Mark Hooyer
Executive Director of Trans-Jordan Cities
– How Sustainable Are We? A Reality Check from the Landfill
Mark Hooyer is the Executive Director of Trans-Jordan Cities, an Interlocal State Agency focused on solid waste disposal. Mark directs the operation of the Trans-Jordan Landfill, and oversees the Bayview Landfill in Utah County. He is charged with setting policy for waste disposal, is involved with County-wide recycling initiatives as well as state legislative issues, and conducts strategic planning for future growth & solid waste needs. As a former engineering consultant for Kleinfelder, Inc., Mark led Kleinfelder’s air quality & greenhouse gas team in the Salt Lake City office. His experience with landfill gas methane, emerging greenhouse gas rules, and California’s AB-32 Cap & Trade program spurred him to develop and then serve as the Principal of Kleinfelder’s Climate Change Solutions Practice. He is an active sustainability advocate, and served as Kleinfelder’s first Director of Corporate Sustainability. Mark lives and rides his bike in Cottonwood Heights, UT with his family.