How To Clean Up Your Student Google Drive Storage

If your Google Drive account is taking up more than 5GB of storage, you will need to remove files until you are using less than 5GB. Here is a guide on how to view your files and how much storage they are using, as well as tips on managing your cloud storage space.

How to view your files

Transfer to another Google account

If you will no longer be using your Wildcat mail account, you can transfer Drive files and emails from your Wildcat mail account to a personal Google account using Google Takeout (Google Takeout Instructions). Keep in mind that most personal Google accounts are limited to 15GB of storage space unless you pay to upgrade it.

Box Account

Active students have access to 500GB of storage from Box. Visit and click "Continue" to sign in. You can download Google Drive files to your device, then upload them to your Box account. Box accounts remain active up to two semesters after a student stops taking classes.

Kaltura Video Platform

Do you have video files that you still need to submit for assignments? You can upload them to Kaltura to free up space in your Google Drive storage. Visit the Video Management channel in the eWeber portal to get started. See this page for videos and articles on how to use Kaltura:



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