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Tammy Seale

Principal, PlaceWorks

Tammy L. Seale directs PlaceWorks’ Climate Action and Resiliency Practice. She is a
leader in the field of local climate action and resiliency planning, with over 25 years
of local environmental and land use planning experience. She collaborates with
communities to holistically address sustainability, climate change, and resiliency in
local environmental and land use plans and implementation programs, including
comprehensive plans, climate action plans, hazard mitigation plans, and zoning
codes. She leads planning processes that are informed by robust technical analysis,
such as climate change vulnerability assessments and green house gas (GHG) emissions inventories. She also leads inclusive, meaningful engagement with agencies and community
stakeholders to develop effective and locally appropriate climate mitigation and
adaptation strategies.

Tammy is a frequent presenter and workshop participant at conferences and special
lectures. She pursues research, publication, and curriculum development that provide
best practices and guidance to climate action planners. She is also a member of the
AEP Climate Change Committee and has contributed to committee white papers. Her
most recent book, co-authored with Michael Boswell and Adrienne Greve, is (2019),
a guidebook that provides resources, best practices, and tools to address climate
change mitigation and adaptation in the local planning process..