PPM 2-2, Authorization to Accept Gifts |
Responsible Office: University Advancement |
This policy establishes the authority and procedure for accepting donations to the University.
2.1 PPM 3-36, Conflicts of Interest
2.2 Utah Code § 53B-1-202
3.1 University Advancement is the official department authorized by the President to solicit private gifts, bequests, properties, etc., for the University. These gifts are administered by the assigned responsible campus entity pursuant to terms of gift agreements established by the donor, the appropriate campus unit(s), and the Development Office.
3.2 The President and University Advancement, at the direction of the Vice President for University Advancement, have the authority to accept gifts of any nature which, in their judgment, will be beneficial to the University. All gifts are to be receipted through University Advancement.
3.3 The Vice President for University Advancement will develop criteria for approval of gifts, including in-kind gifts, or gifts of an unusual nature, subject to approval of the President. Gifts from foreign entities must be reviewed and reported in accordance with Utah Code 53B-1-202. The University will not establish a value for gifts-in-kind.
3.4 The following are examples of gifts that may not be accepted:
- A gift that is in contravention of applicable federal or state laws, or the Utah Board of Higher Education or University policies, including gifts that would be in contravention of PPM 3-36;
- A gift that obligates the University to undertake duties, financial or otherwise, which may not be fully capable of meeting for a period required by the terms and conditions of the gift;
- A gift that constitutes a request to the University to operate a commercial endeavor for the sole benefit of the donor or related person or entity;
- A gift that cannot be properly administered within the intended recipient’s normal budget or resources (for example in the case of the requirement for matching funds or resources); or
- A gift presents an unreasonable or unacceptable degree of risk due to environmental or health/safety issues.
4.1 All individuals seeking to receive a gift in the name of the University must notify the Development Office immediately. The Development Office will seek appropriate approvals, as required by this policy.
4.2 Upon notification of approval by the Development Office, the individual must deliver the donation or evidence of the donation to University Advancement within three business days of its receipt so the donation will be deposited and the appropriate recognition of the donor and expression of appreciation of the University for the gift will be initiated.
4.3 Upon receipt of a gift of cash, checks, credit cards, securities or gifts-in-kind, University Advancement will generate a receipt that is sent to the donor. The gift, or its proceeds, are deposited with Accounting Services following established procedures.
4.4 On occasions when donors leave or deliver to the University certain gifts, particularly gifts-in-kind, without receiving prior University approval the University will reasonably consider the interest of the donor in the gifts' use, as is practical. The Vice President for University Advancement coordinates and follows through on all such matters brought to their attention.
4.5 All donors to the University receive an acknowledgement and gift receipt, unless the donor requests no recognition or acknowledgement.
4.6 University Advancement reviews all gifts to assure proper acknowledgement has been sent. In conjunction with University Advancement, Accounting Services reviews deposits of gifts to make sure they are deposited to appropriate accounts.
Revision History
Creation Date: 4-20-77
Amended: 12-13-11; 9-19-24