Department of Business Administration & Marketing
Want an environment that helps you develop the know-how and abilities you need to be successful? Small classes in the Department of Business Administration & Marketing offer unique opportunities for learning and engagement with highly qualified professors who genuinely care about their students.
Join the Weber Association of Marketing, Weber Entrepreneurs or Society of Human Resource Management clubs, and gain a solid foundation of technical knowledge combined with the superior leadership and people skills needed to be competitive in today’s global marketplace, no matter where your career path takes you.
Graduate Degree
Bachelor’s Degrees
Business Administration
Business administration is a flexible degree for students with a passion for leadership and management, opening doors to a variety of career possibilities from international big business to small local entities. The program features small classes, taught by faculty who encourage student engagement and professional growth through hands-on learning.
You'll learn skills to be well-rounded in business such as project management, production management, customer service, organizational leadership, strategic planning, business ethics and financial management.
Human Resource Management
Human resource management begins with the premise that people are a firm’s most important resource and that the management of people ultimately determines an organization’s success.
Our program aligns directly with the Society of Human Resource Managers (SHRM) curriculum, meaning that students can apply for the SHRM-Certified Professional exam upon graduation.
You'll learn skills such as advanced organizational behavior, training and development, negotiations, compensation and benefits, employment and labor law, organizational recruitment and staffing.
Human Resource Management program, career and salary outlook
Marketing encompasses the analysis of consumer behavior, demographics and environmental information to facilitate the exchange of offerings that create value for customers and society at large. The program integrates marketing fundamentals, market research and analytics with hands-on learning opportunities.
You will learn skills in areas such as general management, retailing, promotional and advertising management, market research, business strategic management analysis for promotions, sales management and customer relationship management and marketing.
Associate’s Degrees
Mission, Values and Principles
We use Aristotle's concept of flourishing to inform our approach to the generation and dissemination of knowledge about the management of people and organizations, with the aim of benefitting society as a whole.
- Aristotle's view that epistemology is accessible and relevant to all
- A mindset of abundance rather than scarcity (wellbeing over competition)
- Organizations and societies are human cooperative efforts that require both strength and vulnerability in order to flourish
- Treating others and their ideas with fearless openness, respect and inquiry
- We assume people are inherently pro-social: that we are "born to be good," in a pro-social sense.
- Any view of power (e.g., as depicted in Machiavelli's The Prince, and which endures today) that equates it with coercion, might and dominance will foster deeply corrosive social structures that damage our individual and collective capacity for flourishing.
- Over the long run, flourishing requires symbiotic balance; within people, between people and between people and the environment.
- Our research shares a common emphasis on generating new knowledge that serves to benefit society as a whole, beyond traditional views of organizational impact.
- Our success is measured by a Balanced Scorecard that is in alignment with key institutional themes - access, inclusiveness and excellence - in teaching, research and service.
- Recognition that organizations and the people in those organizations are inextricably embedded in society at large
- Organizations and their management have a social responsibility to their employees.
Contact the Department of Business Administration & Marketing
Wattis Business Building
Room 216