Social Development Lab

The Social Development lab aims to better understand the processes and outcomes of social and emotional development from childhood through young adulthood. We are particularly interested in understanding how people make sense of their experiences through narratives that they hear from and share with important others, like parents, teachers, and friends. We and our colleagues think of narrating as a mechanism of social-emotional development: it is through narrating our experiences with others that we construct our understandings of morality and identity and maintain our well-being. 

Depending on where we are in the research process (e.g., study design, data collection, data analysis) at the beginning of each semester, we welcome students to apply to work in our lab. Students must be committed to joining a team typically for at least an academic year and being productive and professional (collaborators). All students must complete CITI ethics training prior to working in the lab. If you are interested please contact Professor Shaw ( 

Current Research Projects

Quiet Ego in Emerging Adulthood

Growth through Adversity in the Adolescent Personality (GAAP Study)

Coping with COVID-19

Our Lab at SSHD in Philadelphia (2023 91¶ÌÊÓƵ) to Present our Research


Student Poster Presentations at the
2022 Rocky Mountain Psychological Association Meeting