Faculty Staff Association Bylaws



The 91¶ÌÊÓƵ Faculty Staff Association was founded as a social organization for benefit eligible faculty and staff at 91¶ÌÊÓƵ.  The association provides faculty and staff from departments across campus an opportunity to communicate, build friendships, and share quality time as co-workers outside of the everyday work setting.


Participation in the chapter is open to all benefit eligible faculty and salaried staff employed by the institution as defined in these Bylaws.

Section 1. Fiscal Year
The fiscal year shall be from July 1 through June 30.

Section 2. Membership Dues
Members of the Association shall pay annual dues of $36 via payroll deduction where-in $1.50 will be deducted from each paycheck (24 times per year). Members failing to stay current on dues will be removed from the Association.


Section 1. Organization of the Board

The FSA general Board shall be composed of 12-15 board members that are representative of the University community. All Board members will hold a position or serve on a subcommittee.

Section 2. Officers

The affairs of the Chapter shall be governed by a general Board with specific duties and authority given to the designated officers which include: President, President-Elect, Past President (or Chair, Chair-elect, Past Chair), Secretary and Treasurer. All designated officers on the Board must meet the criteria as outlined in Section 3. General Board Responsibilities. Any additional board positions, including terms of office and officer responsibilities, may be appointed at the discretion of the Board and presented during the regular monthly business meetings of the Association, or other time as decided by the designated officers.

A. The President serves as the Chief Volunteer of the Chapter and partners with the board to achieve the Association’s mission. The President provides leadership to the general Board, who sets policy for the Association. The President also chairs meetings of the Board after developing the agenda and helps guide and mediate Board actions with respect to organizational priorities and governance concerns. The President may appoint committees as he or she determines is advisable to assist in accomplishing the mission and goals of the Chapter.

B. The President-elect shall serve as the special aide to the President, and shall

assume all presidential duties in the absence of the President.

C. The Past President shall act as advisor to the President and the Board to ensure continuity of leadership.

D. The Treasurer shall ensure that the Chapter operates on sound fiscal

principles. The Treasurer shall present to the general Board the Chapter’s annual budget and periodically report on the Chapter’s fiscal status. The Treasurer shall recommend to the Board all fiscal policies and operating procedures.

E. The Secretary shall record all official actions of the Board and of the membership at the Chapter’s monthly business meetings. The secretary will also ensure that members are notified of time, date and place of meetings, and ensure distribution of agenda materials.

Section 3. General Board Responsibilities

A. A minimum of a three-year obligation to serve on the FSA Board

B. Must attend the monthly meetings

C. Board members are responsible to Chair one FSA activity throughout the year and Co-chair another activity

D. Must be available to support and/or attend other FSA activities throughout the year

Section 4. Chapter Officer Selection Criteria

New Board members will be elected by current board members. All appointed positions, except President, shall be appointed by nomination by current board members. Board members will adhere to the following:

A. Commitment to the Chapter and its activities.

B. All individuals holding a designated officer position must be an active member of the association, with all dues paid.

C. Provide leadership that is consistent with the Association’s commitment to providing equal opportunity for participation in all aspects of the organization without regard to race, gender, national/ethnic origin, sexual orientation, age, veteran, religion or disabled status.

Section 5. Terms of Office and Tenure

Terms of office of the President, President-Elect, and Past President shall begin on July 1 following the date of election and shall continue until the following June 30. The President automatically succeeds to the office of Past President in the year following tenure as President. The President-Elect shall succeed to the office of President in the year following tenure as President-Elect.

All other board positions shall serve a one-year term beginning on July 1 and ending June 30. Members may be re-elected to another one-year term in these positions.

Section 6. Key Responsibilities of the general Board

The Board shall abide by all components outlined in the Board Position Descriptions document.

Section 7. Vacancies

In the event of a vacancy in any office, the Board shall make an interim appointment that shall be for the remainder of the former incumbent’s term of office. The President-Elect will serve in the absence of the President. Shall the Past President not be able to fulfill a one year term, the position will remain vacant.

Section 8. Removal from Office

A board member, including officers, may be removed from the general Board for cause by a two thirds vote of board members then in office and present at any regular or special meeting of the Board. The proposed removal shall be set forth in the notice of any such regular or special meeting, sent at least 10 days prior thereto.

Section 9. Board Compensation

Officers on the general Board shall not receive any stated salaries for their services.


Additional committees may be set-up to serve under the direction of the general Board such as membership, publicity, social media and others. Duties of such committees will be defined in the Board Position Descriptions document.


Section 1. Association Meetings and Events

The Association shall hold a variety of meetings/events at a time and place designated by the general Board members chairing/co-chairing each meeting/event. Thirty days notice shall be given by the Board to members of the Association of such dates and places as may be determined for each meeting/event. Events of the Association may be postponed or suspended by the general Board when necessary because of exceptional circumstances but notification of such postponement or suspension and the reason therefore shall be given to the membership whenever possible at least seven days in advance of the date on which the meeting/event of the Association ordinarily would be held.

Section 2. General Board Meetings

The General Board shall meet at the call of the Chapter President, and a majority of the membership of the Board shall constitute a quorum for the purpose of transacting business. Except as provided elsewhere in these Bylaws, a majority vote of Board members present and voting at a properly called meeting shall be sufficient to carry any matter before the board. Except as herein provided “Robert's Rules of Order as Revised” shall govern the proceedings of the Association during the monthly meetings at the discretion of the President.

A. Action by Unanimous Written Consent: Unless otherwise restricted by the

Articles of Incorporation or these Bylaws, the Board may take action without holding a meeting if all designated officers consent in writing to the adoption of a resolution authorizing or ratifying an action, and the written consent is filed with the minutes of the proceedings of the Board. Electronic mail or facsimile mail may be used to provide consent in writing.

B. Web/Telephonic Conferences: An officer may participate in a meeting of the Board by an internet link or conference telephone or similar communication equipment by which all persons participating in the meeting may communicate with each other, if all participants are advised of the communications equipment, and if the names of all participants in the conference are divulged to each participant. Participation in a meeting pursuant to this Section constitutes presence in person at the meeting


Any provision in these Bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds majority vote of Board members present and voting at the regular monthly meetings of the Association, or by a two-thirds majority of the votes cast in the event of a ballot, provided that members of the Board have access to any proposed amendment or amendments at least thirty days prior to the closing date for receipt of votes as expressed in the proposed amendment(s) provided to the general Board. Notice to members of the Association may be delivered via posting on the Association’s Website, by publication in an Association newsletter, or by written distribution to Board members. If notification via posting on the Web site is selected, Board members will be alerted with an email directing them to the site.


Section 1. Methods of Voting

The Association is at liberty to utilize any method of communication approved by majority vote of their Board to conduct elections (including nominating procedures) or to vote on bylaws changes. Such methods may include, but not be limited to, secret ballots, e-mail ballots, written ballots, mail ballots, or a combination thereof. Where specific reference is made herein to ballot type, this provision shall take precedence.


These Bylaws are adopted and ratified by a two-third majority vote on the 13th  day of September,  2023 91¶ÌÊÓƵ.