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Governmental Careers

Discover different career options and student opportunities within the United States State Department. Find some tips and techniques for the application process.


Career Options in Foreign Service

Represent the United States in countries across the world.  Extensive testing process for admission.


  • full healthcare
  • insurance
  • housing
  • education for children, etc.

Similar to FSO, but with a specialization in one of the following areas.

  • Administration
  • Construction Engineering
  • Facility Management
  • Information Technology
  • International Information & English Language Programs
  • Medical & Health
  • Office Management
  • Law Enforcement & Security

High demand non-career position (5 year maximum) to conduct visa interviews.


Student Opportunities

Complete a funded master's degree in international affairs.  Includes 2 paid internships during school and guaranteed job at the end

Learn a critical language in a target country.  Program, housing, & travel are funded.

Conduct research & teach English abroad.

Includes exchange programs and study abroad.


Application Tips

Stay Current

  • Stay up on current events.  Be well read and do well under pressure.

Grammar Counts

  • Have good grammar, and be concise & clear.

Seek Opportunities

  • Many job opportunities in Washington D.C.

Local Contact - Scott Smith
