Dr. Chris Hoagstrom
Contact Information
Email: christopherhoagstrom@weber.edu
Phone: 801-626-7486
Office Location:
Tracy Hall Science Center (TY)
Room 327
For more details visit Dr. Hoagstrom's website.
Teaching Philosophy & Focus
My teaching focus includes introductory zoology, freshwater ecology, fish biology, conservation biology, and biogeography. I like to involve students in practical subject matter that connects scientific principles. My field courses (Aquatic Ecology, Ichthyology) and research with undergraduate students include field sampling as well as data analysis and presentation.
Classes Taught
Research Areas of Interest
My research interests include all areas of freshwater ecology and conservation of freshwater ecosystems.
Recent Projects
(potential for continuation)
Ecology of food webs in Strongs Creek and other creeks along the northern Wasatch Front.
Office hours
Monday - Friday
8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Visit the Faculty & Staff page
for list of Advisors.
Mailing address
Department of Zoology
1415 Edvalson St., Dept. 2505
Ogden, UT 84408-2505
Building location
Tracy Hall Science Center (TY)
Room 402, Mail Code 2505