
What about privacy?

Due to privacy laws, such as FERPA, there is some information we cannot communicate to you via text message. If you engage in a text message conversation about a sensitive topic, you may be asked to check your email or call a phone number for a one-on-one conversation. 

Does this cost anything?

Standard text messaging charges may apply based on your provider service plan or contract. Contact your carrier for details.

Where is Waldo located?

Waldo is located on numerous web pages across If you're interested in having Waldo on your department website, email

Can my department use Ask Waldo's text feature to reach students?

Waldo can text students, but in order to be considered for any messaging, Weber State employees need to fill out the 

If someone opts out, will they still get Code Purple messages?

Yes. This initiative is separate from Weber State's Code Purple emergency messaging service.

More questions?

For more information about this initiative, you can also email