Considering a degree in botany for the first time? Interested in gaining essential academic skills and developing relationships needed for academic success in college?
Apply for a PAID two-week summer botany bridge program. Be set-up for success as you engage yourself in botany.
BOTANY Scientists Program
Braiding Opportunities in Teaching, Advocacy, and Networking for Young Scientists
Plant biologists are solving the energy crisis, mending global climate change, building global food security, and controlling invasive species. Thus, the U.S. Labor of Statistics indicates there is an for plant biologists. Through the events and opportunities below, the BOTANY Scientists project serves the national interest by establishing practices to improve student mindset and persistence in botany.
Summer Bridge
Shadow A Botanist Day
If your middle or high school students have friend’s named Fiddle, Snake, or Philodendron you should bring them to us for a day of fun, food, and botanists! Teachers, let your biology-minded students get to know these plant-friends better and how Weber State botanists are making an impact on the world.
K-12 Educators Resources
The department and students have compiled educational resources for including botany in your classrooms that meet UT K-12 SEEd standards. In collaboration with CSME, exercise materials and workshops will be offered for development of UT K-12 SEEd standardized course materials, encourage teacher collaboration, and reach all student age groups.
Peer Mentors
In an effort to create a more supportive environment for STEM students, the BOTANY Scientists program has STEM-specific peer mentors. Incoming, or new, STEM majors are paired with more experienced STEM majors. Mentors help mentees navigate college and build connections. All incoming STEM majors can benefit from peer mentoring!
Open House
Attend the exclusive orientation designed for future botanists and plant ecologists. Meet faculty, staff and fellow new students. Learn the resources designed specifically for you. Bring your supporter (parent, guardian, spouse, etc.) so they can learn about your future too.