Maintain Momentum
Get past the midsemester slump and stay on track with your goals by following the tips below!
Tip 1: Review your grades and estimate your GPA
Review the grades you’ve earned so far and estimate your final grade for each of your classes based on what you anticipate earning on future assignments. Use the GPA Calculator for one semester to get an idea of your term GPA if you were to earn those grades. If any of your grades are starting to fall below 80 percent, consider what you can do to improve them. Contact your professors if you have any course-specific concerns.
Use the Cumulative GPA Calculator (demo video below) to get and idea of your cumulative 91¶ÌÊÓƵ GPA. Remember to stay on good academic standing, you need at least a 2.0 institution (91¶ÌÊÓƵ) GPA.
Tip 2: Know the upcoming deadlines
Review the and make note of important dates such as the last day to cancel or withdraw from a class or declare credit/no credit. If you are considering one of these options, be sure to check with your advisor and any entity that requires you maintain a certain number of credit hours, such as the Financial Aid and Scholarship Office, to ensure you do not adversely affect your financial support.
Tip 3: Meet with your academic advisor
While we're only around halfway through this semester, registration for next semester is right around the corner! Meet with your to discuss your goals and create an academic plan to achieve them. Schedule an appointment now to avoid the advising rush and ensure you are prepared to register on time.
Tip 4: Give yourself an energy boost
- Celebrate your successes (big and small!)
- Make sure you are taking care of your body by getting enough sleep, exercising, and eating nutrious foods
- Try something new
- Schedule breaks in your study time to do something you enjoy
- Visit Keeping Connected for information on virtual and in-person engagement opportunities