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Think college is out of reach? We'll help you get there and beyond.


Upward Bound Services







We'll Help You:

  • Complete high school
  • Explore career options
  • Explore colleges and majors
  • Score well on college entrance tests
  • Secure grants and scholarships for college
  • Complete the college admissions process
  • Expand your horizons

Qualifications for Participating in Upward Bound

Ogden High School

Grade/High School

  • Grades 9 - 12
  • Or a junior high that feeds into one of these schools
grandma kissing graduating student


  • Neither parent has earned a bachelor’s degree
  • And/or family is low-income according to

Priority is given to applicants who are both first-generation college and low-income.


To Stay In Program

  • Maintain a 2.5 GPA minimum
  • Maintain good school attendance and citizenship
  • Participate in Upward Bound services and program activities
  • Complete the six-week Summer Residential Academic Program each year


Why Enroll In Upward Bound


Upward Bound staff provides advising, tutoring, community service opportunities, field trips,cultural activities, and more. We’ll help you:

Still not sure? Browse our Frequently Asked Questions for more information, or contact a staff member by phone or email.

Please note: The application consists of 3 parts: Student Information, Parent/Guardian Income and Education Verification, and Release of Student Records and Information. The application must be completed in one sitting - you cannot save your work and come back later.