Mark Anderson
Pediatrician, Denver Health Community Health Services
Thursday, March 18, 2021 On-Demand Flash Session – SoilSHOP: Engaging the Community and Making Connections
Dr. Anderson is a pediatrician in the Denver Health Community Health Services department in Denver, Colorado. He sees general pediatrics patients in inpatient and outpatient settings and manages the Kid’s Care Primary and Specialty Pediatric Clinics, with approximately 30,000 outpatient pediatric visits annually, located on the Denver Health Medical Center campus. He collaborates with EPA Region 8 as the Director of the Rocky Mountain Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty Unit based in Denver, Colorado, and is an Associate Professor of Pediatrics in the School of Medicine and the School of Public Health at the University of Colorado. Dr. Anderson’s current research and service projects focus on the identification and treatment of children with asthma, management of childhood lead exposure, management of childhood asthma in the public schools, and between visit care for chronic conditions including childhood asthma.