Grief and Loss Group

Have you lost a loved one? Are you grieving and need somewhere safe to talk about it? Please join us for the Grief and Loss Group, a place to learn about the grieving process and talk about these feelings with others.

Fall Semester 2024 (Oct. 1 - Nov. 19)

  • Tuesdays
  • 1 p.m.
  • Student Services Center (SC) 280

Please come be a part of this group. If you would like more information, please call 801-626-6406 or


  • Counseling & Psychological Services Center
    • 801-626-6406
    • Student Services Building Suite 280


  • Kate Lovatt, LCSW
  • George Valdez, LCSW

In this group, you can:

  • Build support through authentic emotional expression and sharing of empathy
  • Openly process mixed emotions around loss and grief
  • Learn about the grief process while sharing coping skills and resources

Expectations of Group Members

  1. In order for everyone to express opinions freely, we expect everyone to honor confidentiality. That is, we ask you not to discuss who attended the meeting and what other people said in the meeting with anyone outside of the group. We cannot legally guarantee confidentiality, but it is highly encouraged.
  2. We expect all group participants to be respectful. This means arriving on time, taking turns talking, and being open to different perspectives. 
  3. Group facilitators may recommend additional models of mental health care, such as individual therapy, if they believe there to be a need.  
  4. If the group is not meeting your needs or expectations, if there are situations in which you don’t feel comfortable, or if you have ideas on how to improve the group, the facilitators will be available briefly after each meeting and welcome your feedback.

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