Submission Guidelines

Metaphor is now accepting submissions for issue 42. All submissions should be directed to We ask that all guidelines listed below are followed in order for your piece(s) to be considered for publication.


  • Submissions are accepted year-round.
  • Submissions are only accepted from the undergraduate-level.
  • All works submitted must be original and unpublished.
  • Metaphor reserves first rights to accepted pieces; however, students may submit their work elsewhere after Metaphor accepts or rejects them.


  • Submissions should fit one of the following categories: Poetry, fiction, non-fiction, music, visual arts or film.
  • Students may submit as many pieces as they’d like to different categories, but written pieces are limited to 6,000 words and poetry to five poems no longer than two pages.
  • All written submissions must be in 12 pt., Times New Roman font.
  • Foreign language pieces are accepted if accompanied by an English translation.
  • Each piece must have a different cover sheet.
  • Contact details should be on the cover sheet only. Do not include any identifying information on your submission to allow for a blind submission process.
  • Title of work and page number should be listed on every page of the manuscript.
  • Include a “Works Cited” page when needed. The format chosen should be noted on the cover sheet.
  • An electronic copy should be sent to Pieces should be saved in .pdf format for literature, mp3 for recorded music, mp4 for video, or .jpeg for visual arts. 

Judging Process

  • All submissions will be judged as blind entries – names of the authors will be kept confidential until the preferred pieces are selected.
  • Students will be notified by email  when the final decision has been made.
  • All judging decisions are final.