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envisioneering summer bridge's handbook



Because of the condensed class schedule, it is advised that students do not miss any days of the Envisioneering Summer Bridge program; however, each participant will be allowed one absence. To excuse an absence please email envisioneering@weber.edu and let your instructors know.


Each student is responsible for their transportation to and from Envisioneering Summer Bridge each day. Parents can drop off students before 9 AM and pick up students at 3 PM. There will be no supervision before or after these times T-Th.

The Ogden Express (OGX) bus is free for three years. You can utilize this service, if needed.

Direction to drop off and pick up locations

Noorda Engineering Building
1465 Edvalson Street
Ogden, Utah 84408

Students should be dropped off and picked up in the designated area in Parking Lot A2.

Mid-Day Pickup

Students may be picked up mid-day if the need arises. Parents can call ahead to inform the staff, and a STEM Mentor will accompany them to meet their parents. Parents coming to pick up their students early please park in the A2 Parking lot. Once parked, then turn on your emergency flashers, this will ensure that parking services will not ticket your car for 15 minutes. 

Late Drop-off & Policy

If a student is dropped off after 9am, they should proceed to Room 004 in the Noorda Engineering Building and check in with the staff. Please be aware that drop-off and pick-up times may change for Wednesday field trips. Parents and students will be made aware of any changes. If you are more than 10 minutes late to class, you will be marked as absent.

Lunch Time Procedures

Envisioneering students will have a one hour lunch break each day. Students may bring their lunch and eat in the forum (1st floor of the NB) or buy lunch on campus at the Student Union. There will be microwaves available in the Student Union for lunch. Students are also permitted to leave campus for lunch. We just ask that students stay with buddies and let the STEM Mentors know where they will be during that hour.

Field Trips

Field trips and special events will be held on Wednesdays. Students should be dropped off and picked up at the normal times unless notified otherwise. Students are encouraged to wear their Envisioneering T-shirts, closed-toed shoes, sunscreen, and bring a water bottle. 


CS 1010 - Introduction to Interactive Entertainment

Description: This course examines and analyzes the history, philosophy, and impact of digital entertainment (video and computer games along with simulations) on an individual and society. Students take a critical look at the artistic, but also the cultural, economic and social aspects of this expressive medium. Students imagine and articulate their own ideas and work through a series of projects helping them understand the creative challenges behind interactive entertainment design. Implications of certain values embedded in games will be discussed. Elements of the ethical code of conduct for a game creator will be formulated. The issue of balancing individual creativity vs. socio-cultural impact will also be discussed. Students will be required to play video games outside of the regularly scheduled class times. A lab fee is required for this class.

MFET 1000 - Manufacturing Engineering Technology Fundamentals

Description: This is an introductory course for students interested in majoring in Manufacturing Engineering Technology.  Students will be exposed to Manufacturing Engineering Technology through several hands-on laboratory experiences that introduce them to concepts needed for future classes.  Students will gain a clear understanding of degree requirements and possible career paths.

Grading Policy

Both courses are for University credit. All quizzes, tests, and assignments will be assessed to determine the student’s overall grade for each course. Grades will be distributed after the program ends. That grade will be on your official college transcript. Each course has an instructor as well as STEM mentors available to help students with assignments and coursework to ensure students get the support they need to pass their classes.

Cheating and Plagiarism

91¶ÌÊÓƵ treats all instances of cheating and plagiarism with the utmost level of seriousness and recognizes all students as responsible for their actions. 91¶ÌÊÓƵ has the right to investigate any work for a grade if they suspect that cheating or plagiarism has occurred. Cheating can include copying from another student’s test, quiz, or assignment without teacher's approval of collaboration, collaborating with another person during a test without a teacher’s approval, permitting any other person to take the test for you, or copying answers directly from a website. Plagiarism includes the unacknowledged use of another person’s work/ideas. This includes purchased, borrowed, and copied papers. 91¶ÌÊÓƵ’s cheating and plagiarism policy will be enforced by teachers and staff. AI detection will be utilized.

Student Code of Conduct

The Envisioneering Summer Bridge Program at 91¶ÌÊÓƵ is dedicated to providing an excellent summer program for high school students. Students are expected to behave responsibly at all times to promote a safe, fun, and healthy environment for all participants.
Students are expected to:


Dress Code

Corrective Measures

Corrective measures used will be dependent upon the nature of the behavior, the frequency, and the degree to which the student is willing to try to correct undesirable behavior. Except for serious violations of the Student Code of Conduct, corrective measures will normally begin at a minimal level and then proceed to more serious levels. Most behavior concerns will be handled in the following manner:

  1. Verbal warning
  2. Written warning and parents will receive a phone call
  3. After a written warning a student and parent meeting with the Program Manager will be scheduled
  4. A warning that occurs after a parent meeting will result in the student’s dismissal from the program.

Communicable Diseases

For the health of all our participants, parents are required to notify the Envisioneering Summer Bridge Director of all communicable diseases your child may have contracted (i.e. chicken pox, head lice, pinkeye, etc.). Specific information will be kept confidential; however, we must notify all participants of the situation.


The legal issues involved with students taking prescribed medication while attending the Envisioneering Summer Bridge Program prevent our staff from storing or distributing medications (including administering EpiPens). Please make arrangements for the student to self-manage and let staff know if we need to make a reasonable accommodation.

Special Nutrition Needs and Allergies

Please make sure that students are aware of their individual nutrition needs and allergies. Parents should inform support staff if the needs are serious.

First Aid/911

If a student is injured while attending the Envisioneering Summer Bridge Program, an incident report will be filled out and parents notified. In the event of a serious injury, 911 will be called, first aid will be administered, and parents will be notified immediately. 91¶ÌÊÓƵ staff will not transport any student in a personal vehicle. An ambulance will be called in the event of an emergency. 91¶ÌÊÓƵ is not responsible for medical costs including hospital bills, ambulance fees, etc. related to injuries requiring special medical attention.

Cell Phones

Students may bring a cell phone for emergency use. Phones may only be checked during break periods. If phones are accessed during instruction times, the student’s phone will be taken and returned at the end of the day. Students are encouraged to exercise responsible behavior while engaged in this program.