Resolving Conflicts: The Process

Step One: Getting the Story

  • You will be presenting your perception of the problem.
  • When you talk, use an adult,  approach rather than a submissive or aggressive style.

Step Two: Brainstorming Possible Solutions

  • Define your goals in this process.
  • Be open to all ideas, including ones you never considered before.
  • Consider the solution(s) which will em-power you.

Step Three: Ombuds Strategies

  • Meet with respondent
  • Facilitate joint meeting(s)
  • Mediaton
  • Coaching
  • Shuttle diplomacy
  • Follow up

Step Four: Gathering Information

  • The Ombuds will try to get to the underlying interests, needs, and concerns.
  • The Ombuds can ask for information for any entity at the University and expect cooperation.

Step Five: Negotiating a Solution

  • By this stage, the conflict may be resolved: Both sides may better understand the position of the other, and a mutually satisfactory solution may be clear to all.
  • The pros and cons of options are weighed.
  • Choices are weighed in relation to goals.