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Freight Damage

All merchandise should be unpacked and inspected for damage immediately following delivery.

Follow these steps when damage is discovered:

  • Examine contents to verify accuracy of part numbers and shipping quantities.
  • Contact Shipping and Receiving when damage is first discovered (801) 626-6019.
  • Retain damaged items and all original packaging for inspection by the carrier.
  • Receiving will pick up the damaged merchandise from the department and contact the appropriate shipper and vendor.
  • A damaged freight claim must be filed within 15 days.

Direct Delivery

  • Items are ordered by Visa
  • Packages arrive, and are sorted by mail code, department and name
  • Boxes are delivered and signed for by the department

Need To Ship A Package?

  • Call ext. 6296 to schedule a pick-up
  • Provide a cost code
  • Provide a complete address
  • Preferred mode of shipment

The Proper Address Is Important

John Doe

Visa Purchase


(your mail code) University Circle

Ogden, UT 84408-(your mail code)


  • Please contact the purchasing agent any time it is necessary to return a requisitioned item.
  • Then call Receiving ext. 6019 and provide the following:
    • Purchase Order Number
    • RMA Number
    • Pickup Location (building & room)
    • Preferred mode of shipment

Purchase Orders

  • Items are requested by the department
  • The purchasing Agent orders the items
  • Packages are received , inspected and entered into the PAW Place system by Shipping/Receiving
  • Property Control assigns a control tag number to the items (if necessary)
  • Packages are delivered and a signature is obtained

To Check The Status Of A Shipment

Provide the following information:

  • Tracking Number
  • Your Name
  • Department
  • Vendor