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Application Process


Application Information

Thank you for your interest in the Bachelor of  Interdisciplinary Studies (BIS) program. The BIS degree allows students to combine three minors/three areas of interest in one degree.  You may earn a Bachelor of Science (BS) or Bachelor of Arts (BA) when you major in Interdisciplinary Studies based on your three areas. This will help you determine which type of major to select.

The BIS degree is not considered an "online" degree since no two BIS degrees are necessarily the same. You can choose 3 areas that likely can be done online, however, it is up to the department's discretion how they offer their courses.

BIS works with other high-impact programs such as the Office of Undergraduate Research (OUR), Center for Community Engaged Learning (CCEL), Sustainable Practices and Research Center (SPARC), and Honors. These campus organizations, as well as University librarians, help make BIS a good option for students interested in a more personalized university experience. 

To proceed with BIS admissions, you need to identify three partnering academic areas and visit with advisors from those areas to create a personalized program of study. It will be those advisors who help you with your course list/contracts or approve any classes you have already taken. Each of the three academic areas must have a minimum of 18 semester hours that do not double-dip between each other or between general education. Coursework will include both upper and lower-division credits. Additionally, there are three BIS courses, BIS 2800 (face-to-face), BIS 3800 (online), and BIS 4800 (online), that teach the guiding principles of Interdisciplinary Studies, as well as how to conceptualize and complete an original capstone project. BIS courses are not taught summer semester. With BIS, you have the opportunity to have three faculty, whom you select, help guide you through your capstone work.

Transfer degrees are articulated through Weber's Admission Office. Please contact them for transfer questions/issues at weber.edu/admissions

To schedule an advising appointment, please go to this link: .

You do not need to schedule an advising appointment before completing the steps in the "Application Process" section.

Application Process

  1. Choose three academic areas of study in Participating Departments.
  2. Fill out the and download the  to fill out in consultation with the Department Chair or Advisor for the emphasis area. Do not complete the application form until the contracts have been signed by the advisor.
  3. If you have not already done so, for general BIS questions, contact the BIS office at bis@weber.edu. Next, you may contact each of the advisors listed on the Participating Departments page for your 3 areas of study and ask them to help you complete a BIS contract for that academic discipline. (Classes being used for General Education requirements CAN NOT also be used on BIS contracts) Please understand that advisors are only there to answer questions for their specific department. They may not be able to answer general BIS questions or have any information about other departments.
  4. Once you have your BIS application and three contract pages complete, submit them to the BIS Advisor/Program Coordinator: bis@weber.edu.
  5. Along with your Application and Contract pages, you will need to provide a one-page Statement of Purpose describing why you chose the BIS program.
  6. When all three contracts have been completed and signed by the departmental advisor, email the 3 contract pages along with your statement of purpose to BIS@weber.edu and schedule your admitting appointment at this link: . If you have questions, please contact the BIS office at 801-626-7713 or bis@weber.eduYou do not need to be admitted into the BIS program before registering for any courses. Any courses listed on BIS contracts can be registered for before being admitted to BIS.