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Career Opportunities

Discover possible career opportunities with a minor in International Studies along with tips on how to get into Foreign Service and the United Nations.


Career Opportunities

  • Foreign Service
  • Governmental agencies (Department of State, CIA, NSA, Department of Defense, etc.)
  • Diplomacy
  • International organizations and NGOs
  • Local NGOs (refugees, immigration, etc.)
  • International Law and Social Justice
  • Private sector (multinational corporations, international banking, non-profit organizations, journalism, etc.)
  • International education and development
  • Humanitarian and human rights
  • Global health assistance
  • International law and related domestic law
  • Public research specialist
  • Tourism
  • Linguistics specialist
  • Congressional offices
  • Campaign management

Job Boards

  • Jobs for local organizations

  • Local, national, & international jobs and internships through your Weber account. For assistance, see Career Services.

  • Humanitarian job postings

  • Offers internships and jobs for over 20,000 employers.

General Career Tips

Resume Tips

  • Be clear and concise.
  • Do not include anything from high school.
  • Make sure to also talk about transferable or "soft" skills.
  • Refer to Career Services PDF Resume Guide
  • Refer to Career Services PDF Cover Letter

Interview Tips

  • Dress appropriately.
  • Punctuality is key.
  • Use the STAR method when answering questions.
  • Refer to Career Services PDF Interview Guide

Online Presence Tips

  • Be smart with social media.  Monitor what is public & private.
  • Have an online presence such as LinkedIn profile.
  • See the PDF LinkedIn Profile checklist.



More Career Information