Assoc 815135 20212 981 HAFB Wives Club 815140 20212 981#C D Harmon-Nontrad 815145 20212 981$National H.S. Rodeo 815150 20212 981"Lifetime Products 815155 20212 981#Lagoon Corporation 815165 20212 981M and M Mars 815170 20212 981 Executive Woman 815175 20212 981Miss Pagents 815180 20212 981$Misc School Distrct 815185 20212 981Morgan PTA 815190 20212 981#Military Schlrshps 815195 20212 981-Weber County Sheriff Mntd Po 815200 20212 981New Century 815210 20212 981%Larry H. Miller Acct 815215 20212 981On Your Mark 815220 20212 981"Ogden Rotary Club 815225 20212 981$Ogden Regional Hosp 815230 20212 981$Ogden School Dstrct 815235 20212 981!Papa Johns Pizza 815240 20212 981#Miss Rodeo America 815245 20212 981%Pensylvania Highr Ed 815250 20212 981Pink Flamingo 815255 20212 981#Misc Frat Organtns 815260 20212 981#Misc Greek Organiz 815265 20212 981!Misc PTA Organiz 815270 20212 981%National Merit Schol 815275 20212 981#Old Time Athl Asso 815280 20212 981Roy-Hooper PTA 815290 20212 981$Smith Kent Constrct 815300 20212 981%State of Utah Job En 815310 20212 981#Taggart Sholarship 815315 20212 981&Auto Tech Scholarship 815325 27701 981!UEA Scholarships 815330 20212 981U P Railroad 815335 20212 981%Utah Wrkmns Comp Fnd 815345 20212 981 WPU Scholarship 815350 20212 981%Vermont Student Assi 815355 20212 981$Veterans of Foreign 815370 20212 981$Youth Bowling Assns 815375 20212 981"Sundquist James L 264691 20212 410$Teacher Ed Computer 264696 24000 410%Swanson Dr Wc Play G 264701 24200 410#Swanson Teach Gift 264706 24200 410$Swanson Fndtn Libry 264711 29002 420%Swanson Cmptr Upgrad 264716 10000 410"Tanner Norman Bar 264721 24200 410%Tar Sands Developmnt 264726 25007 410%TAPT Program Gift Fu 264731 24000 410$Testing Center Gift 264736 55010 410UMT Gala 264741 22900 410#Undergrad Lit Conf 264746 22300 410UMT Board 264751 22900 410%Utah Construction/Ut 264756 29002 420"Vaughan Michael B 264761 20000 410$Wattis Elva Chrt Lb 264766 29002 420$Wright Ernest D Mem 264771 26100 410!Acc Info System 264776 23100 410%Visual Arts Outreach 264781 22100 410 Soc/Anthro Dept 264786 26800 410!Visual Arts Gift 264791 22100 410!Wadman Fnd Endow 282440 41200 410%Weber State Apache P 264801 27200 410"Utah Math Science 264806 25801 410%Visual Arts Permanen 264811 22000 410"91Ƶ Band Devlpmnt 264816 22500 410!91Ƶ Bowling Club 264821 54105 410'WSF for Schol Cult Act 264825 26950 410$Buy For The Library 264826 29002 420(91Ƶ Buy A Book Campaign 264831 29002 420%Wall Street F- Horne 264836 23000 410%Wall Street F-Baxter 264841 23000 410%91Ƶ Communication Fd 264846 22200 410IST Gift Fund 264851 23200 410"91Ƶ Comp Sci Dept 264856 27200 41091Ƶ CE Gifts 264861 28000 410!91Ƶ Convocations 264866 52000 410"91Ƶ Dance Program 264871 22500 410-Browning Round Robin Tournam 264876 22200 410#91Ƶ Economics Dept 264881 23300 410!91Ƶ English Dept 264886 22300 410%91Ƶ Foreign Language 264891 22400 410%Psychology Gift Fund 264896 26600 410#91Ƶ Health Science 264901 21400 410%Lacrosse Gift-Womens 265150 54105 510%Lifeguard Org Gft Fd 265155 54104 510!Larsen Womens BB 265157 34600 510$Medical Athletic Fd 265160 34000 510%Mens Rugby Club Gift 265161 54105 410 Mss Admin. Fund 265170 50000 510%Wildcat Club Prepays 265180 34050 510#WCC Athlc Dontn Fd 265190 34050 510%Footbal Varisty Club 265200 34200 510#Hannah Fred Marian 265210 34100 510%Lindquist Foundation 265220 20000 510'Martial Arts Club Gift 265230 54105 510$Hobson Darlene M BB 265235 34100 510%Golf Tournament Gift 265240 34010 510$Golf Program - Mens 265250 34300 510%Golf Program - Women 265260 34700 510#Mower Mens Bb Fund 265270 34100 510%Nye Jaynie Weight Rm 265280 34000 510%Phi Beta Lambda Gift 265290 27800 510%Rolling Athletic Trg 265300 24300 510#Signpost Gift Acct 265310 22200 510%Student Union Firepl 265320 52000 510%Eilertson Doug Athle 265330 34000 510!Stewart Athletic 265340 34000 510,Women's Fast Pitch Softball 265350 54105 510$91Ƶ Amnesty Intrntl 265360 26500 510$91Ƶ Mens Basketball 265370 34100 510%91Ƶ Spirit Squad Gft 265380 34003 510%91Ƶ Club Hockey Gift 265390 54105 510 Mens Track Team 265400 34500 510$Sylvester Blaine Fd 265405 34500 510 91Ƶ Racquetball 265410 54102 51091Ƶ Tennis 265420 34400 510!Wildcat Club-GIK 265430 34000 510 WCC-Mens Bb GIK 265440 34100 510 WCC-Mens Fb GIK 265450 34200 510"WCC-Mens Golf GIK 265460 34300 510$WCC-Mens Tennis GIK 265470 34400 510#WCC-Mens Track GIK 265480 34500 510WCC-Wms BB GIK 265490 34600 510!WCC-Wms Golf GIK 265500 34700 510 Mail Code%Please make the< following transfer(s)Account Code ReferenceIndex Revised 11/2007 Requested by3 (61050-61999) requires a signature from a VP/Dean%Alumni House Buy Brk 267025 41100 710%Browning Ctr Renovtn 267040 22000 710$Busenbark Gift Acct 267050 31000 710$Buy a Tree Campaign 267060 31100 710Build a Track 267070 34500 710 Circle of Peace 267090 26000 710%Cousens Memorial Fnd 267100 25000 710DEC Marquee 267110 31200 710#Farrell Memrl Fund 267120 31100 710$Perf Arts/Gorin Fnd 267130 22500 710Hurst Center 267135 40000 710#Lampros Hall Renov 267140 41200 710%Lindquist Plaza Main 267150 31100 710%Lindquist Plaza Memr 267160 31000 710'Moench Room Renovation 267165 24000 710$Nontrad Student Ctr 267170 53400 710,Ott Planetarium Enhancement 267175 25601 710Questar Corp 267180 31100 710%Visual Arts Building 267190 40000 710%Football Stadium Box 267200 34000 710#Track Field Locker 267210 34000 710%Perf Arts Cntr Dwntn 267220 10000 710#UB Remodeling Fund 267225 30000 710"Stewart Fndtn-Dec 267230 31200 710$Stewart Locker Room 267240 34000 710%Swensen Bldg Project 267205 30000 710$Stromberg C William 267250 34000 710$91Ƶ Davis Sign Fund 267260 31000 710(Aloa's Hope Schol Award 268004 53600 810$Aerospace Education 268005 27000 810#Abbott Lab B E Sch 268010 23000 810!Aaac Scholarship 268015 27700 810Dept. Head or Authorized PersonVP, Dean, or Equivalent4* An actual signature approval is required from the 2* The area that is receiving the funds needs to be* Send only one copy >Notification (Please put name of individual that was notified)(Art History Scholarship 268151 22100 810CJ I Truscott 268155 22100 810$Communication Schol 268160 22200 810 CFMA Schol Fund 268161 27300 810(Child Willey Schol Fund 268162 20212 810$Daimlerchrysler Cap 268165 27000 810%Close Gary Marsha Ps 268170 20212 810#Chemistry Research 268175 25200 810"Comp Electr Schol 268180 27400 810%Daimlerchrysler Auto 268185 27701 810%Computer Science Fac 268190 27200 810$Elizabeth Christian 268195 20212 810"Christian J Schol 268200 22500 810%Clark Family Fd Scho 268205 27800 810"Chavez Javier Sch 268210 51000 810%Call William Scholar 268215 22500 810$Class of 96 TBE Sch 268220 27800 810$Clinical Lab Sc Sch 268225 21100 810"Cook Carl Scholar 268230 20212 810%Gary Crompton Scholr 268235 34000 810*Daniels Opportunity Award 268236 53700 810%Distinguished Phioso 268240 26500 810%Davis Camp Scholarsh 268245 20212 810%Criminal Justice Sch 268250 26100 810 Davies Angela F 268255 22500 810#Daniels Thomas Sch 268260 26300 810$Dee Annie Taylor Sc 268270 53500 810%Dr Phil Mcfate Smith 268275 21400 810$Bryner Dale W. Scho 268280 41200 810$Divino T Toyota Sch 268285 27700 810-Deboer Wright Nursing Schola 268286 21800 810#Dykstra Martha Sch 268290 21800 810&Powell Foundation Sch 268291 21000 810%Spa Scholarship Gift 268295 21200 810EASE Fund 268296 53000 810!Eccles John Vera 268300 22500 810$Harris Evelyn Schol 268305 22500 810$E D S Automtv Schlr 268310 27701 810%Budget / Accounting Services Use Only(Hobson Darlene Nurs Sch 268482 21803 810"Honors Prog Schol 268483 20125 810%Horne-Wall St Fel Sc 268485 23000 810!Abrelia Hinckley 268490 20212 810#IST Scholarhsip Fd 268495 23200 810#Hinckley John Anne 268500 20212 810%Jewell E Horvat Nati 268505 26600 810%Bischoff Robert Acct 268510 23100 810(Jacobsen Business Schol 268511 23000 810#Jensen Jerry Schol 268515 53100 810%Javier's Scholarship 268520 34500 810Johnson R J 268525 20212 810%Johnson Denecc Schol 268530 34003 810"Harrington Gordon 268533 26004 810$History Scholarship 268535 26300 810"Keil C Schol Comm 268537 22200 810#Kleyn Pres Scholar 268540 41100 810-Cont Educ Hispanic Scholarsh 268545 28000 810#Lindquist Artistic 268550 22100 810#Larsen Everett Sch 268555 27500 810$Latino/Chicano/Hisp 268560 53700 810"Lifetime Prod-Met 268565 27500 810"Lifetime Prod-Sst 268570 27700 810#Lang Dr Anna J Sch 268575 26200 810%Sessions Lola Allred 268580 26300 810MMET Campaign 268585 27500 810$Teacher Scholarship 268590 24100 810%Luckey Heath Scholar 268595 22500 810$Liberace Performing 268600 22000 810%Mack D Wade Dean Sch 268605 21803 810Etta Mcdonald 281580 20212 810%Mack D Wade Pres Sch 268615 21803 810%Madsen Nursing Schol 268620 21800 810&Armstrong Eng Tech Sc 268621 27500 810-Ogden Reg Med Center Nursing 268622 21803 810-Etcheverry Mem Nursing Schol 268623 21803 810$Mckenzie Lee Englis 268625 22300 810%Mathematics Sch Fund 268630 25400 810%Military Sci Scholar 268635 26400 810%Met Diversity Initia 268640 27000 810+Young Alumni Council Schol 268781 41100 810%Society of Professio 268785 22200 810"Simmons Roy W. El 268790 20212 810%Robinson Lynn Mem Sc 268795 21803 810#Russell Family Sch 268796 20212 810#Social Science Sch 268797 26900 810%Sociology Scholar Fd 268800 26800 810$Social Work Scholar 268805 26700 810$Stackaruk Tom Kelly 268808 27700 810%Storey Jerald T Scho 268810 23000 810%Storey Dr Jerald Sch 268815 23000 810!Flossie Stephens 268825 20212 810$Swanson Lucie Fr Lg 268830 22400 810"Swenson Richard B 268835 22500 810$Swire Coca-Cola Sch 268840 20212 810$Student Sp Textbook 268845 55001 810 Simkins Allen F 268850 23100 810#Sms Multi-Cult Sch 268855 53700 810$Thomas Myrna L Scho 268860 53500 810%Thompson Paul Fellow 268863 25000 810$TMA of Utah Banking 268865 23000 810$Toone James/Blanche 268870 20212 810%Toyota Auto Tech Sch 268875 27700 810)Trinchero Football Schol 268876 34200 810%David White Memorial 283150 20212 810%J H Stafford Scholar 268885 22000 810"Tanner Norman Bar 268890 20212 810#Tech Sales Faculty 268895 27700 810%TBE Dept Scholarship 268900 27800 810%TAPT Student Sponsor 268905 24000 810$Thompson Lujean Sch 268910 22500 810#TRW Minority/Women 268915 20212 810-UWONU Social Work Scholarshi 268916 26700 810"Uke Mary Schlrshp 268920 26700 810Z 74 ٶv(=p, "E  |nVL ecTSZ [=  *s $=(+/3 l7*;U>%B FJWNc;RG S &W2Z^@bLeilpt| jxR$| wG/* F ?c'ũe/1b Nvk W2 O0(K7 HW'W 1 I9!ry$5(n,#/3 ,7G :>A.EIHK1O(RvU Y~1](`dyhpkoh~sQ Qw$ {~cc  <  dMbP?_*+%&?(?)?MHP LaserJet 2200 Series PCL4C odXXLetterDINU"4MԽ "WXX??U} $} I} I} } } $} } < Y@Y@,@w@5-5,5,5 ,@ <@ Z@ , w@,@,@,@,@,@,@,@,@,@,@,@`@h@@w@K@ d e   ,s t   lkV O+J*$K`hhNZUijW}~~~~~~W}~~~~~~W V RRSSSSSV PPQQQQQ_ a  :;_ Er  g T9V  bf T  VIFyzU~  @@ !pVIFyzU~ "F@ #vVIFyzU~ "x@ #hVIFyzU~ "@ #iVIFyzU~ "U@ #jVIFyzU~ "@ #kVIFyzU~ "O@ #lVIFyzU~ "@ #mVIFyzU~ "@ #nV\ c#, % U~ (I@ %oV&''-*$'V {V } ~ ~z ~~~ /{V,.fV  t tz ttt /{Vwxxx,.fVLMMMNOOVD[l$$P&&:H:::::::::s&NN Y@!@"h@#,@$,@%,@&,@',@(,@),@*,@+,@,,@-./@0 K@1 i@2 Y@3 w@4 Y@5 Y@6 J@7 w@8 ,@9 ;@: @; @ >::;;?@ !Eq! !g!V9V " "df "Z " "V#IFyzU~ # @@ #!p#V$IFyzU~ $"F@ $#v$V%IFyzU~ %"x@ %#h%V&IFyzU~ &"@ &#i&V'IFyzU~ '"U@ '#j'V(IFyzU~ ("@ (#k(V)IFyzU~ )"O@ )#l)V*IFyzU~ *"@ *#m*V+IFyzU~ +"@ +#n+V,] ,^#,8j %#+! ,[~ ,(I@ ,%o,V -v -sssuV .}z.~~~~~ .7|.V/,<gV0LMMMNXYV1,++++8= 2 20 2~ 2 2  3w3{ 3A 35$) 4| 4A 4CCD 5qx 5ry 5B 5552 612 6e 6552 7u7 7A 7552 818n 8A 8552 93}94 9m 9664 :oo:pooo ; ;<:H:::::::::s&:H6,:,666 P 8(  L  3 A@919]` `X  C Aumsf]&`TL   3 A@838] ``><d4//..772222..34((## ;;"",,&&''**----%%$$++34 ))!" 7  0 ?wO'oGg ?%_+177>DJQWW]c/jwpv}Oߏ'oG׻g?_7 W &,/3w9?FOLRX'_oekqGx~ׄg?ϰ_7W/w  dMbP?_*+%".??U} G} m1H0      ~ G(jA H~ GPjA H~ GxjA H~ GjA H~ GjA H~ GjA H~ GjA H~ GkA H~ GkA H~ G0kA H~ G8kA H~ G@kA H~ GHkA H~ GpkA H~ GxkA H~ GkA H~ GkA H~ GkA H~ GlA H~ GmA H~ GpA H~ GzA H~ GA H~ GA H~ G0A H~ GXA H~ GpA H~ GA H~ G A H~ GXA H~ GȏA H~ G0A HDl !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?~ G8A H~ !GPA !H~ "GXA "H~ #G`A #H~ $GhA $H~ %GpA %H~ &GؙA &H~ 'GA 'H~ (GA (H~ )G A )H~ *G(A *H~ +GpA +H~ ,GКA ,H~ -GؚA -H~ .GA .H~ /GA /H~ 0GA 0H~ 1GШA 1H~ 2G A 2H~ 3GpA 3H~ 4GA 4H~ 5GA 5H~ 6GA 6H~ 7G0A 7H~ 8G A 8H~ 9GpA 9H~ :GxA :H~ ;GA ;H~ <GA <H~ =G`A =H~ >GA >H~ ?GA ?HDl@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_~ @GHA @H~ AGA AH~ BGA BH~ CGXA CH~ DGxA DH~ EGA EH~ FGA FH~ GGxA GH~ HGPA HH~ IGA IH~ JGA JH~ KG@A KH~ LGA LH~ MGA MH~ NGA NH ~ OGA OH!~ PGA PH"~ QGA QH#~ RGpA RH$~ SGh A SH%~ TG A TH&~ UG A UH'~ VG A VH(~ WG0 A WH)~ XG A XH*~ YG A YH+~ ZG A ZH,~ [GX A [H-~ \G A \H.~ ]G A ]H/~ ^G A ^H0~ _G8 A _H1Dl`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~~ `G@ A `H2~ aG A aH3~ bG A bH4~ cG% A cH5~ dG% A dH6~ eG% A eH7~ fG0& A fH8~ gGH& A gH9~ hGp& A hH:~ iG& A iH;~ jG' A jH<~ kG8' A kH=~ lG`' A lH>~ mG( A mH?~ nG, A nHg~ oG/ A oHh~ pG`6 A pHi~ qGh6 A qHj~ rG E A rHk~ sGPE A sHl~ tG`E A tHm~ uGE A uHn~ vGF A vHo~ wGPF A wHp~ xGF A xHq~ yGF A yHr~ zGF A zHs~ {GF A {Ht~ |GG A |Hu~ }GU A }Hv~ ~Gg A ~Hw~ G g A HxDl~ Gi A Hy~ G@j A Hz~ G`m A H{~ Gx A H|~ GP A H}~ G( A H~~ G A H~ G A H~ G A H~ G A H~ G A H~ G( A H~ G A H~ GX A H~ G` A H~ GH A H~ G A H~ G A H~ G0 A H~ GX A H~ Gh A H~ G A H~ G A H~ G A H~ G A H~ G A H~ G A H~ G A H~ G A H~ G A H~ G  A H~ G0 A HDl~ G A H~ G A H~ G A H~ Gh A H~ G A H~ G A H~ Gx A H~ G A H~ G A H~ G A H~ G A H~ Gp A H~ G A H~ G A H~ G A H~ G A H~ G@ A H~ GH A H~ GP A H~ GX A H~ G` A H~ G A H~ G A H~ G A H~ G0 A H~ G A H~ G A H~ G A H~ G A H~ G A H~ G A H~ G A HDl~ G` A H~ Gh A H~ G A H~ G A H~ GP A H~ G A H ~ G A H ~ G@ A H ~ GP A H ~ GX A H ~ G` A H~ Gh A H~ G A H~ G A H~ G A H~ G A H~ G A H~ G A H~ G A H~ G0 A H~ G8 A H~ G@ A H~ GP A H~ G` A H~ G A H~ G A H~ G A H~ G A H~ G A H ~ Gx A H!~ G A H"~ G A H#Dl~ G( A H~ G@ A H~ GP A H~ G A H~ G A H~ G A H~ G A H~ G( A H~ G" A H~ G" A H ~ G" A H ~ G# A H ~ G@# A H ~ Gh# A H ~ G# A H~ G# A H~ G$ A H~ G0$ A H~ G% A H~ G) A H~ G) A H~ G0) A H~ GX) A H~ G) A H~ G) A H~ G) A H~ G* A H~ G`+ A H~ G+ A H~ GX, A H~ G, A H~ Gp/ A HDl     ~ G/ A H ~ G0 A H!~ G80 A H"~ G`0 A H#~ G0 A H$~ GH2 A H%~ G> A H&~ G? 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