Dr. Jonathan B. Clark
Teaching Philosophy & Focus
The main goal of my teaching is to help students develop confidence and independence needed to succeed outside of the classroom. To motivate students and enhance learning, I organize my classes around current research applications. Students in my classes regularly read, discuss and understand current research papers, activities that are important to their growth as independent thinkers.
In addition to classroom instruction, I devote a significant amount of time to supervising student research projects. The skills learned from engaging in independent research complement those learned in the classroom. My students obtain their own research funding, regularly present their findings at national and international conferences, and contribute to peer-reviewed publications. Under my supervision, students have excelled at competitive research activities at a variety of levels.
Student Accomplishment Details
Contact Information
Tracy Hall Science Center (TY)
Courses Taught
Research Areas of Interest
I maintain an internationally-recognized research program in evolutionary genetics and I regularly present my research at scientific conferences throughout the world. In just the past five years alone, I have given professional presentations in Argentina, the Netherlands, Ireland, China (twice), Australia, Russia, and South Africa. An appealing feature of my scholarship is its focus on the Great Salt Lake ecosystem, an important historical, cultural, and economic resource for the state of Utah. My research and its dissemination in publications and presentations have helped to establish Weber State as a recognized center for Great Salt Lake research activities.
Specific Projects
DNA molecules convey hereditary information through the sequence of nucleotide subunits (abbreviated A, C, G, T). In addition to directing the events inside living cells, DNA sequences contain information about an organism’s evolutionary history. My primary research interest is the use of genetic data to understand biological diversification and evolutionary adaptations.
Professional Service
For nearly 20 years, I have been involved in local and national leadership positions of , the scientific research society. Sigma Xi is one of the oldest, largest and most prestigious scientific organizations in the world, with over 200 past and current members receiving the Nobel prize. Through national elections, I have served as the Director of the Northwest region of Sigma Xi, the Director of the Comprehensive Colleges & Universities constituency group, and a total of five years on its international Board of Directors. I was recently elected to a three-year term on the Board of Directors of the , the world’s leading organization focused on the study, management, and conservation of saline lakes.
Office hours
Monday - Friday
8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Visit the Faculty & Staff page
for list of Advisors.
Mailing address
Department of Zoology
1415 Edvalson St., Dept. 2505
Ogden, UT 84408-2505
Building location
Tracy Hall Science Center (TY)
Room 402, Mail Code 2505