PPM 1-7, Evaluation Procedures for Provost, Vice Presidents, and Executives

Responsible Office: President

1.0    PURPOSE

This policy establishes guidelines for the President to evaluate a provost, vice president, or other executive.

2.0    POLICY

2.1    The President may establish evaluation procedures for a provost, vice president, and other executives. Evaluation procedures will typically follow these guidelines:

2.1.1    Procedures will be implemented by the third year of the initial appointment and at five-year intervals thereafter, or at other intervals or times determined appropriate by the President.

2.1.2    Using a form which provides both qualitative and quantitative data, the President may solicit input from the following: For a provost: 

  • Vice presidents, deans, current members of the Executive Committee of Faculty Senate and the Board of Trustees
  • Faculty, which could include department chairs, a representative sample of the faculty, members of previous Executive Committees, or any interested faculty who wish to provide input
  • Appropriate outside sources (i.e., Board of Higher Education, other institutions of higher education, etc.) For a vice president:

  • Vice presidents, deans, and the Board of Trustees
  • Leadership of the division, a representative sample of membership of the division, or any interested member of the division who wish to provide input 
  • Appropriate outside sources (i.e. Board of Higher Education, other institution of higher education, etc.) For other executives:

  • At the discretion of the President, appropriate vice president, and supervisor

2.2    The evaluative data will be reviewed and interpreted by the President who may be assisted in this by an advisory committee. In the case of a provost review, consideration should be given to including members of Dean's Council and the Executive Committee of Faculty Senate.

Revision History  
Creation Date: 4-20-77 (formerly PPM 1-5c)
Amended: 9-19-24