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From economics to accounting, this emphasis will teach you the ins and outs of growing a successful business from startup to global corporation. 

Emphasis Course Options (must select three):

  • ACTG 2010: Survey of Accounting I
  • ACTG 2020: Survey of Accounting II
  • ECON 2010: Principles of Microeconomics
  • ECON 2020: Principles of Macroeconomics
  • QUAN 2600: Business Statistics I


Learn how to explain and market your ideas effectively in today’s ever-changing world.

Emphasis Course Options (must select three):

  • COMM 1020: Principles of Public Speaking
  • COMM 1140: Writing for Workplace Communication
  • COMM 2110: Interpersonal and Small Group Communications
  • COMM 2250: Essentials of Digital Media
  • COMM 2400: Social Media for Communicators
  • COMM 2550: Communication in Professional Settings


The fast-paced corporate environment requires knowing how to use technology. This emphasis will teach you how to use the tools you’ll need to succeed.

Required Emphasis Course:

  • CS 1030: Foundations of Computing

Emphasis Course Options (must select two)

  • CS 1400: Programming I (CS 1030: Foundations of Computing is a prerequisite)
  • NET 2200: Microcomputer Operating Systems
  • WEB 1400: Web Design and Usability
  • CS 2550: Introduction to Database Design and SQL

Outdoor Recreation

Combine your love for the outdoors with innovative business ideas and learn about what you’ll need to make your ideas a reality.

Required Emphasis Courses:

  • REC 1535: Leave No Trace Trainer
  • OCRE 2500: Introduction to Outdoor Pursuits
  • OCRE 2550: Leadership and Safety Management for Outdoor Pursuits

Product Design & Development

From an idea, to fabrication, development, testing and marketing, these courses will help get your product to market.

Required Emphasis Courses:

  • PDD 1030: Introduction to Product Design and Development
  • PDD 1010: Introduction to Engineering & Technical Design (SolidWorks)
  • PDD 1160: Geometric Dimensioning & Tolerancing Using 3D CAD


Understanding how the mind works can be useful in any business.

Required Emphasis Courses:

  • PSY 1010 SS: Introductory Psychology
  • PSY 2000 SS: The Psychology of Human Relationships
  • PSY 2250: Learning & Memory