Expressions of Sympathy etc

Procedure Number: O02
Issue Date: February 29, 2012
Last Revision Date: March 25, 2022

Gifts, Flowers, and Expressions of Sympathy for Facilities

This procedure outlines the parameters under which Facilities Management (FM)
personnel may send gifts, expressions of sympathy, awards, or flowers to FM

PPM 5-25 j Awards, Expressions of Sympathy, Food, Gifts & Flowers
PPM 10-1 Information Security Policy

Institutional Funding: Any and all monies processed through the University financial
Non-E&G Funding: Any institutional funding other than state tax funds and state
appropriated tuition and fees.
Agency Funds: Any funds held in trust for a third party where the University acts as
custodian, i.e. conference sponsorships, faculty/staff association, office benevolent
Immediate Family Member: For the purpose of this policy, an immediate family member is
defined as a parent, spouse, or child of the employee or the employee's spouse (step-relatives
in these categories are included). 

In the event that an employee becomes ill or is hospitalized and away from work for more than five days, or experiences a death in their immediate family, a get well gift or expression of sympathy (usually in the form of flowers or a plant) may be sent to the FM employee (salaried or hourly). 

In the event an employee retires, a gift may be purchased to thank them for their service to 91¶ÌÊÓƵ.


The purchase must be reallocated to a non-E&G index.  The Director of Business Services or Budget Clerk can assist with this.

Gifts, including flowers, are not allowed for the celebration of life events, which include such things as birthdays or births of children.